【 「Ecash」又はそれに関連する用語の意味 】
出典: Ecash 『フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 最終更新 21 February 2019, at 13:06 UTC、URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/
Ecash was conceived by David Chaum as an anonymous cryptographic electronic money or electronic cash system in 1982. It was realized through his corporation Digicash and used as micropayment system at one US bank from 1995 to 1998. [Design] Chaum published the idea of anonymous electronic money in a 1982 paper; eCash software on the user's local computer stored money in a digital format, cryptographically signed by a bank. The user could spend the digital money at any shop accepting eCash, without having to open an account with the vendor first, or transmitting credit card numbers. Security was ensured by public key digital signature schemes. ・・・ |
【Ecashの同義語と関連語 】
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同義語・類義語 |
関連語・その他 |
eキャッシュ |
DigiCash社 |
E-cash |
デジキャッシュ社 |
e-cash |
電子マネー |
e-キャッシュ |
倒産 |
Ecash |
ecash |
electronic cash |
electronic cash system |
Eキャッシュ |
イー・キャッシュ |
イーキャッシュ |
イレゥクトゥロニック・キャェッシュ |
エレクトロニック・キャッシュ |
ゲルトカルテ |
ネットワーク型電子マネー |
ビザ・キャッシュ |
プロトン |
モンデックス |
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