出典: Microsoft Diagnostics 『フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 最終更新 1 January 2019, at 04:19 UTC、URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/ MSD (Microsoft Diagnostics) was a software tool developed by Microsoft to assist in the diagnostics of 1990s-era computers. Users primarily deployed this tool to provide detailed technical information about the user's software and hardware and to print the gathered information, usually for use by support technicians in troubleshooting and resolving problems. [History] MSD first shipped with Microsoft Word for Windows, and was later included in Windows 3, MS-DOS 6, and on the Windows 9x CD-ROMs. Because OS/2 and Windows NT contain code forked from DOS at the DOS 5 level, the versions of MSD included here correspond to that of that era (i.e. version 2.0)... |
同義語・類義語 | 関連語・その他 |
Microsoft Diagnostics | QCONFIG.EXE |
マイクロソフト・ダイアグノスティクス | |
マイクロソフト診断 | |
このページは書きかけのページです | 更新日:2020年 1月 3日 |