


【 「Server System Infrastructure Forumn」又はそれに関連する用語の意味 】
出典: SSI CEB 『フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 最終更新 28 November 2017, at 20:12. : URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSI_CEB

The Compact Electronics Bay Specification (CEB) as well as EEB, MEB and TEB ("Thin Electronics Bay") are standard form factors for dual or multi processor motherboards defined by the Server System Infrastructure (SSI) Forum. The specification is intended for value servers and workstations based on the Intel Xeon processor.

The SSI CEB specification was derived from the EEB and ATX specifications. SSI CEB motherboards have the same IO connector area and many of the same motherboard mounting holes as ATX motherboards, although SSI CEB motherboards are larger in size than ATX motherboards and have different processor mounting holes. The rear panel aperture is identical to the EEB and ATX specification and expansion cards mounted on an SSI CEB motherboard appear much the same as they would on an ATX motherboard...

【Server System Infrastructure Forumnの同義語と関連語 】
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同義語・類義語 関連語・その他
12x13in form factor
12x13インチ Server System Infrastructure Forumn
305x330mm SSI
EEB フォーム・ファクタ
Enterprise Electronics Bay フォーム・ファクター

更新日:2021年 5月30日

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