




 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
< 1 >
F File Extension .#24 FmlMaker
f File Extension .#ib FMLファイル
F.400/X.400 File Extension .#nn FMM
F.400/X.400(06/1999) File Extension .#sc fmm
F.400/X.400(06/99) File Extension .#st FMMファイル
F.435 File Extension .**_ FMP
F・1 File Extension .0 fmp
f・1 File Extension .0@@ FMPファイル
F_I File Extension .003 FMR-60mode
f_i File Extension .007 FMR-60モード
F_Iファイル File Extension .3gp FMR-70mode
F/O File Extension .7z FMR-70モード
F-1 DATABOX File Extension .a FMS
F-BASIC File Extension .a01 FMT
F-Droid File Extension .a02 fmt
F-NET File Extension .a03 FMTHDMD2002
F-net File Extension .a04 FM TOWNS
F-number File Extension .a05 FMTファイル
F-series recommendations File Extension .a06 FMV
F# Interactive File Extension .a07 fmv
F01 File Extension .a08 FMV初期設定ファイル
f01 File Extension .a09 FMVファイル
F01ファイル File Extension .aa FMX
F12 File Extension .aa3 fmx
F16 File Extension .aaa FMXファイル
f16 File Extension .aab FM音源
F16ファイル File Extension .ab$ FM音源ボード
F2 File Extension .abk FM多重データー放送
f2 File Extension .abr FM放送
F2R File Extension .ac FM放送波
f2r File Extension .accda FM補間中継局
F2R形式 File Extension .accdb FM補間放送
F2Rファイル File Extension .ace FM文字多重放送
F2Rフォーマット File Extension .acf Fn
F2ファイル File Extension .acm FN_ファイル
F3R File Extension .acv Fn + P
f3r File Extension .ada FNA
F3R形式 File Extension .add Fn key
F3Rファイル File Extension .adm fntcol13.zip
F3Rフォーマット File Extension .adts Fnキー
F4A File Extension .ai FO
f4a file extension .apk FOA
F4A形式 File Extension .apng focal
F4Aファイル File Extension .asp focal distance
F4Aフォーマット File Extension .au Focal length
F4B File Extension .avi focal length
f4b File Extension .azw Focal Plane shutter
F4B形式 File Extension .b Focalplane shutter
F4Bファイル File Extension .b1n Focal point
F4Bフォーマット File Extension .b2e focal point
f4p File Extension .b30 focal spot
F4V File Extension .b3d Focus
f4v File Extension .b4 focus
F4V形式 File Extension .b5i FogBugz
F4Vファイル File Extension .b64 fold
F4Vファイルフォーマット File Extension .b8 Folder
F4Vフォーマット File Extension .ba folder
F5 attack File Extension .bac folio
F5アタック File Extension .bad Folio Builder Panel
F5攻撃 File Extension .bal Folio Producer Service
F77 File Extension .bas Folio Producer tool
f77 File Extension .bat follow
F77ファイル File Extension .bb Follow Badge
F7W File Extension .bbl follower
F90 File Extension .bbm follow me
f90 File Extension .bbs follow us
F90ファイル File Extension .bbx follow us ボタン
F96 File Extension .bch FOMA
f96 File Extension .bck FOMA card
F96ファイル File Extension .bcm FOMA High Speed
FA File Extension .bco FOMA ubiquitous module
FA11-W4 File Extension .bcp FOMAカード
FAA File Extension .bcw FOMA 定額データプラン
FAANG File Extension .bdb FOMAハイスピード
FAC File Extension .bdf FOMAパケットパック10
fac File Extension .bed FOMAパケットパック30
Facade File Extension .bel FOMAパケットパック60
Facade Pattern File Extension .bfc FOMAユビキタスモジュール
Facade パターン File Extension .bfo FON
FACCH File Extension .bga Fonero
Face Authentication File Extension .bgi Font
face authentication File Extension .bh font/collection
face blurring File Extension .bhf font/otf

 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
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Facebook File Extension .bif font/ttf
Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google File Extension .bin FontAvenue
Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google File Extension .bio FontAvenueファイル
Facebook, Inc. File Extension .bix Fontware File
Facebook Coin File Extension .bkf Fontwareファイル
Facebook Insights File Extension .blg FON社
Facebook Messenger File Extension .bmd FOOBAR
Facebook Notify File Extension .bmk foobar2000
Facebookアカウント File Extension .bmp foot
Facebookインサイト File Extension .bms Footer
Facebook広告 File Extension .boa footer
Facebook偽サイト File Extension .boo footpath
Facebookのいいね! File Extension .bpk Footpath Tracking
Facebookページインサイト File Extension .bra for
Facebookページインサイト機能 File Extension .brd for a United States-Japan Trade Agreement on goods
Facebookページの解析 File Extension .BSA Forbidden
Facebookライクボックス File Extension .bsn Force.com
Face graphics File Extension .bsz Force.com プラットフォーム
face recognition File Extension .bun Force Feed-Back
Face Recognition Technology File Extension .butta Force FeedBack
FaceTimeカメラ File Extension .bvi Force Generation
Facial File Extension .bwt Forces
Facial Recognition File Extension .bz Force Touch
Facial Recognition System File Extension .bz2 Force Unit Access
Facilities File Extension .bza FOREIGN
Facility File Extension .bzip foreign
facility File Extension .bzip2 Foreign File Access
Facility Information Access Protocol File Extension .cab foreign key
FACOM128B File Extension .cat FOREIGN KEY constraint
FACOM 201 File Extension .cdb FOREIGN KEY制約
FACOM 230-25 File Extension .cgi forensics
FACOM 461B File Extension .cmd forged mail
FACOM 462K File Extension .cmx Forgent社
FACOM 462K-1 File Extension .cpd Forguncy
FACOM 477A File Extension .cr2 For loop
FACOM 478A2 File Extension .css Form
FACOM 479B2 File Extension .ctp formal
FACOM 603F磁気テープ装置 File Extension .dwg formal argument
Facsimile File Extension .dxf formal parameter
Facsimile coding schemes and coding control functions for Group 4 facsimile apparatus File Extension .ear FORMAT
Facsimile routing utilizing the Subaddress File Extension .eps Format
fact database File Extension .exe format
factor File Extension .f format check
Factory File Extension .F_1 Formation
Factory Automation File Extension .f01 Formatter
Factory Method File Extension .f16 formatter
Factory Method Pattern File Extension .f2 formatting
Factory Method パターン File Extension .f2r Form Factor
Factory Outlet File Extension .f3r form factor
factory reset File Extension .f4b form factors
FACファイル File Extension .f4v Form Feed
FAD File Extension .f77 form feed
Fadi Chehade File Extension .f90 formHTML
FAE File Extension .f96 form overlay
Fahrenheit File Extension .fac Formula
Fail File Extension .fam formula
fail File Extension .fan FORmula TRANslater
FAIL-OVER File Extension .faq formula translater
fail-over File Extension .far FORmula TRANslation
fail-over clusters File Extension .fav formula translation
failback File Extension .fax FORmula TRANslator
Failed File Extension .fbc formula translator
Failed Dependency File Extension .fbk for statement
Fail Over File Extension .fc FORTH
Failover File Extension .ffs Forth
fail over File Extension .fla Forth86
failover File Extension .FLV FORTRAN
Failover cluster File Extension .fmj Fortran
Failover Clustering File Extension .fml Fortran 2018
failover clusters File Extension .fmm Fortran 77 source code file
Fail Safe File Extension .fmp Fortran 90
fail safe File Extension .fmx Fortran 90 source code file
failsafe File Extension .fp5 Fortran 90 source file
failure File Extension .fpx Fortran 90 ソース・ファイル
failure rate curve File Extension .g1 Fortran file
Fair abridgement File Extension .gif FORTRAN preprosessor
Fair Market Value File Extension .gzip Fortran source code
fair market value File Extension .h Fortran source code file
fair use File Extension .hqx Fortranソース・コード
fairuse File Extension .hta Fortranソース・コード・ファイル
Fake Alert File Extension .htm Fortranソースコードファイル
Fake Warning File Extension .jar Forum
faking File Extension .jpeg forum

 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
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FAL File Extension .jpg Forum on Service Platform for Information Appliances
FallBack File Extension .js ForWard
fallback File Extension .jsp Forward
False File Extension .jtd forward
false File Extension .kev forward compatibility
False-like File Extension .kex forward compatible
False Acceptance Rate File Extension .lzh Forward Error Correction
False color File Extension .m4a forwarding
false color File Extension .mcd Forwarding Information Base
false Like File Extension .mid Forward Iterator
False Rejection Rate File Extension .mkv forward lookup
falsification File Extension .mov forward match
falsification of data File Extension .mp3 For Your Information
FAM File Extension .mp4 for文
fam File Extension .msi forループ
fam file File Extension .ocx FOSI
FamicomS Emulator ROM Image File Extension .ofx FOSS
FAMILY COMPUTER File Extension .p65 Fossil
Family Computer File Extension .pdf Foster MP
family computer File Extension .pif FOTA
Family Online Safety Institute File Extension .ppsm Found
FamilyTree Backup file File Extension .pptx Foundation
FamilyTree Compressed backup file File Extension .ptg foundation design
FAMOS File Extension .pub Foundations of Computer Science
FAMファイル File Extension .qbb four-operand Fused Multiply/Add
FAN File Extension .qt Four Common Intermediate Format
fan File Extension .r Four Company
fan-fold paper File Extension .rar FourDiary
fanfold paper File Extension .rm four drums tandem method
Fan In Wafer Level Package File Extension .rpt fourier series expansion
Fan less File Extension .rpx Fourier Transform
Fanless File Extension .rtf Fourier transform
Fanwood File Extension .slk Fourier Transformation
FAN形式 File Extension .sng Four Level Frequency Shift keying
FANファイル File Extension .st3 Fourth Extended Filesystem
FAQ File Extension .swf Fourth extended file system
faq File Extension .t2t fourth form factor
FAQファイル File Extension .tbl fourth Generation Core i3 Processors
FAR File Extension .tbx fourth Generation Core i5 Processors
far File Extension .tif fourth Generation Core i7 Processors
Far-end cross talk BitMap File Extension .tiff Four Thirds
Farad File Extension .v2 Four Thirds System
Farandole File Extension .vbe fourth normal form
Farandoyle Blocked Module Format File Extension .vbs foward lookup
Farandoyle Linear Module Format File Extension .vcx Fox-6-0.66
Farandoyle Tracker Music Module File Extension .vdx FOXCONN
FARE File Extension .viw Foxconn Technology Group
far end crosstalk File Extension .vix FoxPro
FARファイル File Extension .vob FoxPro Class Library
FARファイル形式 File Extension .vrf FoxPro visual class library file
fast File Extension .vsdx FoxTh Software
Fast-10 File Extension .vwx FP
Fast-20 File Extension .vxd FP-5
Fast-20 SCSI File Extension .war FP5
Fast-SCSI File Extension .wfm fp5
FastAgain PC Booster File Extension .wfx FP5ファイル
Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing File Extension .wim FP7
fast associated control channel File Extension .WNCRY FPA
Fast ATA File Extension .xml FPC
Fast ATA-2 File Extension .xps FPD
FastBit File Extension .zip FPD-Link
Fast Boot File Extensions FPDI
FastCGI Fileforce FPGA
Fast data Encipherment ALgorithm fileforce FPLMTS
Fast Drives file format FPM
FASTER file hosting FPM DRAM
Fast Ethernet FileMaker FPMPMI
Fast File System FileMaker Pro FPNW
Fast Forward FileMaker Pro Ver.4 FPrime
Fast Fourier Transform File Maker Pro Ver.5 FPS
fast fourier transform File Maker Pro Ver.6 fps
Fast Fourier Transformation FileMaker Pro Version 4 FPU
Fast IDentity Online File Maker Pro Version 5 fpx
Fast IR File Maker Pro Version 6 FPXファイル
Fast Link Pulse FileMaker ランタイム FP法
FAST LISP file manager FQDN
Fast Packet Keying filename extension FR
Fast Page Mode file protection Fr
Fast Page Mode DRAM File Server FR03
Fast Picture Viewer File Sharing FR6
FastPictureViewer file sharing software Fractal
FAST SCSI File Splitter & Joiner fractal compression
Fast SCSI File System fractal curve

 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
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FastStone Image Viewer file system Fractal Design
FastTrack Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Fractal Image Format
FAT file transfer FRAD
FAT16 File Transfer,Access,and Management fragment
FAT32 File Transfer,Access and Management Fragment AntiAliasing
FAT32X File Transfer Profile fragmentation
FAT32Xパーティーション File Transfer Program fragments
FAT64 File Transfer Protocol Fragment Shader
fatal file transfer protocol FRAM
fatal error File Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer Transport Layer Security frame
fatal system error File Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS Frame alignment and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) procedures relating to basic frame structures defined in Recommendation G.704
fat client File viewer Frame Buffer
FAT PC File Viewer Plus for Windows frame buffer
Fatクライアント FileViewPro Frame Check Sequency
Fat端末 Filey Framed-IP-Address
FATファイル・システム FileZilla Framed-Protocol
Fault fill frame erasure cocealment
fault fill-in flash Frame error robust narrow-band and wideband embedded variable bit-rate coding of speech and audio from 8-32 kbit/s
fault-tolerant filled Frame Ground
fault-tolerant computer Fill Factor Frame Information Structure
Fault Isolation and Recovery Film Automatic Retouching & Enhancement frame information structure
Fault Management Film Automatic Retouching and Enhancement FrameMaker
Fault Tolerance Filmbox FrameMaker (2015 release)
Fault Tolerant Filmbox 1.5 FrameMaker 1.11b
fault tolerant Filmora FrameMaker 10
Fault Tolerant Computer Filmora 9 FrameMaker 11
Fault Tolerant server Filmora for Windows FrameMaker 12
fault tolerant server Film Scanner FrameMaker 2.0
Fault Tolerant System film scanner FrameMaker 3.0
Fault tolerant system Film Twisted Nematic FrameMaker 4.0
FAV Film Twisted Nematic liquid crystal FrameMaker 5.5
fav FILO FrameMaker 6.0
Favicon Filter FrameMaker 7.0
favicon.ico filter FrameMaker 9
FAVO Filtering FrameMaker version 13
favorite filtering FrameMaker version 14
favorite icon filtering policy FrameMaker version 15
favorites filtering rule Frame Mode Bearer Service
FAVファイル filtering software frame network
FAX Final Assembly Code frame par second
Fax Final Cut Express Frame Per Second
fax Final Cut Pro Frame Rate
FAX Profile Final Cut Pro X Frame Rate Control
Fax Profile Finale NotePad Frame Relay
FAXアダプター Finale NotePad フォント付加情報ファイル frame relay
FAXソフト finalize Frame Relay Access Device
FAXファイル Finance frames par second
FAX複合機 Financial Frames Per Second
FAXボード Financial Performance Analysis Framework
FAXモデム financial statements Francium
FB Financial technology Frank Kelly
FB-DIMM financial technology fraud
FBC find duplicates query Fraunhofer
fbc finder FRC
FBCファイル finder coverage fre:ac
FBD言語 Find the right thing FREE
FBGA Fine pitch Ball Grid Array Free/Libre and Open Source Software
FBI finger Free/Open Source Software
FBK fingerprint authentication Free-Sync
fbk fingerprint sensor Free-Trade Area of The Americas
FBKファイル finish packet Free and Open Source Software
FBM Finite Free Android Security
FBS_Keyboard Finite Element Method free area
FBWA Finnish Standards Association FreeBSD
FBX FIN packet FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE
fbx FIN scan FreeBSD 2.0
FBX形式 FinTech FreeBSD友の会
FBXファイル Fintech Freecall
FBXフォーマット FINスキャン FreeDB
FC FINパケット Free Dial
fc FINフィールド Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access
FC.EXE FIPS PUB 180-1 Free Download Manager
FC-AL FIPS PUB 180-4 free electron
FC-CSP1016 FIPS PUB 197 FreeFlow技術
FC-EP FIPS PUB 202 free license
FC-LGA10 FIR Free Lossless Audio Codec
FC-LGA8 Fire 7 free mail
FC-MB4760 FireflyFramer FreeNAS
FC-MB5796 Firefox Free Pascal
FC-PGA Firefox 3.5 FreePC
FC-PGA2 Firefox Quantum Freephone
FC-PH FireFoxアド オン Free public wifi

 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
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FC80486DX4-100 firestorage free software
FC80486DX4-75 firestorage.jp Free Software Foundation
FCA FireTorrent Free Software Foundation, Inc.
FCB Firewall Free Software Foundation Inc.
FCBGA1023 firewall Free Standards Group
FCBGA1168 FireWire freestanding tilde
FCBGA1170 FireWire 400 Freestyle
FCBGA1224 FireWire 800 FREETEL
FCBGA1283 FireWire S1600 free term method
FCBGA1284 FireWire S3200 Free Trade Agreement
FCBGA1296 FireWire S800T Free Trade Area of the Americas
FCBGA1310 Fireworks Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific
FCBGA1344 Fireworks CS3 Free Video Editor
FCBGA1356 Fireworks CS4 Freeware
FCBGA1364 Fireworks CS5 FreeWnn
FCBGA1440 Fireworks CS5.1 FREEZE
FCBGA1449 Fireworks CS6 Freeze
FCBGA1466 firm freeze
FCBGA1515 Firm Banking freeze-ray
FCBGA1526 firm banking Freeze Compressed File Archive
FCBGA1528 Firmware French Centre Commun d'Etudes de Telediffusion et Telecommunications
FCBGA1598 firmware Freq.
FCBGA1744 FirmWare Hub freq.
FCBGA1781 Firmware Hub Frequency
FCBGA1787 Firmware On-The-Air frequency-hopping
FCBGA1964 firmware update frequency auction
FCBGA2270 FIRST Frequency Division Duplex
FCBGA437 first Frequency Division Multiple Access
FCBGA559 First-In First-Out Frequency Division Multiple Carrier
FCBGA676 First-In Last-Out Frequency Division Multiplexer
FCC first Berkeley Software Distribution Frequency Division Multiplexing
FCH First Boot Device frequency hopping
FCI First Generation Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
FCIP first Generation Core i3 Processors frequency hopping spread spectrum
FCL first Generation Core i5 Processors Frequency Meter
FCLGA1150 first Generation Core i7 Extreme Processors Frequency Modulation
FCLGA1151 first Generation Core i7 Processors frequency modulation
FCLGA1155 first Generation Core i9 Processors Frequency Modulation Oscillator
FCLGA1156 first half of the year frequency reallocation
FCLGA1200 First In, First Out frequency restructuring
FCLGA1248 First In First Out Frequency Shift Keying
FCLGA1366 First In Last Out frequency shift keying
FCLGA1700 First Interaction model Frequently
FCLGA2011 First International Computer, Inc. Frequently-Asked Questions
FCLGA2011-3 first level cache Frequently Asked Question
FCLGA2066 first normal form Frequently Asked Questions
FCN first one mile Frequently Asked Questions text file
FCN-RTU first party friction
FCoE First Person Shooter friction feed
FCP First Person Shooting friction loss
FCPGA First Person Shooting game FriendorFollow
FCPGA2 FIS Friendster
FCPGA946 Fisdom Frieve Editor
FCPGA988 fishbone diagram FRM機能
FCS FIT-CLOUDリモートバックアップサービス FRMボード
FCSI fitness from scratch
FCV fitness tracker Fromアドレス
FC形式 five one quarter inch floppy disk Fromヘッダ
FCスイッチ FIVR front-end
FCファイル FIWLP Front-End Processor
FCフォーマット Fix front-end Web application framework
FD fix Front Aperture Detection
FDB Fixed Front End
FDC fixed Front End Processor
FDD Fixed-Mobile Convergence FrontPage
FDD-FDMA-FM方式 fixed-point number FrontPage 98
FDD-LTE Fixed BWA FrontPage Express
FDD-LTE方式 fixed cost Front Side Bus
FDD-TDMA方式 Fixed Disk Front Side Bus clock
FDDI Fixed Disk Drive FRR
FDDI-Follow on LAN fixed length FRU
FDDI-I fixed length format FS
FDDI-II Fixed Length Subnet Mask FS-5020
FDDITalk Fixed Length Subnet Masking FS-HDMD200N
FDDITalk Link-Access Protocol Fixed Mobile Convergence FSA
FDD制御チップ Fixed Point Number FSAA
FDD取付ネジ fixed point number FSB
fDe12.exe fixed point number type FSB clock
FDHD Fixed Virtual Network Enabler fsbuffer
FDHDドライブ Fixed Virtual Network Operator FSBクロック
FDI Fixed Wireless Access fsdisk

 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
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FDM Fixedモード F series recommendations
FDMA方式 Fix it FSG
FDMI FixMyRegistry FSK
FDML Fix Optimizer FSK変調
FDM方式 FixOptimizer FSMO
FDO FixZotob.exe FSN
FDトリニトロン管 FJPEM fstime
FDフォーマット FK Fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo D:
Fe Fl ft
fe80::/64 FLA FTA
FEAL-4 flag FTC
FEAL-8 flag register FTM
FEAL-NX Flaming FTN液晶
Feature flap ftp
feature flapping ftp:
Feature Connector Flare ftp://
feature connector flared highlights FTP anonymous
Feature Driven Development FLASH FTP client
Feature negotiation mechanism for the File Transfer Protocol Flash ftpd
feature phone flash FTPES
features FLASH_MANIA_361.zip FTP Exchange
featuring Flash 10 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs
FEC Flash 10.1 FTP Operation Over Big Address Records
FED Flash 9 FTP over SSL/TLS
Federal FlashAir FTPS
Federal Advisory Committee flash array FTP Security Extensions
Federal Advisory Council flash array storage FTP server
Federal Bureau of Investigation Flash ATA Card FTP site
Federal Communications Commission Flash banner FTPSクライアント
Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework FLASH BIOS file FTPアップローダー
Federal Trade Commission Flash Builder FTP隔離フォルダ
Federal Trade Commission Act Flash Builder 4.5 Premium FTPクライアント
Federation Flash Builder 4.6 Premium FTPクライアント・ソフト
Federative Republic of Brazil Flash Builder 4 Standard FTPサーバ
Federico Faggin Flash Catalyst FTPサーバー
Fedora Flash Catalyst CS5 FTPサーバソフト
Fedora 10 Flash Catalyst CS5.5 FTPサイト
Fedora 11 Flash CS3 FTPソフト
Fedora 12 Flash CS3 Professional FTP忠太
Fedora 13 Flash CS4 FTS
Fedora 14 Flash CS4 Professional FT Server
Fedora 15 flash disk FTTB
Fedora 16 flash drive FTTB/C
Fedora 17 Flash File System FTTC
Fedora 18 Flash Get FTTH
Fedora 19 flashing FTTH計画
Fedora 21 FLASH MANIA.exe FTTHサービス
Fedora 22 Flash Memory FTTP
Fedora 23 flash memory FTTR
Fedora 24 Flash Memory Card FTサーバ
Fedora 25 flash memory drive FTサーバー
Fedora 26 FlashPix FU
Fedora 27 FlashPix画像ファイル形式 FUA
Fedora 28 Flash Player Fuel
Fedora 29 Flash Player 10.2 fuel cell
Fedora 30 Flash Player 10.3 Fuel Cell Vehicle
Fedora 31 Flash Player 11.0 fuel cost adjustment system
Fedora 32 Flash Player 11.1 fuel debris
Fedora 33 Flash Player 11.2 FUERU
Fedora 34 Flash Player 11.3 FUJIC
Fedora 35 Flash Player 11.4 FUJIFILM X-A3
Fedora 7 Flash Player 11.5 FUJIFILM X-A5
Fedora 8 Flash Player 11.6 FUJIFILM X-A7
Fedora 9 Flash Player 11.7 FUJIFILM X-H1
Fedora Core Flash Player 11.8 FUJIFILM X-Pro3 FFXXPRO3DB
Fedora Core 1 Flash Player 11.9 FUJIFILM X-T100
Fedora Core 2 Flash Player 12 FUJIFILM X-T30
Fedora Core 3 Flash Player 13 FUJIFILM X-T4
Fedora Core 4 Flash Player 14 FUJIFILMマイフォトボックス
Fedora Core 5 Flash Player 15 Fuji Sankei business
Fedora Core 6 Flash Player 16 FUJITSU
Fedora Core release 1 Flash Player 32 Fujitsu
Fedora Core release 2 FlashPlayerEX FUJITSU Cloud Initiative
Fedora Core release 3 FlashPlayerEx FUJITSU Digital Business Platform MetaArc

 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
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Fedora Core release 4 Flash Professional CC Fujitsu Enhanced Information & Communication Service
Fedora Core release 5 Flash Professional CS5 Fujitsu Japan
Fedora Core release 6 Flash Professional CS5.5 FUJITSU LIMITED
Fedora Project Flash Professional CS6 Fujitsu Limited
Fedora Version 1 Flash Remoting Fujitsu Microcomputer
Fedora Version 10 flash storage Fujitsu Network Architecture
Fedora Version 11 flash storage array FUKUI COMPUTER
Fedora Version 12 Flash Video Fulfillment
Fedora Version 13 Flash Video Encoder full
Fedora Version 14 Flash Video形式 Full-DupleX
Fedora Version 15 Flash Videoコンテナフォーマット full-duplex
Fedora Version 16 Flash Videoフォーマット Full-Duplex Transmission
Fedora Version 17 Flash形式 Full-HD
Fedora Version 18 Flashコンテンツ作成ソフト Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing
Fedora Version 19 FLASH再生ソフト full-text search
Fedora Version 2 FLASHソース・ファイル Full-Wide-Quarter-VGA
Fedora Version 20 Flash動画 Full-Wide-VGA
Fedora Version 21 Flashバナー Full-Wide-VGA+
Fedora Version 22 Flashファイル Full-WXGA
Fedora Version 23 Flash プレーヤー Full adder
Fedora Version 24 Flashムービー再生専用プレーヤー full adder
Fedora Version 25 flat-file database Full AT
Fedora Version 26 flat-panel display full backup
Fedora Version 27 Flat-Rate Data Plan full binary tree
Fedora Version 28 Flat Bed Scanner full browser
Fedora Version 29 flat bed scanner Full Capacity
Fedora Version 3 flatbed scanner Full Color
Fedora Version 30 flat binary file full compatible
Fedora Version 31 Flat Cable Full Differential Output
Fedora Version 32 flat cable full duplex
Fedora Version 33 flat die Full duplex audio
Fedora Version 34 Flat Display Full Flash
Fedora Version 35 Flat Display Mounting Interface Full Flash Array
Fedora Version 4 Flat Panel Display full flash array
Fedora Version 5 flat panel display Full Flash Array Storage
Fedora Version 6 Flat Panel Display Interface Full Flash Storage Array
Fedora Version 7 flat panel display interface Fullfree
Fedora Version 8 Flat Panel Display Link Full HD
Fedora Version 9 Flat Panel Monitor Physical Mounting Interface Full High Definition
fee flat rate full high definition
Feed Flat Shading Full High Vision
feed flat shading full managed service
feed aggregator Flat Thunk Full Motion Video
FeedDemon flat tube full motion video
Feedforward Neural Network FLA形式 FULL OUTER JOIN
Feedly FLAファイル full path
FeedReader FLAフォーマット full radiator
feed reader FLCD Full Scene
FeedShow Fleekdrive full scratch
feedstock recycling Fleekform full screen
feel Flerovium Full SEG
feet FLET'S ADSL Full SEGments broadcasting
feild FLET'S ISDN Full Segments Broadcasting
Feistel structure FLET'S・ISDN Full Service Network
Feistel構造 FLET's ISDN full service network
FeliCa flet's ISDN full service resolver
FeliCaカード FLET'S 光 full set
Felix FLET'S 光の卸販売 Full Speed
FEM Flex Full Speedモード
Female Flex-ATX full tower
female connector FLEX-TD full turnkey
femto Flex 3 full virtualization
femtocell FlexATX Full Well Capacity
FENCE-Mobile RemoteManager FlexATX規格 full well capacity
FENICS FlexATX仕様 Full Wide Quarter VGA
Fenrir Inc. Flex Builder Full Wide VGA
FEP flexibility Full Wide VGA+
FeRAM Flexible Automation Full Wide VGA Plus
Fermium flexible diskette Full Wide VGA Plus Plus
Ferretコピーコンテンツチェック Flexible Display Interface Full Wide XGA
Ferret文章リライトツール Flexible Manufacturing System FULL WIDTH ASTERISK
ferrite core flexible manufacturing system full width characters
Ferroelectric Flexible MotherBoard full width left curly bracket
Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display Flexible Printed Circuit FULL WIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS
Ferroelectric RAM flexible printed circuit full width left parenthesis
Ferroelectric Random Access Memory Flexible Single Master Operation FULL WIDTH LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
Ferrum Flexnet full width left square bracket
FF FLEX time diversity full width right curly bracket
FFFTP Flicker full width right square bracket

 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
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F files flicker Fully
FFNN Flicker Free Fully Buffered DIMM
FFOL flicker free Fully Integrated Voltage Regulator
F format flickering Fully Managed
FFS FlickKeyboard Fully Qualified Domain Name
ffs flick left Function
FFShuffle Flickr function
FFSファイル flick right Functional
FFT flick up functional
FG Flip-Chip PGA functionality
FH Flip-Chip PGA 2 functional language
FH-SS Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array functional organization
FHD Flip-chip pin grid array functional programming
FHS flip-flop functional programming language
FHSS Flip-Flop Circuit Functional Redundancy Monitor
FH方式 flip-flop circuit Functional requirement
FI-IX500A Flip-Flop回路 Functional Requirements
FIAP Flip 3D functional test
FIB Flip Chip PGA2 Function Block Diagram
fiber Flip Chip Pin Grid Array 2 Function block diagram
Fiber-distributed data interface flip flop回路 Function Call
Fiber Channel Flipper function design
Fiber Channel Adapter FLIPS FuNction key
Fiber Channel HBA Floating-Point Extractorssy Function key
Fiber Channel Storage Area Network Floating-point number Operations Per Second function key
Fiber Connection Floating-point Operatings Per Second function library
Fiber Connectivity FLoating-point Operations Per Second Function Point
Fiber Distributed Data Interface FLoating-point Operations per Second function point
Fiber distributed data interface Floating-Point Operations Per Second Function Point Analysis
Fiber Termination Module Floating-point Operations Per Second Function Pointan Analysis
Fiber To The Buliding Floating-point Operations per Second function pointan analysis
Fiber To The Curb Floating-point Processing Unit function point method
fiber to the curb floating-point processing unit function test
Fiber To The Home Floating-Point Unit Function types
fiber to the home Floating Ads Functionプロシージャ
Fiber To The Premises floating advertisement Fundamental
Fiber To The Remote terminal Floating gate Avalanche-injection Metal Oxide Semiconductor fundamental
Fibonacci series floating license fundamental design
Fibre Channel floating lisence Fundamental Information Technology Engineer
Fibre Channel Arbitrated-Loop Floating point annex plus corrections to fixed-point C-code and description text Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination
Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop Floating Point Number Fundamental Information Technology Engineer examination
Fibre Channel Association floating point number funding
Fibre Channel Extended Physical Floating point number Operations Per Second FunkOS
Fibre Channel over Ethernet Floating point number Processing Unit furnace
Fibre Channel over IP Floating point Operatings Per Second Fuse
Fibre Channel over TCP/IP Floating point operations per second fuse
Fibre Channel Physical Floating Point Unit Fused
Fibre Channel Protocol floating touch fused
Fibre Channel switch Floating Zone fused multiply-add
Fibre Channel Systems Initiative floating zone Fused Multiply Add
FIC float型 Fused Multiply Add 4
ficker Flood Fused quartz
FICON floor function Fusion
Fidelity Floppy Fusion APU
FIDO floppy Fusion Controller Hub
FIDO 1.0 Floppy Disk Fusion System Architecture
FIDO 2.0 floppy disk Fusionプラットフォーム
FIDO Alliance Floppy Disk Contoroller Future
FIDO Certified 生体認証デバイス Floppy Disk Drive Future I/O
FIDOアライアンス FLOPS Futurelearn
field Floptical Disk Futuremark
Field-Effect Transistor floptical disk Future Public Land Mobile Tele-communication Systems
Field-Replaceable Unit FLORA 3010 Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System
Field Appplication Engineer FLORA 3020 future public land mobile telecommunication system
Field Control Node FLOSS FutureSplash
Field Data Markup Language flow chart FutureSplash Animater
Field Effect Transistor flowchart FutureSplash社
field effect transistor flowchart symbol fuzzy
Field Emission Display Flow Oriented Approach Fuzzy logic
field emission display FLPバースト Fuzzy Logical Inference Per Second
Field Engineer FLSM fuzzy search
Fielding氏 fluctuation fuzzy string searching
Field Programmable Gate Array Fluentd fuzzy theory
field replaceable unit Fluid Dynamic Bearing FVNE
FIF Fluorescence FVNO
FIFO fluorescence FVWM
FIFO転送 fluorescent FW
FIFOメモリ Fluorescent Lamp FW:
fifth generation fluoride Fw:
fifth Generation Computer System Fluorinated Fw:Fw:
fifth Generation Core i3 Processors Fluorinated Polyimide FWA
fifth Generation Core i5 Processors Fluorinated Polyimides FWC
fifth Generation Core i7 Processors Fluorine FWH

 ICT用語一覧 【 F 】 
< 9 >
fifth normal form fluorite FWQVGA+
fifty pin Amphenol connector Fluorum FWVGA
FIF形式 Flux Change per Inch FWVGA+
figure place flux change per inch FWVGA++
Fiji XT flv FX
filament FLVP Fx
File FLVP v1.24 FX-4100
file FLVP プレーヤー FX-4170
file: FLV形式 FX-4300
File & Print Service for NetWare FLV動画プレイヤー FX-6100
File Access Listener FLVファイル FX-6200
File Allocation Table FLVファイルフォーマット FX-6300
File and Print Services for NetWare FLVフォーマット FX-8120
file attribute FLV プレーヤー FX-8150
FileCapsule Flying-XMODEM FX-8300
file comparison Flyweight FX-8320
file compression software Flyweight Pattern FX-8320E
File Control Block Flyweight パターン FX-8350
FileCryptor.GAV FM FX-8370
FileCure Fm FX-8370E
file exchange software FM-SCPC方式 FX-9370
file exchanging software FM-TOWNS FX-9590
File Extension FMA FX-ONU
file extension FMA3 FXAA
fileextension FMA4 FXAA 3.11
File Extension .___ FMAD FYI
File Extension .__a FMA命令 FYSNA
File Extension .__b FMB FZ
File Extension .__c FMBS F型
File Extension .__d FMC F型コネクター
File Extension .__e FMCサービス F型接栓
File Extension .__g FME Desktop F型端子
File Extension .--- FME Desktop feature store data Fケーブル
File Extension .$$$ FME Desktop Feature Store File Fコネ
File Extension .$a FMJ Fシリーズ勧告
File Extension .$td fmj Fスクリーンキーボード
File Extension .### FMJ形式 F接栓
File Extension .#00 FMJファイル F値
File Extension .#01 FMJフォーマット Fナンバー
File Extension .#02 FML Fネット
File Extension .#03 fml Fファイル

記号 数字 A B C



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