




 ICT用語一覧 【 S 】 
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S Shiva Password Authentication Protocol SPMT
s Shivaパスワード認証プロトコル SPN構造
S.E.C.C.2 SHK-1000II sponge construction
S. Kirkpatrick Shockwave sponsored search
S.M.A.R.T. Shockwave Flash file spoof
s.m.a.r.t. Shockwave Flash Object spoofed e-mail
S.M.A.R.T. Viewer for Windows Shockwave形式 spoofed mail
S.M.A.R.T.情報 shoe Spoofing
S.M.A.R.T. ソフト ShooTing Game spoofing
S.T.E.P Time Carve 時刻認証サービス shooting game SPOOL
S!アプリ shopping spool
S!一斉トーク shopping cart spooling
S!メール Shopping Cart Abandonment Sporadic
S/MIME shopping cart patent Sporadic E layer
S/N SHOR7CUT Sports cam
S/N比 short Sportster Voice 56K
S/PDIF short card Spotify
s/PDIF Short Circuit Protection Spotlight Server
S/S Shortcut SPP
S/STP Shortcut Key Spread
S/T Point Shortcut key spreader
S/T点 short cut key spread sheet
S/T点端子 shortcut menu spreadsheet
S/W Shortest spread sheet program
S-Album shortest match spreadsheet program
S-BASIC Shortest path routing Spread Spectrum
S-DMB Shortest Seek Time First Spread spectrum
S-EBXA規格 shortest seek time first spread spectrum
S-HTTP short filename spread spectrum clock generation
S-IPS Short Message Service Spread Spectrum Clocking
S-IPS II short pin Spreatsheet
S-P chart short URL Spreatsheet File
S-Port Cloud V Series short URLs Spring Framework
S-Pチャート Short Wave Sprite
S-P表 Shortwave sprite
S-RAM Short Wave Fadeout SPS
S-series recommendations Short wavelength SPSS
S-VHS Short Wave Listener SPSS/PC+
S-VHS-C shoulder hack SPU
S-VIDEO shoulder hacking SPX
S=NONE shoulder surfing SPXI
S0 Showrooming SPX Watchdog
S00ファイル showrooming SPX Watchdog Packet
S1 SHP SPX Watchdogパケット
S1/S2映像出力 Shrink Spybot
S1/S2映像端子 shrink SpyEye
S1220 Shrink PGA SpyHunter
S1240 Shrink Pin Grid Array Package SpyHunter 4
S1260 SHS SpyHunter 5
S1269 SHTTP SpyRemover Pro
S1279 shuffle spyware
S1289 shuffle play Spyware.PasswordStealer
S1映像 Shufoo! Spyware.Shifu
S1端子 Shugart Associates Standard Interface Spyware Clear
S2 Shugart Associates System Interface SpywareClear
S2AOP Shugart Associates Systems Interface Spyware Doctor
S2Container Shugart Technology社 SP数
S2Dao Shuriken SPモード
S2JSF shutdown spモード
S2ML shutdown /h spモードフィルタ
S2Struts shutdown /p spモードメール
S2端子 shutdown /r SQ
S3 shutdown /s SQ2000
S3's Texture Compression shutdownコマンド SQ300
S3 Inc. shutter priority AE SQ400
S3TC shutter speed SQ800
S3社 Shutter SpeedValue SQAM
S3ステート SI sQCIF
S4ステート SI/SOコード SQL
S5 SI/SO制御 SQL:2008
S60ブラウザ SIA SQL-92
SA Siam SQL*Plus
SaaS sickness SQL Access Group
SaaS型 SiCウェハー SQL access group
SaaS型クラウドサービス SID SQL Access Language
SaaS型グループウェア SideBand SQL Access Specification
SAA環境 Side Bar SQL database engine

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SACCH side bar SQL injection
SACD side channel attack SQLite
SACD専用層 sided SQLiteManager
SAE Sidel's five aberrations SQL Server
Safari SIE SQL Server Embedded Edition
Safari 5 Siebel CRM SQL Server Express Edition
Safariユーザーの皆様 SIE Inc SQL Server Integration Services
SafeBurn SIEM SQL Server互換データベースエンジン
SafeBytes Software Inc. siemens SQL Service
SAFE MODE Siemens社 SQLインジェクション
Safe Mode SIer SQLインジェクション攻撃
safe mode sieve of Eratosthenes SQLを使えない
Safe Software SIF SQLを使わない
Safe Software Inc. SIG SQLを用いない
SafeSync SIG-Manager SQS
Safety Confirmation System SIG-OP Square
Safetylink24 SIGe Square Bracket
Safe モード SiGe squared
Safeモード SiGe半導体 SquareLabs Anti-Malware
SAFIA SIGFOX Square Network Tech Co.,LTD.
SAG SIGGRAPH square pixel CCD
sag SIGMA Project squat
SAI sign-in squatter
SAID sign-out squatting
Sainthood sign-up Squeak
SAJ Inc. signage Squeak eToys
sakkin ranpu Signal Squeez
SAL signal squeeze
salami technique Signal-to-Noise squelch
sales and inventory management software Signal Computing System Architecture SQUID
Sales and Operations Planning Signal Ground Squid
sales engineer signaling NaN SR
Salesforce.com Signaling System No.7 Sr
salesforce.com signal processing sr
salesforce.com社 Signal Quality Error SR-21VoIP
Salesforce1 Lightning Signal to Noise SR-IOV
Salesforce1 Lightning Connect Signal to Noise Ratio SR16
Salesforce Analytics Cloud signal to noise ratio SR24
Salesforce AppExchange Signature SR4
Sales Force Automation signature SR8
Salesforce Classic signature code SRAM
Salesforce CRM significand SRATS
sales management software significant SRATS2010
sales management System sign in SRC
Saltwell signjar src
Saltwellマイクロアーキテクチャ sign on Src-NAT
Sam-Spade package SIIA SRI
Samarium silence insertion descriptor SRP
Samba silent failures SRS Labs
Samba 4.0.0 silent install SRT
Samba 4.1.3 Silent mode srv
Samba 4.2.0 Silicium SS
Samba 4.3.0 silicoketone SS-ID
Samba 4.4.0 Silicon SS7
Samba 4.5.0 Silicon Array SSA
Samba 4.6.0 silicon cycle SSAA
Samba 4.7.0 Silicon Die SSADM
Samba 4.8.0 Silicon Disk SSAE
Samba 4.8.9 silicon disk SSAE16
Samba 4.9.0 Silicone SSB
Samba 4.9.4 silicone SSC
Same-Originポリシー silicone grease SSCG
Same-Originルール Silicone system semiconductor SSCS
SameOriginPolicy silicone system semiconductor SSD
SAML Silicon Graphics, Inc. ssd-data-retention
SAMLプロトコル Silicon Graphics International Corp. SSD-PG1.0U3-B/NL
Sammsoft Silicon Integrated Systems SSD-PGM960U3-B/N
SAMOS Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. SSD-PL960U3-BK/N
sample driver Silicon on Insulator SSD-PM480U3-B/N
sampling Silicon Photo Diode SSD-PUT1.0U3-BKA
sampling bit rate Silicon Photodiode SSDD
sampling frequency Silicon solar cell SSD Data Retention
sampling rate Silicon Valley SSDP
Sampling Rate Converter silicon wafer SSDSL
sampling theorem Silk Road SSD取付ネジ
SAMSUNG Sillcon and Aluminum Metal Oxide Semiconductor SSDの寿命
Samsung Silver SSDの耐久性
Samsung Electronics Silverlight SSDのみ内蔵ノート・パソコン
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Silverlight 1 SSE
Samsung Galaxy Silverlight 2 SSE2

 ICT用語一覧 【 S 】 
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Samsung Smart TV Silverlight 3 SSE 3
SAMデータベース Silverlight 4 SSE3
SAMファイル Silverlight 5 SSE 4
SAN Silverlight DRM SSE4
SAN-SW Silvermontマイクロアーキテクチャ SSE 4.1
SAN boot Silverthorne SSE 4.2
San Diego SIM SSE 4a
SanDisk SIM-unlocked SSE4a
SanDisk社 SIM Access Profile SSE5
sandwich test Sim Adapter S series recommendations
Sandy Bridge sim adapter SSFDC
Sandy Bridge-E SIM Card SSH
Sandy Bridge E Sim Card Adapter ssh
Sandy Bridge microarchitecture Sim card expander SSHD
Sandy Bridgeマイクロアーキテクチャ SimCity sshd
sandy Bridgeマイクロアーキテクチャ SIMD ssh daemon
Sandy Bridgeマイクロアーキテクチャー SimDisc SSH File Transfer Protocol
Sandy Bridgeマイクロアーキテクチャ世代 SimDisc 3 SSHクライアント
SANE SIMD拡張命令 sshサーバ
San Francisco SIMD拡張命令セット sshデーモン
sanitization SIMD命令 sshパッケージ
sanitize SIMD命令セット sshポート・フォーワディング
sanitizing SIM EXPANDER SSHポート・フォワード
SAN switch Sim expander SSI
Santa Clara Valley Simg SSI CEB
SANブート Simple and Easy Internet Life/x86 SSIDセパレータ
SAP Simple Authentication and Security Layer SSI MEB
SAP AG Simple Bug Tracker SSIS
SAP Analytics Cloud SimpleCleaner Plus SSIフォーラム
SAP ERP 6.0 Simple Control Protocol SSL
SAPI Simple Driver Updater SSL/TLS証明書
Sapiens Simple Email Service SSL-VPN
Sapient社 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SSL-VPNプロトコル
SAP IQ Simple Malware Protecter SSL 1.0
SAP Mobile Platform Simple Network Management Protocol SSL 2.0
Sapphire simple network management protocol trap SSL 3.0
Sapphire Technology Simple Network Time Protocol SSL 3.0 脆弱性
SAPPHIREテクノロジー Simple Object Access Protocol SSL accelerator
SAP R/2 Simple PC Optimizer SSLRef
SAP R/3 simple profile SSL server certificate
SAP S/4HANA Simple Profile@Main Level SSL V2.0
SAP SE Simple Public-Key Mechanism SSLv3
SAP社 Simple Registry Cleaner SSL V3.0
SAPジャパン Simples communication SSLアクセラレーター
SAR Simple Service Discovery Protocol SSLオフロード
SARAH SimpleStar Software SSLサーバ証明書
sarah Simple Text SSL証明書
Sarbanes-OXley simple volume SSL通信
Sarbanes-OXley Act simplex SSM
Sarbanes-Oxley Act simplex communication SSN
SarePoint Online simplex method SSO
sarge simplex mode SSP
SARIMA simplex system ssp.
SARIMAモデル Simplify sSpec
SAS Simply Interactive PC SSPH-UA480NV/E
SAS-1.0 Simply Interactive Personal Computer SSR
SAS-2.0 Simpson's Coefficient SSRR
SAS-2.1 Simpson係数 SSSD
SAS-4.0 simulate SSSE3
SAS70 Simulated SSTF
SASE Simulated Annealing SSU
SAS Enterprise Miner simulation SSV
SASI SimuLation Game ssw
SAS Institute社 simulation sickness SS通信方式
SASL Simulator SS方式
SAS接続 simulator ST
SATA simulator sickness ST-506
SATA-150 simulcast ST-II
SATA 1.5G Simultaneous ST1
SATA 150 simultaneous broadcasting ST2
SATA 300MB/s Simultaneous Multi-Threadind ST3
SATA 3Gbit/s Simultaneous Multithreading st3
SATA 600MB/s Simultaneous Peripheral Operation OnLine ST3ファイル

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SATA 6G Simultaneous Voice & Data モデム STA
SATA 6Gbit/s SIM アクセス プロファイル Stabilitrak
SATA 6Gbps SIMアンロック版 stabilization
SATALPM SIMカード Stabilize
SATA M.2 Simカード・アダプタ Stabilizer
SATA M.2 SSD SIM識別番号 stack
SATAN SIMフリー stacking window manager
SATA Revision 1.0 SIMフリースマホ用語集 stack pointer
SATA Revision 2.0 Sim 変換アダプタ stack trace
SATA Revision 3.0 SIMロック解除 staff
Satellite SIMロック解除義務化 Stage-2 page-tables
Satellite-digital media broadcasting SIMロックフリー Stagger
Satellite Internet access SIN Staggered Pin Grid Array
Satellite Mobile Phone SINET staging
Satellite News Gathering SINET6 stakeholder
satellite news gathering Single Stalker
satellite office Single-chip Cloud Computer stalker
Satellite Software International, Inc. single-density STAMPADO
Satera LASER BEAM PRINTER Single-Edge Contact Stamp coupling
Satisfaction single-ended Stamped
satisfaction single-ended signalling stamped addressed envelope
Satisfiable Single-Instruction Multiple-Data stamped self-addressed envelope
Satoshi Nakamoto Single-Instruction Single-Data StampMaker
Saudi Arabia Single-lens reflex camera Stand Alone
save Single-Level Cell stand alone
save as Single-level store standalone
SAX Single-mode optical fiber stand alone license
SAアルゴリズム Single-pair high-speed digital subscriber line Standard
SA法 Single-pair high-speed digital subscriber line transceivers Standard-A
Sb Single-Program-Multiple-Data Standard-B
SB460 Single-root IOV Standard Definition
SB600 Single-Root デバイス共有規格 Standard Definition-Closed Circuit Television
SB700 single-sideband Standard Definition Television
SB710 single-sided single-density standard deviation
SB750 single-tasking Standard DVテープ
SB850 single-unit PC Standard Dynamic Range
SB950 Single-word eXternal Standard Error
SBA Single Board Computer standard error
SBC single byte character Standard FOR THE Exchange of Product Model Data
SBCS Single Byte Character Set Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over FDDI Networks
SBC方式 Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over IEEE 802 networks
SBD Single Channel Per Carrier standard functions
SBE Single Chip Cloud Computer Standard Generalized Markup Language
SBM single chip microcomputer Standard Input
SBP single click standard input
SBP2 Single Connector Attachment Standardization
SBR Single Connector Attachment-2 Standardization of Group 3 facsimile terminals for document transmission
SBS Single Core standardizing body
SBTVD single core standardizing organization
SBTVD-T Single Data Rate Standard License
SBY系 Single Density Standard MIDI File
SBパートナーズ Single density standard mode
SC Single Document Interface standard module
Sc Single Edge Contact Cartridge Standard Music Description Language
SC-FDMA Single Edge Contact cartridge standard music description language
SC-FDMA方式 Single Edge Processor Package standard output
SC2000 Single Event Upset Standard Page Description Language
SC330 Single Frequency Network standard page description language
SCA single frequency network Standard Parallel Port
SCA-2 Single In-line Memory Module Standard Performance Evaluation Corp.
Scala single in-line memory module standard performance evaluation corp.
scalability Single In-line Module Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Scalable single in-line module standard RGB
scalable Single In-line Package Standards
Scalable Coherent Interface single in-line package Standards Autstralia
scalable coherent interface Single In-line Pin Package standards autstralia
scalable font Single Inline Memory Module standard score
Scalable Language Single Inline Pinned Package Standard Template Library
Scalable Link Interface single instruction, multiple data Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture
Scalable Log Server Single Instruction,Multiple Thread Standard Voltage
Scalable Orthogonal Frequency Dividion Multiplexing Access Single instruction, multiple threads Standby
Scalable Parallel Single Instruction/Multiple Data standby
scalable parallel Single Instruction/Single Data Standby Power System
Scalable Processor ARChitecture Single Instruction-Multiple Data Stream Standby System
Scalable Processor Architecture Single Instruction-Multiple Data stream standby system
scalable processor architecture single instruction-multiple data stream standby type UPS
Scalable Vector Graphics Single Instruction Multiple Data standby系
scalar Single Instruction Single Data stand for
scalar type super computer Single Instruction Single Data stream stands for
Scale Single Lens Reflex Stanford Research Institute
scale Single Level Cell Stanley Milgram
scale down Single Level Cell Solid State Drive Stannum
scale in Single level storage Star 3 MIDI Karaoke File

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scale merit single line font star chart
Scale None single link STARDOM
scale out Single Mode Fiber Stardust
scale up Single Mode Optical Fiber STARFAX
scaling single mode optical fiber STARFAX 16
SCAM single pass color electrophotographic STARFAX2000
scam Single Point of Failure StarMax 3000/160MT
scan Single Portイーサネットトランシーバ STAR My Data Safe
SCAN_invoice_{Random}.zip single precision real number star network
Scan-Line Interleave single precision real number type StarOffice
Scan Converter Single Process, multiple data StarSuite
SCANDISK Single Processor Unit start
Scandisk Single Program Multiple Data Stream Start/Stop Count
scandisk single program multiple data stream start/stop synchronization
SCANDISK.EXE single quotation start button
Scandisk.exe single quote Starting Resistor
Scandium Single Root I/O Virtualization start menu
Scandskw.exe single session Start Of Frame
scan frequency Single Side Band start of frame
Scanguard Single Sided Start Of Heading
Scan Line Interleave Single Sided Double Density Start Of TeXt
scanner single sided double density double track star topology
Scanner Access Now Easy Single Sided Single Density Startpage.com
scanning Single Sign-On Start Stop Synchronization
scanning line Single Sign On STARTTLS
scan rate Single Star start up
ScanSnap iX500 Single Star方式 startup
ScanSnap SV600 single step execution STAT
ScanState single tap State
Scarab single task state
Scarlet Book single tenant State 3
scattering single thread Stateful
Scatternet single threading stateful
scavenging Singleton Stateful Packet Inspection
SCC Singleton Pattern Stateful Session Bean
SCCP Singleton パターン Stateless
SCCS Single User MIMO stateless
SCD single user mode Stateless Address
SCE singly linked list Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
SCEI Sink Stateless Session Bean
Scenario Design Power SINTRAN III Statement
schema SIO statement
schema language SiO2 statement coverage
schematic SIP statement of comprehensive income
schematic circuit diagram SiP Statement of Income
Scheme SIPC Statement Of Work
scheme SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions Statement on Auditing Standards No.70
schemes SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensionsプロトコル State Pattern
Schmitt trigger SIPO State Transition Diagram
schmitt trigger SIPP state transition diagram
Schneider Electric SIPS State Transition Matrix
Schneider Electric Japan, Inc. SIP server State パターン
Schneider Electric Japan Holdings Ltd. SIPサーバ static
Schneider Electric SA SIP専用線 static analysis
Schneider et Cie SIR static analysis tool
Schottky Barrier Diode Sirefef static code analysis
Schottky diode Siri static electricity
Schrödinger's Cat Sir Isaac Newton static IP address
Schrodinger's Cat SIS static link
SCI SiS static linking
SCiB SiS662 Static Link Libary
Science Information NETwork SiS671FX static member variable
Scient社 SiS672FX static NAT
SciPy SiS761GX Static Prediction
scipy SiS771 Static RAM
SciPy 1.7.1 SiS966L static RAM
SCK-201形漢字鍵盤さん孔機 SiS968 Static Random Access Memory
SCK200F形漢字入力装置 SISD static random access memory
SCKTT-1000 SiS Northbridge static route
SCL SISO static routing
SCM Sisron static testing
SC magnet SiS Southbridge Static Uninterruptible Power Source Equipment
SCMS Sistema Brasileiro de Televisao Digital-Terrestre static variable
SCMシステム SiS社 static Web pages
SCO SIT static変数
SCons sit station-isolation
Scope SITA Statistical Analysis System
scope SITE Statistical Product and Service Solutions
SCORM site statistics
Scotland site-specific commands Status
SCP Site24X7 status

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SCPC site map status bar
SCPC方式 sitemap status register
scr sitemap.xml STAセパレータ
scraping Sitemaps STB
Scrapy Sitemaps.org STC
scratch Sitemapsプロトコル STD
scratch development Sites STD-B10
Screamer Radio site targeting advertisement STD-B13
Screen AntiAliasing sitx STD-B14
Screen Aspect Ratio SITXファイル STD-B15
screen capture SITファイル STD-B20
screencast Six Apart STD-B21
screencasting Six Apart社 STD-B24
screen diagram Six Degrees of Separations STD-B29
screen keyboard Sixteen Common Intermediate Format STD-B30
screen layout sixteen Quadrature Amplitude Modulation STD-B31
screen name sixth Generation Core i3 Processors STD-B32
Screenphone sixth Generation Core i5 Processors STD-T63
Screenpresso sixth Generation Core i7 Processors STD-T64
Screen Saver SIZE STD-T95
Screensaver sizing STD 7
screen saver SI型 stdin
Screen Saver Module SI業者 STDM
screen shot SIサービス stdout
screenshot Siフォトダイオード STDモード
ScreenTip SIベンダー Steadicam
Script sj3 Steady Video
script SJC Stealey
script.ini SJC-A steals marketing
Scripting SJC-D Stealth
scripting language SJC-P stealth banning
script kiddy SJIS Stealth Marketing
ScrLkキー SKB-ERG6BK stealth marketing
ScrLock skeleton stealth scan
scroll Sketchbook Motion Steam
scroll bar Skew Steam Machine
scroll bar slider SK Hynix Inc. SteamOS
Scrolling Skill SteamOSマシン
ScrollLock SkillSoft Steamroller Architecture
ScrollLock key skimming Steamroller アーキテクチャ
ScrollLockキー skin Steering
scroll mouse Skin texture analysis steering committee
scroll wheel SKIP steganography
Scrum Skip 1 character Steinberg
scrum Skip Up to character STELLA
SCSA資格 SKU Stellar Lumens
SCSI SkyBridge Stellarton
SCSI-1 SkyDrive stencil
SCSI-2 Skylake stencil buffer
SCSI-3 Skylake-H Stentz
SCSI-3 Architecture Model Skylake-HK STEP
SCSI-3 Serial Bus Protocol Skylake-HQ step
SCSI-3 Serial Bus Protocol 2 Skylake-S Stephen Wolfram
SCSI-3規格 Skylake-U Step index型
SCSI-3 トランスポート プロトコル Skylake-X stepper
SCSI-3 トランスポート・プロトコル Skylake-X Refresh step up converter
SCSI-3 トランスポートプロトコル Skylake-Y Stereo
SCSI2 Skylake microarchitecture Stereo-Dipole
SCSI3 Skylakeマイクロアーキテクチャ Stereo Dipole
SCSI Architecture Model-3 Skylakeマイクロアーキテクチャー Stereo Dipole再生システム
SCSI Command Skylera stereolithography
SCSI Configured AutoMatically SKYMENU Pro stereolithography apparatus
SCSI configured automatically Skype STERNE
SCSI Configured AutoMatically protocol Skype for Business Online Steve Case
SCSI Directed ATA Transfer SkypeIn Steve Jobs
SCSIFCP SkypeOut Steven.P.Jobs
SCSI Fibre Channel Protocol SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation Steven Jobs
SCSI fibre channel protocol Skype社 Steve Wilhite
SCSI II skyscraper ad STG
SCSIアダプタ Skytide XOLAP Serve stick PC
SCSIアダプター SkyWalker sticky
SCSIイニシエータ SKテレコム Still Image Profile
SCSIインターフェース SKハイニックス STIM
SCSIインターフェースカード SL STL
SCSIインターフェース・ボード SL9300 sTLD
SCSIインターフェースボード SL9380 STM
SCSIカード SL9400 STM-1
SCSI規格 SL9600 STM-16
SCSIコマンド SLA STM-1回線
SCSIコマンド・セット SLAAC STM-4
SCSIターミネータ Slack STM-64
SCSIボード slack STMicroelectronics

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SCSIホストアダプタ Slack Technologies, Inc STN
SCSIホスト・アダプタ・カード slash STN/DSTN液晶
SCSIホストバスアダプタ SLAT STN International
SCSL Slate STNインターナショナル
SCTPスキャン SLATプロセッサ STN液晶パネル
SCU SLAVE STN型液晶ディスプレイ
Sculley Slave STN方式
SCVP slave Stock-keeping Unit
SCVPサーバ slave select stock form
ScyllaDB SLB stock keeping unit
SCYTHE SLC Stock Photos
SD SLCP stop error
SD-Audio SLCP-JCF Stop Keeing Unit
SD-CCTV SLCP-JCF2007 STOPzilla AntiVirus
SD-Jukebox SLCP-JCF94 stop エラー
SD-Video SLCP-JCF98 STOP コード エラー
SD-WD032G SLCX Storage
SD0-Sound SLC方式 storage
SD16倍録画 SLD Storage Area Network
SD24倍録画 sld.pe Storage Array
SD46 SLDRAM storage battery
SD4倍録画 SledgeHammer storage blade
SD60 Sledgehammer Storage Data Acceleration
SD8倍録画 Sleepycat Software storage device
SDA Sleepycat Software社 storage devices
SDAP Sleepモード storage hierarchy
SDAS Sleeve storage media
SD Association Sleipnir storage networking
SDAT Sleipnir 2 storage schema
Sdbot Sleipnir 6 storage server
SDC SLF storage service
SD Card Association SLG Storage Service Provider
SD Card Specification SLI storage service provider
SDCLT.exe SLI Anti-aliasingモード storage unit
SDDS slidac store-through cache
SD eXtended Capacity slide.me store a file on the remote host
SD Extended Capacity memory card slider store a file uniquely
SD eXtended Capacity memory card slider bar Store and forward
SDF slide show store and forward
SDFオプション slideToggle Store and forward switching
SDF形式 slideToggle() store and forward switching
SDGs SlimCleaner Plus Store Automation
SDH Slimline SATA store computer
SDHC slimware DRIVERUPDATE stored procedure
SDHCカード Slimware Utilities, Inc. stored program computer
SDHCメモリーカード slink Stored Value Card
SDHCメモリカード SLIP stored value card
SD High-Capacity memory card SLIPサーバー Storenvme.sys
SD High Capacity SLK storenvme.sys
SDH多重系光インタフェース条件 slk Storm
SDH多重系光伝送方式 SLKファイル Story Board
SDH多重変換装置の警報系・切替系の動作 SLM Storyboard
SDH伝達ネットワークのアーキテクチャ SLO storyboard
SDH伝達網の管理機能 SLOC StoryEditor
SDH網のジッタ・ワンダ規定 SLOCKET Story Plus
SDI Slope of Enlightenment STOU
SD Input/Output slot STP
SDIO slot-in drive STPケーブル
SDIOカード Slot 1 STR
SDIOスロット Slot1 straight-through cable
SDIタイプ Slot 2 straight cable
SDK Slot2 Strategic Information System
SDLC slot loading strategic information system
SDLX SLOt to soCKET adapter Strategic Internet Professional Service
SDMA Slot to Socket Adapter Strategic uses of Information Systems
SD Memory Card SLOW-PCfighter Strategist
SD Memory Card eXtended Capaty Slow Associated Control Channel Strategy
SDMI slow associated control channel Strategy Pattern
SDMI Portable Device Specification SLR Strategy パターン
SDMI Portable Device Specification Part 1, Version 1.0 SLS Stray
SDMI準拠 SLT Stray build
SDMIルール SLエンハンス486 Stream
SDN SM stream
SDNS Sm Stream Algorithm
SDP SM-G928 Stream Buffer Iterators
SDR SMAC Streambuf Iterator
SDR104 SMAF stream cipher
SDR104対応 Smalight OS Stream EDitor
SDRAM Small and Medium Business stream editor

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SDRAM DIMM Small and Medium Enterprises Streamer
SDR SDRAM Small Basic streamer
SDS Small Business Streaming
SDSL Small Business Server Version 4.0 streaming
SDSP Small Buusiness Advantage streaming communication
SD Speed Class small cell Streaming Multiprocessor
SD Speed Class 10 Small Computer System Interface Streaming Multiprocessor eXtreme
SD Speed Class 2 Small Computer System Interface-2 Streaming Processing Unit
SD Speed Class 4 Small Computer Systems Interface Streaming Processor
SD Speed Class 6 Small Form-factor Pluggable streaming server
SDSSDE60-1T00-J25 small form-factor pluggable transceiver Streaming SIMD Extensions
SDSSDE60-500G-J25 Small Form Factor Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
SDSSDE60500GJ25 small form factor Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
SDSSDEXT-480G-G25 Small Form factor Pluggable Streaming SIMD Extensions 4
SDTV Small Keyword Streaming Single Instruction Multiple Data Extensions 3
SDVO small letter Stream Iterators
sdvt Small Office Stream Protocol-II
SDX Small Office/Home Office Stream Recording
SDx small office/home office StreamWorks
SDX3000 Small Office Home Office StreamWorks Player
SDXC small office home office StreamWorks Version 3.01
SDXCカード Small OutLine StreamWorks Version 3.1
SDXCメモリーカード Small Outline Package Strengths
SDXCメモリカード small outline package Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats analysis
SDアソシエーション Small PC Card stress test
SDオーディオ Small Scale Integrated Circuit stretch
SDカード small scale integrated circuit strict
SDカードアソシエーション Smalltalk strict routing
SDカードアダプタ Smalltalk-72 Strict Source and Record Route
SDカードスロット Smalltalk-76 strict source routing
SDカード内蔵型無線LANカード Smalltalk-80 strikeout
SD画質 Smalltalk 80 strikethrough
SD規格 Ver2.00 SMALL TILDE string
SD再生システム SMAPI string type
SDスピードクラス Smart String型
SDビデオ smart string型
SDメモリーカード SMART-BURN stripe volume
SDメモリカード SmartAlign striping
SDメモリ・カード・フォーマッター Smart Asset System striping Hartd Disk Drive
SDメモリカードフォーマッター Smart Battery Strobe
SDモード SmartBattery stroke
SE SmartBits stroke font
Se SmartBits値 Strong.
SE-4000 Smart Business Desktop Strontium
SE-7000II smart card STRU
SE-8000 SMART Checker Mini struct
Se-quential couleur a Me-moire SmartChecker Mini Structural Hazards
sea smart device structure
SEA-ME-WE3 Smart Driver Care Structure,Sequence and Organization
Seaborgium Smart Driver Updater structure,sequence and organization
Seagate Smart Eye Structured Analysis
Seagate Technology Smart Grid structured analysis
Seagate Technology社 smart grid Structured Chart
Seagate Technologyに買収 SmartMedia Structured Design
Seagate社 SMART Message structured design
seam smart meter Structured Programming
seamless smartModule structured programming
Search SmartNode 4630 Structured Query Language
search-s for Namazu Smart PC Care structured storage
Searchable Smart PC Cleaner Structured Systems and Desigh Method
Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge SmartPCFixer Structured Text
Search Console Smart PC Mechanic Structure of Arrays
search effectiveness Smart PC Tweaker structures
Search Encrypt Smart Personal Object Technology Structure types
search engine smartphone Struts
Search Engine Marketing smartphone mode Struts1
Search Engine Optimization Smartphone zombie Struts2
Search Engine Optimization poisoning smart pull STS分割
Search Engine Result Page smart pull技術 STT
search engine spam SMART READ DATA STT-RAM
searcher Smart Registry Cleaner stty -echo
searching service Smart Response Technology stty echo
Search Inside! SMART RETURN STATUS stty コマンド
search light Smart Speaker stub
search robot smart Speaker stub resolver
search service SmartSuite Student-Problem chart
search site Smart switch Studio 24 Ultimate
search spam Smart System Care Studio One Artist Piapro Edition
search time smart television stuff
SearchWiki smart TV StuffIt
SearX SmartTweak Software StuffIt Deluxe
Seasar Smart Video Rendering Technology StuffIt Expander

 ICT用語一覧 【 S 】 
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Seasar.NET smartwatch StuffIt Expander for Mac
Seasar.PHP Smarty Smarty StuffIt Expander for Windows
Seasar2 SMART機能 StuffIt X
Seasarファウンデーション SMART情報 StuffIt X形式
Seattle Computer Products SMARTデータ StuffItバージョン10
seaver SMASHLOCK Stufflt
SEAファイル SMB Stufflt形式
SEC SMBA Stuffltファイル
sec SMBIOS Stuxnet
SECC SMBus style
SECE SM Bus Version 2.0 styles.xml
SECI SMB v1 stylus pen
second SMDS su
Second-Level Domains SMDS MAN SU-AX7
secondary SMD形式 SU-MIMO
Secondary battery SME SU2700
secondary battery SMF SU3500
secondary boot loader SMIL SU4100
secondary cache SMILEVIDEO SU7300
secondary cell smiley SU9300
secondary data SMILEシリーズ SU9400
secondary DNS server Smithfield SU9600
secondary IDE Smithfield-XE Sub-Band Coding
secondary provider SMLC sub-directory
Second Berkeley Software Distribution SMM sub-folder
Second Boot Device SMO Sub-QCIF
Second Bus TypeII Smooth Backup Sub-Quarter-CIF
Second Cache SmoothFile sub-schema
Second Edition smoothing Sub-set
Second Extended Filesystem smoothing circuit subaddress
Second extended file system smooth scroll SubBand
Second Generation smooth scrolling Sub Band Codec
Second Generation Cordless Telephony SMP SubBand Codec
second generation cordless telephony SMPlayer subclass
second Generation Core i3 Processors SMPTE Subclass Coupling
second Generation Core i5 Processors SMPTE-170M sub directory
second Generation Core i7 Processors SMR subdirectory
Second Harmonic Generation SMS subdomain
second harmonic generation SMT Subeo Tech
Second Level Address Translation SMTP sub folder
second level cache SMTP-AUTH subfolder
Second Level Domain SMTP AUTH subject
Second Life SMTP AUTHentication sublimation
second normal form SMTP Authentication submarine cable
Second order digital multiplex equipment operating at 6312kbit/s and using positive justification smtpd submarine patent
second party SMTP over SSL/TLS subminiature
second source SMTPS submission
second sourcing SMTP server Submission Port
secrecy agreement SMTP Service Extension for Authentication submit
secrecy of communications SMTP隔離フォルダ Subnet
secret key SMTPサーバ subnet
secret key cryptosystem SMTPサーバー subnet mask
secret mode SMTP認証 subnetting
sector SMTPプロトコル subnetwork
Secure SMT技術 subnote
secure-hypertext transfer protocol Smurf attack sub pixel
Secure Boot Smurf攻撃 subprogram
SecureCode SMX subQCIF
Secure Data Network SM型 Sub Quarter CIF
Secure Data Network System SN Sub Quarter Common Intermediate Format
Secure Digital Sn subquery
Secure Digital High Capacity SNA Subramonian Shankar
Secure Digital Input/Output Snackr subroutine
Secure Digital Input/Output card Snagit subscribe
Secure Digital Memory Card sNaN Subscriber
Secure Digital Memory Card Extended Capaty Snap-In subscriber
Secure Digital Memory Card eXtended Capaty SnapBack Subscriber Identity Module
Secure Digital Music Initiative Snapdragon Subscriber Identity Module Card
Secure Driver Updater Snapdragon 800 Subscriber Identity Module card lock
Secure Electric Transfer Snapdragonプロセッサ Subscriber Line
Secure Electronic Commerce Environment snap reading Subscriber Line Interface Circuit
secure electronic commerce environment Snapshot Subscriber Line Terminal
SEcure Electronic Payment Protocol snapshot subscriber line terminal
secure electronic payment protocol snapshot dump subscriber telephone
Secure Electronic Transaction SNAT subscript
secure electronic transaction SNAデータフロー制御 subscription
secure electronic transaction protocol SNAトランスミッション制御 Subscription Edition
Secure Erase SNAパス制御 Subset
Secure Hash Algorithm SNAプレゼンテーション層 subset
Secure Hash Algorithm 1 SNES subsp.

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Secure Hash Algorithm 2 Snes9X subspecies
Secure Hash Algorithm 3 SNG Substances
Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 sng substrate
Secure Hashing Algorithm 2 SNG形式 substrates
Secure Hashing Algorithm 3 SNGファイル Subsystem
Secure Hash Standard SNGフォーマット subsystem
Secure HTTP SNI subtractive color mixture
Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol sniff subtractive mixing of colors
Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol Sniffer subtractive mixture
Secure Hypertext transport protocol sniffer SUBVERSION
SecureLockWare sniffing Subversion
SecureMMC Snip & Sketch Subwoofer
Secure MultiMediaCard snippet Subプロシージャ
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Snipping Tool Success
SecureNAT SNMP Sudden Ionospherric Disturbance
SecureNAT機能 SNMP trap sudo
Secure OS SNMPv1 suffix
Secure PC Cleaner SNMPv2 Suffix Letters on Intel Processors
Secure PC Tuneup SNMPv2c SUGate
SecureSeal standard SNMPv2p SUGOCA
Secure SHell SNMPv2u Suica
Secure Shell SNMPv3 Suicaカード
Secure Socket Layer SNMP version 1 Suite
Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network SNMP version 2 suite
Secure Sockets Layer SNMP version 3 sujiko
Secure Transaction Technology SNMPエージェント Sulfur
Security SNMPトラップ sulfur
security SNMPバージョン2 Sulphur
Security-Enhanced Linux SNMP非対応HUB sum
Security Account Manager SNMP非対応スイッチ sum check
Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems SNMP非搭載スイッチ summarize function
Security Architecture for Internet Protocol SNMPマネージャ Summary
Security Architecture for IP snoop summary
Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol snoop agent pipeline summation
Security Assertion Markup Language Snoop Control Unit summation check
Security Association snooping Summit
security cable Snow Leopard SumTotal Systems
security chip SNR SumTotal Systems, Inc.
Security Feature Command Set SNS spam Sun
Security Glossary SNSアカウント Sun Certified Architect for the Java Technology
security hole SNS解析 Sun Certified Developer for the Java Platform
security incident SNS広告 Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
Security Information and Event Management SNSスパム Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris
Security Management SNSスパム投稿 Sun Community Source License
security patch SNS断ち Sundown
security policy SNS疲れ Sun Java Certification
Security Reviver SNSによる人間の相関関係 Sun Microsystems
Security Roll-up Package SNS分析 Sun Microsystems社
Security Rollup Package SNTP Sunny Coveマイクロアーキテクチャ
security scanner SO Sunny Coveマイクロアーキテクチャ(高性能コア)
security software so SunOS
security token SO/SI制御 SunSoft社
security wire SOA Sunオーディオ・ファイル
sed SOAP 1.1 Suono Dolce
see-through SOAP message super
SEED SOAPエンベロープ Super-IPS
seek SOAPプロキシ super-pipeline
seek bar SOAPヘッダ Super-resolution
Seek Error Rate SOAPボディ Super-Sample Anti-Aliasing
Seek error rate SOAPメッセージ Super-VGA
Seek Time SOAPリスナ Super-VHS
seek time SOC Super-XGA
Seek Time Performance SoC Super 3G
See Other soc. Super3G
Seer Soc.io Mall Super ANRS
segment Social Super Audio CD
segmentation social Super CG シリコン
segmentation violation Social, Mobile, Cloud and Information Super Charge ion Battery
SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION Social Ads super class
SEIL/x4 /x86 Ayame Social advertising Super Clean Pro 2018
SEIL/x86 social advertising super combo drive
SEIYU倉庫館 Social BookMark super computer
SEIYUドットコム social bookmark supercomputer
Select Boot Device social bookmarking supercomputing
selection Social Bookmarking Service Superconducting Cable
selection sort social bookmark service superconducting magnet
Selective ACK social button Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
Selective ACKs social commerce superconducting quantum interference device
Selective Dissemination of Information social cracking Superconductivity
Selen Social CRM superconductivity
Selenium Social Customer Relationship Management Superconductivity bulk

 ICT用語一覧 【 S 】 
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self-addressed stamped envelope social detox Superconductivity Magnet
self-balancing binary search tree social DRM Superconductivity object
self-ballasted mercury lamp social engineering Super Density
Self-Defensive Networking social fingerprinting super density
Self-Driving Car social funding Super Density Disc
self-extract archive social game SuperDisk
self-extract file social game platform Super DLTtape II
self-extract format social gift SuperDrive
Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology social gift service Super Extended Graphics Array
Self-Monitoring,Analysis and Reporting Technology social graph Super eXtended Graphics Array
Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology social hacking Super eXtended Graphics Array +
self-publishing social icon Super Extended Video Graphics Array
self-taken picture Socialization Externalization Combination Internalization super extended video graphics array
Self Addressed Stamped Envelope social lending Super Famicom
SelfBack Social Listening super family computer
Self Defending Networking social listening Super Ferrite Choke
SELFIE Social Login SuperFetch
selfie Socially responsible investment Super fine Positioning
selfie stick social media Super Function Unit
self oscillator Socialmedia Guidelines Super Group 3
self power social media harassment SuperH
selfy Social Media Harrassment Super Hi-Vision
SELinux Social Media Marketing Super High Frequency
Sell Side Platform social media marketing SuperH RISC engine
SEM Social Media Optimization Super I/O
Semacode social media optimization Super In Plane Switching
Semantic Network Social Network Super In Plane Switching II
semantic network Social Networking Service super inpose
semantics Social Networking Site Super Low Frequency
Semantic Traffic Analyzer Social networking spam super low frequency
Semantic Web Social Network Service SuperMac Technologies
semaphor social platform SuperMatch
semaphore Social Responsible Investment superMHL
SEMATECH Social Security Number super multi-drive
semicolon social security number Super Multi-Level Cell
semicolon-separated values social service Super NES
semiconductor Social spam supernetting
semiconductor chip social tagging Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Semiconductor Industry Association social television Super Office
SEmiconductor MAnufacturing TECHnology Consortium social tipping Super Optimizer
semper social work Super PC Care
Sempron social worker Super PC Cleanup
Sempron 200U Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques Super PC Tools Limited
Sempron 200Uプロセッサ Society Super Point Screen
Sempron 210U Society for Administration of Remuneration for Audio Home Recording super resolution
Sempron 210Uプロセッサ Society for Administration of Remuneration for Video Home Recording Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing
Sempron 2500+ Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers super scalar
Sempron 2600+ society of motion picture and television engineers superscalar
Sempron 2650 socio matrix Superset
Sempron 2800+ sociometry SuperSPARC
Sempron 3000+ sockd Super Speed
Sempron 3100+ Socket SuperSpeedPlus USB
Sempron 3200+ socket SuperSpeedPlusモード
Sempron 3300+ socket-based licensing Super Speedup 2018
Sempron 3400+ Socket 1150 SuperSpeed USB
Sempron 3500+ Socket 1151 SuperSpeed USB+
Sempron 3600+ Socket 1155 Super Speedモード
Sempron 3800+ Socket 1156 SuperSTAR from Space-Time Research
Sempron 3850 Socket 1200 SuperTarget
Sempron LE Socket 1366 Super TFT
Sempron LE-1100 Socket 1700 Super Twisted Nematic
Sempron LE-1150 Socket 2 Super Twisted Nematic liquid
Sempron LE-1200 Socket2 Super Twisted Nematic liquid crystal display
Sempron LE-1250 Socket 2011 Super Urban Intelligent Card
Sempron LE-1300 Socket 2011-3 super user
Sempron LE シングルコア Socket 2066 superuser
Sempron X2 Socket 3 superuser do
Sempron X2 190 Socket3 Super VGA
Sempron X2 2100 Socket 370 SuperVGA
Sempron X2 2200 Socket370 Super VHS
Sempron X2 2300 Socket 370 Slot 1 Super Video CD
SENAC-1 Socket 423 Super Video Graphic Array
send-back maintenance Socket423 Super Video Graphics Array
send account information Socket 462 super video graphics array
Send Data Socket 478 supervisor
sender domain authentication Socket478 Supervisor Call
Sender ID Socket 479 supervisor call
SenderID Socket479 Supervisor mode
Sender Policy Framework Socket 7 Supervisor Password
sendmail Socket7 supervisory program
send password Socket 754 Super Visual Formade
Send Phenomenal Amount of Mail Socket754 Super XGA
Send Timing 1 Socket 939 Superうきうき家計簿 Ver.5

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Send Timing 2 Socket939 SUPHEED
send username Socket 940 Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extension 3
Senior Systems Administrator Socket A Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
Sensage Socket AM1 supplicant
sense Socket AM2 supplier
sensitivity Socket AM2+ Supply
sensor Socket AM3 Supply-Side Platform
sensor network Socket AM3+ supply chain
SEO Socket AM4 Supply Chain Management
SEO poisoning Socket ASB1 Supply Chain Planning
SEOスパム Socket B Supply Side Platform
SEO対策 Socket F Support
SEOポイズニング Socket FM1 support
SEP Socket FM2 Support.com
separate connector Socket FM2+ Supported
Separated Socket FS1b suppress
Separated Video Socket FS1b/AM1 SureEdge
separator Socket G1 surf
SEPP Socket G2 Surface
seq Socket G3 surface
SEQUEL Socket H Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display
sequence Socket H1 Surface-Mounted Device
sequence check Socket H2 surface-mounted device
Sequenced Socket H3 Surface 3(4G LTE)
sequence diagram Socket H4 Surface Book 2
Sequenced Packet Exchange Socket H5 Surface Ergonomic 無線キーボード
Sequenced Packet eXchange Socket M Surface Horizontal Package
sequence number Socket P surface horizontal package
Sequencer Socket R Surface Laptop
sequencer Socket R3 Surface Model
sequencer software Socket R4 Surface Mount Device
sequence software SOCKETS Surface Mount Technology
Sequential Sockets surface mount technology
sequential sockets Surface Pro
sequential access Socket番号 Surface Pro 2
Sequential Access Memory SOCKS Surface Pro2
Sequential Access Method SOCKS v5 Surface Pro 3
Sequential Control Counter SOCKSサーバ Surface Pro3
SEquential couleur A Memoire Sodinokibi Surface Studio
sequential file Sodium Surface ラップトップ
Sequential Function Chart sodium surfing on the Internet
sequential locality sodium-sulfur battery surfing the Internet
sequential read/sequential write speed sodium and sulfur battery surfing the net
sequential search SoE surfing the Web
Sercurity IDentifier SOFC型エネファーム surge absorber
Serein SOFDMA Surge and Inrush Protection
Sergey Brin SoFIA 3G R Surge Protective Device
Serial SoFIA LTE surge protector
serial SoftBank Surge Suppressors
SERIAL(1) SoftBank 3G Surround
SERIAL(2) SoftBank 4G Surrounded By Complement
Serial-In, Parallel-Out SoftBank 4G LTE surrounded by complement
Serial Access Memory SoftBank絵文字 surround signals of 5.1 ch
serial access memory Soft Combine surround signals of 6.1 ch
Serial Advanced Technology Attachment soft error surround signals of 7.1 ch
Serial ATA SoftEther SUS
Serial ATA/1503 SoftEther CA Susceptibility
Serial ATA/300 SoftEther Corporation SUSE Linux
Serial ATA/600 SoftEther VPN SUSE Linux Version 1.0
Serial ATA-150 SoftEther VPN 4.11 SUSE Linux Version 10.1
Serial ATA-300 SoftEther VPN Bridge SUSE Linux Version 10.3
Serial ATA-600 SoftEther VPN Server SUSE Linux Version 11.1
Serial ATA2.5 soft key SUSE Linux Version 11/94
Serial ATA International Organization SoftLayer SUSE Linux Version 11/95
Serial ATA Link Power Management SoftLayer Technologies. Inc SUSE Linux Version 12.1
Serial ATALPM SoftLayer Technology SUSE Linux Version 13.1
Serial ATA Revision 1.0 soft link SUSE Linux Version 4.4.1
Serial ATA Revision 1.0a SoftPerfect Network Scanner SUSE Linux Version 5.3
Serial ATA Revision 2.0 softphone SUSE Linux Version 6.4
Serial ATA Revision 2.5 Soft Read Error Rate SUSE Linux Version 7.3
Serial ATA Revision 2.6 soft synth SUSE Linux Version 8.2
Serial ATA Revision 3.0 SOFTSYNTHESIZER SUSE Linux Version 9.3
Serial ATA Revision 3.1 software Susie
Serial ATA Revision 3.2 Software:Theory & Practice Susie for Win32
Serial ATA Revision 3.3 Software-Defined anything Susie Plug-in package
Serial ATA Revision 3.4 Software-Defined Computing Suspend
Serial ATA Revision 3.5 Software-defined Datacenter suspend
Serial ATA Tunneling Protocol Software-Defined Infrastructure Suspend-to-Disk
Serial ATAネイティブ Software-Defined Network Suspend-to-RAM
Serial Attached SCSI Software-Defined Networking Suspend To Disk
Serial Bus Protocol Software-defined radiou Suspend to Disk

 ICT用語一覧 【 S 】 
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serial cable Software-Defined Storage Suspend to RAM
serial code Software as a Service sustainability
serial communication software assurance Sustainable
Serial Copy Management System Software Behavior Estimation Sustainable Development Goals
serial copy management system software behavior estimation SV
Serial Digital Video Out software bloat Sv
serial entrepreneur software CODEC SVC
Serial Infrared Interface software codec SVCD
serial interface software component SVC割り込み
serialization Software Componentry SVDモデム
serialize software decoder SVF
Serial Line Internet Protocol software decoding SVG
Serial Line IP Software Defined SVG 1.0
serial mouse Software Defined Everything SVG 1.1
Serial No. Software Defined Radio SVG 1.1 Second Edition
Serial Number Software deployment SVGA
Serial number Software Design and Development Engineer SVG Basic
serial number Software Developer's Kit SVG Cats
Serial Peripheral Interface Software Developer Kit SVG Tiny
serial port Software Development Kit SVG Tiny 1.2
Serial Port Memory Technology software development tool SVGファイル
Serial Port Memory Technology Consortium software encoder SVGフォーマット
Serial Port Profile software encoding SVID
Serial Presence Detect software engineering glossary SVM
serial presence detect software flow control SVN
serial printer software for personal computer communication svr
Serial SCSI software house SVR1
Serial Storage Architecture Software Industrialized Generator and Maintenance Aid Project SVR3
Serial Storage Protocol SoftWare Interrupt SVR4.2
serial storage protocol software interrupt SVRAM
serial transmission software key SVRT
serial value software keyboard SW
Serial Voltage ID software license SW-CMM
SERP software license agreement SWAP
SERPs Software Licensing API swap
Server Software Life-Cycle Processes SWAP-CA
Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol Software LifeCycle Process swap-in
Server-Based Computing Software LifeCycle Process Japan Common Frame swap-out
server-DTP software maintenance swap file
server-PI software MIDI swapping
server-side Java software MODEM Sweeper
server blade software patent SweetJAM
server Data Transfer Process Software peer review SweetPcFix
Server Error Software Process Assessments SWF
server farm software process assessments swf
server hosting software product line SWF_CVE20155122.A
server integration Software Publishers Association SWF/Exploit.Agent.IG
Server Load Balancer Software Publishing Association Swfdec
Server Load balancing Software quality SWF形式
Server Message Block Software Reliability Assessment Tool on Spreadsheet Software SWFファイル
server OS Software Reliability Growth Curve SWFフォーマット
server Protocol Interpreter software router SWI
server rack Software suite swiff deck
Server Report software suite SwiftPreview
Server Side Include software synthesizer Swing
server sizing software update swipe
server software Software Update Service swipe down
server switch Software Update Services swipe up
Server System Infrastructure SOFパケット Swiss Association for Quality Assurance Certificates
Server System Infrastructure Compact Electronics Bay SOH Swiss Confederation
Server System Infrastructure Forum SOHO SWITCH
Server System Infrastructure Forumn SOI Switch
ServerView SOIウェーハ switch
server virtualization SOIウエハ switch.n88
service SOI技術 switch~case
Service-Type SOL Switched
serviceability Sol Switched Multi-megabit Data Service
serviceable life solar Switched Multimegabit Data Service
Service Advertisement Protocol Solar cell switched multimegabit data service
Service Advertising Protocol Solaris Switched Virtual Circuit
service call Solaris 1.1.2 Switched Virtual Connection
service desk Solaris 10 Switch Fault Tolerance
Service Discovery Application Profile Solaris 2.0 Switching HUB
service engineer Solaris 2.2 switching hub
Service For Macintosh Solaris 2.4 Switching loop
Service for Macintosh Solaris 2.6 Switching Protocols
Service Information Solaris 2.7 Switching Regulator
Service Level Agreement Solaris 7 switching regulator
Service Level Management Solaris for x86 SWITCHコマンド
Service Level Objective SolarisVPS SWL
service life Solarisシステム管理者 SWLカード収集家
Service Oriented Architecture solder SWOT分析
Service Pack Solder Thermal Interface Material SWTX

 ICT用語一覧 【 S 】 
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service pack Solenoid Valve SX
Service Pack1 Solicit SX2ODP
Service Pack2 Solicitation SXGA
Service Pack3 Solid-State SXGA+
Service Pack4 Solid-State Drive SXGA Plus
Service Provider Interface SolidAudio SXGAプラス
service provider interface Solid Model SXVGA
Service Providers' Integrated Requirements for Information Technology solid model Sybase
Service Release Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Sybase IQ
Service Set IDentifier Solid State Disk SyJet
Service Set Identifier Solid State Drive SYLK
Service Specific Convergence Sublayer Solid State Floppy Disk Card SYLK形式
service specific convergence sublayer Solid State Hybrid Drive SYLKファイル
Service Unavailable solidus SYLKフォーマット
Serving Soliton Sylpheed
Servlet Solution Symantec
servlet solution Symantec Cafe
servlet container Solution Exchange Standard Symantec Corporation
Servletコンテナ solution exchange standard Symantec Endpoint Protection
Servo Solution Provider Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition
SES solution provider Symantec Japan, Inc.
session solution vendor Symantec Sygate Enterprise Protection
Session At Once Soluvsoft Symantec System Recovery
Session Bean solve Symantec社
Session Border Controller SolveigMM AVI Trimmer Symbian OS
session hijacking solver Symbian社
Session IDentifier SOM Symbol error ratio
Session Initiation Protocol SONAR.Heuristic.131 symbolic debugger
session key SONAR.Heuristic.133 Symbolic Link
Session layer Sonata CAD Modelling File symbolic link
session layer Sones GraphDB Symbolic Link File
SET SONET SYmbolic LinK format
set accessor Song File symlink
set file transfer structure SonicStage Symmetric
SETI@home SONY symmetrical multi-processing
setproxy SONY/Philips Digital Interface Format Symmetrical Multi Processor
setter Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format symmetric binary B-trees
setter method SONY α6400 ILCE-6400 Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
setterメソッド SONY α7 III ILCE-7M3 Symmetric DSL
settings.xml SONY α7R IV ILCE-7RM4 symmetric key cryptosystem
Set Top Box SONY α7RM2 symmetric key encryption scheme
set transfer mode SONY α7S Symmetric Multiple Processor
set transfer type SONY BRAVIA Symmetric MultiProcessing
set type Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Symmetric Multi Processor
SETUP Sony Corporation SYN
setup Sony Dynamic Digital Sound syn.
setup program Sony Entertainment Robot SYN ACK パケット
setup time Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. SyNAPSE
SET Ver.1.0 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC SYNC
setアクセサ SONY NEWS sync
SEU Sony Philips Digital Interface SYNCH
seven-segment display Sooda! Synchronization
seventh Generation Core i3 Processors SOP synchronization
seventh Generation Core i5 Processors SoR Synchronization layer functions
seventh Generation Core i7 Processors Sorry,a system error occurred. Synchronization Profile
Seznam sorry server Synchronized
SF-8639 Sorryサーバ Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SFA SORT Synchronized Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
SFC sort Synchronized Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
SFC Transceivers sorting synchronize packet
SFC言語 Sossaman Synchronous
SFDC Sound Blaster synchronous
SFF sound board Synchronous-Link DRAM
SFF-8020 Soundbooth CS3 Synchronous and asynchronous automatic dialling procedures on switched networks
SFI Soundbooth CS4 Synchronous CDMA
SFM Soundbooth CS5 Synchronous Data Link Control
SFN sound card Synchronous DataLink Control
SFP Sound Core3D synchronous data link control
SFP+ Sound Core3D processor Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SFP Module Sound Effect synchronous digital hierarchy
SFP Transceiver sound function Synchronous DRAM
SFP光トランシーバ Sound Intermediate Frequency Synchronous DRAM DIMM
SFP 光モジュール sound intermediate frequency Synchronous frame structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8448 and 44 736 kbit/s hierarchical levels
SFPピックアップ Sound Leaf synchronous frequency
SFPモジュール SOUND PEN Synchronous Graphic RAM
SFR Sound Pressure Level Synchronous Graphics RAM
SFS Sound Retrieval System SYNchronous idl
SFT sound spectrogram synchronous idle character
SFT III sound volume Synchronous Link DRAM
SFTIII SoundVQ Synchronous Optical Network
SFTP source synchronous optical network
SFTPクライアント Source/Transform/Sink division Synchronous TDM

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SFT構成 source address synchronous time-division multiplexing
SFU Source Code Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing
SFX source code Synchronous Transfer Mode
SFX電源 Source Code Control System Synchronous VRAM
SG source code review synchronous VRAM
Sg Source Compatibility Package SyncLink
SGA source compatibility package SyncLink DRAM
SGI source file Sync Negotiation
sgi SourceForge.net syncronous I/O
SGML Source Input format Syncronous Transfer Module
SGML規格 source level compatibility syncronous transfer module
SGRAM Source Lines Of Code Syndicate
SGVs Source Lines of Code Syndication
SG作業 Source NAT Synergistic Prosessor Element
SG仕様書 Source port randomization Synergistic Prosessor Unit
SH Sourceport randomization Synfig Studio
sh source program SYN flood
SH-1 source routing SYN flood attack
SH-2 sourcing SYN flooding attack
SH-3 Southbridge synonym
SH-4 South Bridge相当 SYN packet
SH-4A Southern Islands SYN scan
SH7032 Southern Islands 世代 syntactic sugar
SH7034 Soverain Software LLC Syntax
SH7604 SOW syntax
SH7722 SOX syntax analysis
SH7723 SOX法 syntax error
SH7730 so形式 syntax sugar
SH7734 soファイル Synthesizer
SH7753 SO法 synthesizer
SH7764 SP Synthetic Full Backup
SH7780 SP@ML Synthetic music Mobile Application Format
SH7780シリーズ SP1 SynthEyes
SH7785 SP2 SYNスキャン
SH7786 SP3 SYNパケット
SHA SP360 4K SYNフラッド攻撃
SHA-1 SP560V-P SYQT, Inc.
SHA-1 ハッシュ関数 SP9300 SyQuest
SHA-2 SP9400 Syquest
SHA-224 SP9600 SyQuest Technology
SHA-256 SPA SyQuest Technology, Inc.
SHA-2 ハッシュ関数 SPace SyQuest社
SHA-3 Space SyQuestを買収
SHA-384 space SYS.EXE
SHA-512 space-separated values syscall
SHA-512/224 space bar syslog
SHA-512/256 space complexity syslogプロトコル
SHA3-224 Space Division Multiple Access SYSOP
SHA3-256 space division multiple access Sysop
SHA3-384 space key Sysprep
SHA3-512 spaghetti code sysprep.exe
SHACAL-2 spaghetti program SysRq
shade SPAM SysRqキー
shaded character spam SYST
Shader spamdexing Systee International d'Unites
shader spam email System
Shader Model SPAMer system
Shader Model 1.x SPAM filter SYSTEM.DAT
Shader Model 2.0 spam mail SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION
Shader Model 4.0 SPAM行為 System-on-a-Chip
Shader Model 4.1 SPAMフィルタ System 7
Shader Model 4.x span System7
Shader Model 5.0 spanned volume System 7.0
Shader Model 6.0 Spanning System7.0
shading spanning System 7.6
shadow spanning tree System 8.0
shadowban Spanning Tree Algorithm system administrator
Shadow banning SPAP System Agent
shadow copy S parameter system agent
shadow IT SPARC Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung
shadow mask SPARC Compliance Definition system analyst
shadow memory SPARC compliance definition System Application Architecture
Shadow RAM SPARCstation 20-61 system architectural design
shadow text SPARCstation 20 SM61 System aspects for the use of the 7kHz audio codec within 64kbit/s
Shake SPARC V8 アーキテクチャー system audit
SHAKE256 SPARC Version 8 instruction set architecture system auditing
ShakeAlert Spari Trust System Backup Administrator
shape SPARK system board
Shapeware Visio Spark System Builder版
shaping SparkTrust Inspector System Bus
Sharable Content Object Reference Model Sparta system bus

 ICT用語一覧 【 S 】 
< 16 >
shard Spartan system bus clock
sharding spatial locality system cache
Shard Virtual Memory Spatial Quadrature Amplitude Modulation system call
Share spawn System Care
share SPC System Center Virtual Machine Manager
SHARE.EXE SPD System Checkup
Shareaza SPDIF System Configuration
ShareBRIDGE SPDL system construction
shared SPDY system consultant
shared access SPE System Controller
shared accounts folder Speaker system copying
Shared Address speaker System Data File format
shared directory speaker phone System Data Format
Shared Disk spear System de Television en Radiodiffusion Numerique
shared disk spear attack System Development Architecture & Support Facilities
Shared Everything spear phishin system down
shared everything SPEC SystemDrive
shared folder Spec System Dynamics
shared hub spec system dynamics
shared key encryptosystem SPECfp92 Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung
shared library Special Edition System Engineer
shared lock Special Effects system engineer
shared memory Special Interest Group System Engineering Service
Shared Memory Buffer Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics System Extension
Shared Memory Buffer Architecture Special Interest Group on computer GRAPHics system extension
Shared Nothing Special Interest Group Operator system failure
shared nothing architecture Specialized Mobile Radio System Fault Tolerance
shared object file specialized mobile radio System Fault Tolerance III
shared printer Special Purpose Extra Channels FOR Terrestrial Radio-communication Enhancement System Fault Tolerance LevelIII
shared service Special Purpose Extra Channels FOR Terrestrial Radio communication Enhancement system file
Shared Source Special Purpose Extra Channels FOR Terrestrial Radiocommunication Enhancement System File Protection
Shared Source Initiative special purpose extra channels for terrestrial radiocommunication enhancements system folder
shared SSL Special Zone Center System Generation
Shared Transition Space for IPv4 Address Extension Specific System Global Area
Shared Wireless Access Protocol Specification system house
Share IT ! Fits specification document system image
Share Memory specification for compact disc system image file
SharePoint Specifications system infrastructure
SharePoint Online Specific Household Appliance Recycling Act System Integration
SharePoint Portal Server 2001 Specific Household Appliance Recycling Law system integration
SharePointPortalServer 2001 SPECint System Integration Test
SharePoint Server SPECint92 System Integrator
SharePoint Service SPECint95 System Keeper
SharePoint Services SPECmark system liquid crystal display
Shareware SPECrate_int92 System Lockdown
shareware SPECTER system log
Sharing Spector system LSI
SHARKOON Technology Spectral System Management Bus
Sharman Networks社 Spectral Band Replication System Management Mode
SHARP Spectral grids for WDM applications: CWDM wavelength grid system management mode
sharp Spectral grids for WDM applications: DWDM frequency grid System Management Server
Sharp Aquos Net+ SPECTRE system management server
Sharp Corporation Spectre System Modelling & Optimization
sharpness Spectrum Expert system modernization
SharpReader Spectrum Spread System Network Architecture
Shawn Fanning Speech API System Object Model
SHDSL Speech Application Programming Interface System of Rrecords
Sheet speech recognition System On a Chip
sheet SpeedGrade CS6 System on a Chip
Sheet1 SpeedMaxPc system on a chip
Sheet2 speed of revolution System On Display
sheet feeder Speed PC Pro System on the Chip
Shell SpeedUpMyComputer system planning
shell SpeedUpMyPC System Platform Processor
Shell's method Speedup PC 2018 System Preparation Tool
Shell's sort Speedy PC Pro system provider
shell1 Speedy PC Pro 2018 System Request key
shell8 SpeedyPC Software system resource
shell commands Speedy System Care System Restore
shell prompt spell checker SystemRoot
Shell Script Spell Checking Dictionary Systems, Applications And Products in Data Processing
shell script spell checking dictionary file format Systems Administrator Examination
ShellShock spell corrector Systems Analyst Examination
Shellshock脆弱性検出ツール Spend Systems architect
ShellShock脆弱性攻撃 Sperry社 Systems Architect Examination
Shellshock不正プログラム検出ツール SPF systems auditor
Shell sort SPF/Sender ID Systems Auditor Examination
Shellsort SPF認証 Systems Auditor examination
shell sort SPGA Systems Engineer
shell variables Spherical Systems Integration Architecture
Shell コマンド Spherical Cow Systems Management Engineer Examination
Shenzhen SPI Systems Management Server

 ICT用語一覧 【 S 】 
< 17 >
Shewhart control charts Spice Systems of Engagement
SHF Spice Status Systems of Record
SHG spider system software
shield spider chart system solution
ShieldApps SpiderPlayer Systems Operation Management Engineer Examination
shielded cable SPIE System Speedup
Shielded Twist Pair Spin-Transfer Torque RAM Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative
Shielded Twist Pair cable Spin Controls Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative benchmark
Shift spindle System Storage Unit
shift SPINNER system storage unit
Shift_JIS art Spinning Wait Cursor System Target Decoder
Shift_JISコード Spinning Wait Icon system test
SHIFT + ^ Spin Retry Count System time Clock
shift + Delete Spin Transfer Torque Random Access Memory system tray
shift + delete Spinup retry count System Utilities Suite
Shift + Insert Spinup Time System V
Shift + Print Screen SPIRAL system vendor
Shift + ろ spiral approach System V Interface Definition
SHIFT-JISコード Spiral Leaky Coaxial cable System V Interface Definition lssue
shifted JIS code spiral model System V Release 1
Shift In/Shift Out Control SPIRAL安否確認サービス System V Release 2.2
Shift In/Shift Out control Spirent Communications社 System V インターフェース定義書
SHIFT JIS SPIRIT System V インタフェース定義書
Shift JIS SPIモード System V系UNIX
shift JIS SPKM Systemwalker
Shift JIS code SPL Systweak Software
Shift JISコード SPLA SYSコマンド
Shift key splash page SZC
shift logical Splash screen S映像
Shift register splash screen S字カーブ理論
Shiftキー Splash画面 S字成長カーブ
Shiftキー+@ spline Sシリーズ勧告
Shiftキー + 文字キー spline curve S端子
Shiftキー長押し split-run testing Sパラメーター
SHIFU splitter Sバンド
shimgapi.dll Splitterless ADSL transceivers Sビデオ
Shingle Splitterless asymmetric digital subscriber line transceivers S明朝ハードW3
Shipping SPMD
Shingled Magnetic Recording split testing

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