




 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
< 1 >
T terminal service TOS
T.101 Terminal Software TOSBAC-3400
T.122 Terminate TOSFile
T.123 Terminate and Stay Resident TOSHIBA
T.124 terminate the connection Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc.
T.125 TERMinator Toshiba OCZ
T.17 Terminator Toshiba Places
T.171 TERMINFO Toshiba Samsung Storage technology Korea Corporation
T.172 Termite Total 802.11XR
T.190 Terms and definitions for synchronous digital hierarchy networks Total Access Communications System
T.2 TERMモード TotalAV
T.30 Ternary Total Byte Written
T.33 ternary Total Cost of Ownership
T.37 Ternary CAM Total Harmonic Distortion
T.38 ternary operation totally
T.4 ternary operator totally from scratch
T.411 TERRA-S total pixels
T.411 (03/93) Terra Lycos Total Quality Control
T.411 (1993) Technical Cor. 1 (10/97) Terra Lycos社 total quality control
T.412 Terra Networks Total Quality Management
T.413 Terra Networks社 total quality management
T.413 (11/94) Terrestrial Total System Care
T.414 Terrestrial-digital media broadcasting totokoko label
T.414 (03/93) Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting touch-typing
T.414 (1993) Technical Cor. 1 (10/97) terrestrial digital broadcasting touch display
T.414 (1993) Technical Cor. 2 (10/97) Terry Welch touch method
T.415 Tesla touch pad
T.415 (03/93) TeslaCrypt touch panel
T.415 (1993) Technical Cor. 2 (10/97) Tessellator touch screen
T.416 Testbed TouchStyk
T.416 (03/93) test bench Touch typing
T.416 (1993) Technical Cor. 1 (10/97) Test Collection touch typing
T.417 test data tower server
T.418 test driver TOWNS
T.418 (03/93) Test Element Group Toy Cell
T.42 test element group Toyota Safety Sense
T.421 Test Indication Toアドレス
T.422 Test Pattern Generator Toフィールド
T.424 test pattern generator TP
T.43 Test procedures for digital subscriber line transceivers TP-PMD
T.431 Test procedures for DSL transceivers TPC
T.432 Test Terminal TPC-1
T.433 Test Vector TPC-2
T.434 test vector TPC-4
T.44 tether TPC-5CN
T.5 tethering TPC-A
T.502 Tettnang TPC-C
T.505 TeX TP Cable
T.506 tex TPF
T.521 TeX/BibTeX Bibliographic Reference File TPG
T.522 TeX /BibTeXの書誌参照ファイル TPI
T.563 Texas Instruments tpi
T.6 Texas Instruments, Inc. TPM
T.6 (11/88) Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture tpm
T.800 Texas Instruments社 TPM 1.2
T.801 TEXEL TPM 2.0
T.802 texel tpmC
T.803 Texim TPMチップ
T.807 TeXT TPP11
T.808 text TPP12
T.81 text/css TPP Eleven
T.82 text/csv TPP Twelve
T.83 text/directory TPP協定
T.84 text/directory;profile=vCard TPS
T.85 text/html tps
T.86 text/javascript TPSEP
T.87 text/plain TPU
T.870 text/rtf TPUスイッチ
T.88 text/tab-separated-values TPUチップ
T.90 text/vbscript TPケーブル
T_T text/x-vcard TPモニタ
t/inch text/xml TPモニター
T-CARD text-walking TQC
T-Code text ad TQFP
t-commerce text advertising TQM
T-DES text chat Tr
T-DESクラス text data tr
T-DMB text editor TR/AD.Kasidet.Y.40
T-Engine Text file TR/Crypt.ZPACK.127699

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
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T-Engineフォーラム text file TR-01
T-Engineボード text format TR-1
T-HR3 texting TR-2
T-Kernel TextMate TR-29Class1
T-Kernel 2.0 text messaging TR-29Class2
T-Monitor text replacement TR-3
T-PBGA518 text service component TR-4
T-POINT Text Service Manager Trac
T-series recommendations Text Services Manager tRAC
T-SITE text thumb injury trace
T-SQL Texture traceroute
T-Time texture tracert
T-Time 5.5 TEXture ELement track
T-Time Viewer Texture Element Track/Inch
T-Timeビューワー texture element Track-At-Once
T&L Texture Mapping track access time
t0rnkit Texture mapping Track At Once
T1 texture pixel Track Back
T1/E1対応 textwalking Track back
T1100 TeX Users Group track back
T1300 TEX バージョン3 trackback ping
T1 carrier TeXマクロパッケージ trackback URL
T1回線 tf track ball
T2060 tf-idf tracker
T2080 tf-idf法 Tracker Software Products Ltd.
T212 TFB Tracking
T2130 TFD Track Per Inch
T222 TFD液晶 track per inch
T225 TFD方式 TrackPoint
T2310 tfil Tracks Per Inch
T2330 TFLOPS tracpath
T2370 TFS tractor feed
T2390 TFT Trade
T2410 TFTP trade
T2T tftp Trade Agreement on goods
t2t TFTP Blocksize Option Trade Fair
T2Tファイル TFTP Option Extension TradeMark
T2回線 TFTP Option Negotiation Analysis Trade Show
T3200 TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options TRADING
T3400 TFT液晶 Traffic
T3回線 TFT型カラー液晶 traffic
T400 TFTカラー液晶 Traffic exchange
T414 TFT方式 traffic shaping
T4200 TFカード trail
T425 TG-Tracker trailer
T4300 TgaViewer trained
T4400 TGS Training
T4500 TGアフィリエイト Training Kit μCOM80
T4回線 Th trance program
T5200 TH671ST Trans
T5250 Thallium Trans-It
T5270 THD Trans-Pacific Partnership
T5300 the-seiyu.com Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
T5450 The 10 Gigabit Ethernet Alliance Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement
T5470 the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Transact-SQL
T5500 the A-List Bloggers transaction
T5550 The Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc. transaction file
T5600 The African Network Information Centre Transaction Manager
T5670 The American Telephone & Telegraph Company Transaction Monitoring Facility
T568A The Apache Software Foundation transaction monitoring facility
T568B the Arab Republic of Egypt Transaction Per Minuts
T568Bストレート・スルー・ケーブル The Architecture Extended Transaction Per Second
T5750 the Architecture eXtended Transaction Processing
T5800 The Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture transaction processing
T5870 Theater Transaction Processing Monitor
T7100 the Atlantic Ocean Transaction Processing Performance Council
T7200 The Attachmate Group Transaction Processing Performance Council Benchmark C
T7250 The Bahamas Transaction Remote Procedure Call
T7300 The CARD transaction remote procedure call
T7400 TheCARD Transaction Tracking System
T7500 The Card Transatlantic
T7600 The CARD3 Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership
T7700 The CARD3+ TransBook T300Chi
T7800 TheCARD3+ Transcend
T800 the Conference On Data Systems Languages Transcend Information, Inc.
T801 The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the synchronous digital hierarchy Transcend Japan
T805 The Coordinating Committee on Export Controls Trans European Trunked RAdio system
T8100 the Department of Defense Trans European Trunked Radio System
T8300 The Digital Millennium Copyright Act trans european trunked radio system
T9000 The Dominican Republic Transfer
T9300 The Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement transfer
T9400 The Dominican Republic-Central America FTA TransferJet
T9500 The E-model,a computational model for use in transmission planning TransferJetコンソーシアム

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
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T9550 the earth transfer of permanent domicile
T9600 The eighth generation PureVideo HD Transfer Per Second
T9800 the European Organization for Nuclear Research Transfer Rate
T9900 The Examination of Copyright Proficiency for Practical Business transferring
TA the Fast Data Encipherment Algorithm transferring from Windows XP to Windows 7
Ta The fifth generation PureVideo HD transfer time
TAB The first generation PureVideo HD TransFlash
Tab the first half Transform
tab the first half year transform
TAB-Separated Value The Four Transform-domain weighted interleave Vector Quantization
Tab-Separated Values The Four Horsemen Transform and Lighting
tab browser The fourth form factor Transformation
TAB Code The fourth generation PureVideo HD transformation
Tab Code the Galapagos Islands Transform domain Weighted INterleave Vector Quantization
Tab code the Gang of Four Transformer
Table The GNU General Public License transformer
Tableau Desktop The GNU Lesser Public License Transient
Table Of Contents The GNU Library Public License Transient ElectroMagnetic PulsE Surveillance Technology
table of contents The Honeynet Project Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Surveillance Technology
table PC The Independent transient electromagnetic pulse surveillance technology
table space The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers transient electromagnetic pulse surveillance technology attack
tablespace The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Transient Voltage Suppressors
tablet The International Society for Optical Engineering/Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentaion Engineers Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor
tablet-type device The Internet Archive Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors
Tablet PC The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Transistor
Tablet PC 入力パネル The Internet Engineering Steering Group Transistor + Computer
TabletScreenKeyboard The Internet of Everything Transistor-Transistor Logic
tablet terminal The Internet of Things Transistor to Transistor Link
Tabular The Invisible Internet Project Transistor Transistor Logic
TABulation the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Trans It
Tabキー The Japan Amateur Radio Development Association. TransIt
TAC The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Transit and Gateway Switch
TACACS The Japan Information Center of Science Technology Transition
TACACS認証 The Japan Times Transition-Minimized Differential Signaling
tack the Java API for Microsoft Documents Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
tack form The Linux Foundation transit trunk
tack label The Long Tail translate
tack seal the long tail Translation
TACS The Mach Project Translation Lookaside Buffer
TACS方式 Theme translation memory
TAG The MicroSoft Network translation service on mobile
Tag The Microsoft Network transliterate
tag The MIDI Association Transmeta Corporation
tag cloud the Nation of Brunei Transmeta社
Tagged The NetBSD Foundation Transmission
Tagged Command Queuing The New Value Frontier transmission
Tagged Image File Format The ninth generation PureVideo HD transmission BER
tagged VLAN Theo de Raadt Transmission Control 4
tagging The OECD’s Eight Principles Transmission Control Protocol
Tag Image File Format The Onion Router transmission control protocol
tag management tool The Open Group Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
tag manager The Open Source Definition Transmission Convergence
Tag Switching Theora transmission convergence
Tahichi Theora 1.1 Transmission impairments due to speech processing
Tahiti theorem Transmission of IP over Serial Lines
Tahiti PRO theory Transmission performance characteristics of pulse code modulation channels
Tahiti PRO2 Theory of inventive problems solving transmission speed
Tahiti XT Theory of solving inventive problems transmissive
Tahiti XT2 THEOS transmissive LCD
Tahiti XTL the PC transmissive liquid crystal
TAI THE PC CARD STANDARD Transmit eXchange Data
tail The PC Open Architecture Developers' Group Transmit Power Control
Tail call The Phone Support Pvt. Ltd. Transmitter
Tailoring The PHP Group transmitter control
TAITAN the Portable Operating System environment-Interactive eXecutive Transmitting IP traffic over ARCNET networks
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The PowerPC Microprocessor Common Hardware Reference Platform Trans Pacific Cable
TAK The Real-time Operating system Nucleus transparent
TAK 2.3.1 Final The Realtime Operating system Nucleus Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP
take-over The Remote Network MONitoring TRansparent Interconnection of Lots of Links
takeover Thermal Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links
Takeover Bid thermal Transport
Talent Thermal conductivity Transportation Demand Management
Talent Management thermal conductivity transportation demand management
Talisker Thermal Design Power Transportation Network Company
Talisman thermal design power Transport Driver Interface
talisman Thermal Interface Material Transport layer
talk. Thermal Monitor transport layer
TalkAnytime方式 ThermalMonitor 1 Transport Layer Interface
Talknote ThermalMonitor 2 Transport Layer Security
TALON thermal noise Transport Level Interface
Talon DSP RTOS thermal paper transport level interface
tamper Thermal Paper Printer transport packet
tamper Resistance Thermal Printer Transport Stream

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
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tamper resistant thermal printer Transputer
tamper switch Thermal Relay transputer
tancyuu Thermalright Transputer Architecture
Tandberg Data Japan Inc. Thermal runaway Transputer Development System
Tandberg RDX Thermal Throttling Transputer アーキテクチャー
tandem thermal transfer printer Trans registor
tandem electrophotographic Thermo Autochrome Trap
tandem engine thermoelectric printer trap door function
tandem system ThermoLab Trapezoidal method
tantalate thermopile Trap Gate Descriptor
Tantalum thermosensitive Trapping
TAO thermosensitive paper tRAS
TAP Thermosetting resin trash box
tap The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. trashing
Tape-Automated Bonding thesaurus TraTool
tape-automated bonding The Seasar Project TRAVAN
Tape Archival and Retrieval format The second generation PureVideo HD Travan
Tape Archive The seventh generation PureVideo HD traveling salesman problem
tape archives The Sims travel router
Tape Carrier Package The Sims Archive file traversal
tape drive The Sims Archive Formatファイル Travis
tape hiss The sixth generation PureVideo HD tRCD
tape streamer the SNA Services feature of Communications Server tree
Tapestry The Standard Template Library Tree 2 Phase Commit
TAPI The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees tree diagram
Tapnow The System Management Interface Forum tree sort
TAR The Telecommunication Technology Committee TREE構造
tar+gzip The third form factor Trek 2000 International社
target The third generation PureVideo HD tremendously high frequency
targeted The True Audio Tremontマイクロアーキテクチャ(高効率コア)
targeted ad The Ultimate Force TrendLabs Report
targeted advertising the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Trend Micro
Targeted attack the United States of America Trend Micro Internet Security
targeted e-mail attack the VMEbus International Trade Association Trend Micro TITANIUM
targeted mail the wiretapping laws Tri-Gate Transistor
Targeted threat The翻訳 Tri-Gateトランジスタ
Target Independent Rasterization THF Tri-P
targeting thick trial version
targeting Ad thick-film integrated circuit Triangle Set Up
TargetPhoto Thick-wire Ethernet tricopter
Target Token Rotation Timer thick client Trident
Tariff Thick Ethernet trigger
TAR形式 thick film IC TRILL
tar形式 thick film integrated circuit Trill
TARファイル Thin TRIM
tarファイル thin Trim
TARフォーマット thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display trim
Task Thin-wire Ethernet TriMedia
task thin client TRIMコマンド
task bar Thin Ethernet Trimコマンド
Task Control Block Thin Film Battery Trinidad Pro
TasK Force Thin Film Diode Trinidad XT
Task Gate Descriptor Thin film lithium-ion battery Trinity
Tasking Thin Film Transistor Trip Coil
taskmon.exe Thin Film Transistor liquid crystal Triple-Core
task tray Things triple A
Task View ThingWorx Triple DES
TASM Thinking Process Triple Level Cell
taspo ThinkPad X1 Carbon triple level cell
TAT Think Pascal Triple Modular Redundancy
TatukGIS Viewer Thinner triple modular redundancy
tax Thin Provisioning triplet Markov models
taxonomy Thin QFP triple underbar
TAあっぱれフォント Thin Quad Flat Package Triple View LCD
TA演芸筆 Thin Shrink SOP tritium
TA紅乙女 Thin Small Outline Package Triton
TA方式 Third-Party Triton2
TB third-party TritonII
Tb Third-Party Ad Serving Triton VX
TB/s Third-Party Mail Relay trivial
Tb/s ThirdAge.com Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TBC Third Boot Device trivial file transfer protocol
TBD Third Extended Filesystem TRIZ
TBDR Third extended file system TRL
TBI third form factor TRM
Tbit/s Third Generation tRoff
TBL third Generation Core i3 Processors troff
tbl third Generation Core i5 Processors TROJ.RANSOM.A
TBL形式 third Generation Core i7 Processors TROJ_CRYPLOCK.XW
TBLファイル third Generation I/O TROJ_FAKEAL.K

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
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TBLフォーマット Third Generation Partnership Project TROJ_GREENDISPENSER.A
Tbps Third Generation Partnership Project 2 TROJ_KILLDISK.X
TBS R third level cache TROJ_MELLPON.A
TBSオンデマンド third normal form TROJ_REVETON
TBSデジタルテレビジョン third party TROJ_REVETON.SM4
TBSテレビ Third Person Shooter TROJ_REVETON.SM6
TBSラジオ Third Person Shooting game TROJ_SWIZZOR
TBW this program must close TROJ_UPBIT.A
TBX This Tweet from @xxxx has been withheld in response to a report from the copyright holder. Troj/DocDl-ACU
tbx THM Troj/ZAccess-I
TBX形式 Thnderbolt Trojan
TBXファイル Thnderbolt2 Trojan.Agent.AXAG
TBXフォーマット Thomas & Betts International Inc. Trojan.Carberp.B
TBytes Thomas Becker Trojan.Cridex
TC Thomas E. Kurtz Trojan.Cryptodefense
Tc Thomas Mueller Trojan.Cryptolocker.E
TC1 Thorium Trojan.Cryptolocker.N
TC10 Thoughts on the Social Graph Trojan.Gen.2
TC11 ThoughtWorks Trojan.Kasidet
TC12 ThoughtWorks社 Trojan.Pandex
TC13 thousand lines of code Trojan.PowerShell.Agent.j
TC14 THR Trojan.Ransomcrypt.AA
TC2 Thrashing Trojan.SystemKiller
TC3 thrashing Trojan.Upbit
TC4 Thread Trojan.Welomoch
TC4Shell thread Trojan.Win32.Agent
TC5 Thread-Level Parallelism Trojan.Win32.Agent.xtvz
TC6 Threading Trojan.Win32.Waldek.ism
TC7 Thread Processor Trojan.Win32.Yakes.mzkj
TC8 thread safe Trojan.Win32.Zbocheman
TC9 Threads Per Clock Trojan.Zeroaccess
tCAC ThreadX Trojan.Zeroaccess.C
TCARD for Windows Threat Trojan:JS/Reveton.C
TCB Threats Trojan:W32/Reveton
TCE Three-CCD Trojan:Win32/Greeodode.A
TCG Three-CCD camera Trojan:Win32/KillDisk.M
tCK Three-Dimension Trojan:Win32/Lezo.A
Tcl three-dimensional Computer Aided Design system Trojan:Win32/MultiInjector.A!rfn
TCM three-dimensional computer graphics Trojan:Win32/Reveton.D
TCO three-dimensional noise reduction Trojan:Win32/Reveton.R
T Commerce three-dimensional printer Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.O
TCO削減 three-dimensional television Trojan-Banker.Win32.GreenDispenser.d
TCP three-tiered Trojan-Downloader.VBS.Agent.avu
TCP/IP three-way handshaking Trojan-Downloader.VBS.Agent.avv
TCP/IP Offload Engine three band fluorescent lamp Trojan-Downloader.VBS.Agent.ayr
TCP/IPアプリケーション three charge coupled device Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent
TCP/IPオフロードエンジン three D glasses Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Agent
TCP/IP規格 Three Dimension Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Injector.nknu
TCP/IP参照モデル three dimension glasses Trojan-Dropper.Win32.TDSS
TCP/IP接続サービス three dimensions Trojan-Ransom.MSIL.Agent.wc
TCP/IP手順 three dot leader Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Agent.iop
TCP/IP手順・広域IP網 three dots Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Blocker.iadc
TCP/IPプロトコル three D sickness Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Chimera.d
TCP/IPプロトコルスイート three primary colors Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Foreign.cbqa
TCP/IPプロトコル・スウィート Three schema approach Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Foreign.kxgk
TCP/UDP three schema architecture Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Petr.a
TCP 135番ポート Three tier system Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Petr.c
TCP 445番ポート threshold Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Raas
TCP 7番ポート Through-hole mount Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Raas.a
TCPA Through-hole technology TrojanDownloader
TCPBEUI Through Hole Mounting Device TrojanDownloader:O97M/Adnel
tcpd throughput TrojanDownloader:Win32/Drixed
TCP FINスキャン Throughput Performance TrojanDownloader:X97M/Daoyap
TCP FINパケット Through Silicon Via TrojanDropper.Win32/Rovnix.P
TCP Segmentation Offload Through The Lens TrojanDropper:Win32/Sirefef.A
TCP SYNスキャン THT Trojan horse
TCP SYN パケット thttpd Trojan horse Generic33.CC
TCP SYNフラッド攻撃 Thuban TrojanSpy:Win32/Alinaos.A
TCP three-way handshaking Thulium Trolltech
TCP wrapper Thumb Trolltech社
TCPスキャン thumb TRON
TCPセグメンテーションオフロード ThumbDrive TRONキーボード
TCP接続一覧 ThumbDrive Secure TRONチップ
TCPソケット ThumbDrive TOUCH TRONプロジェクト
TCPパッケージ thumb nail trouble shooting
TCPポート25番 thumbnail Trough of Disillusionment
TCP ポート7番 ThumbnailAlbum tRP
TCPポートフィルタリング Thumbnails/thumbnail.png TRPC
TCPラッパー Thumbnail Toolbars TRS
TCQ thumbnail toolbars TRS-80
TCS Thunder TRSフォン

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
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TCU Thunderbird True
TCU Turbo C Utilities Thunderbird 24 true
TCX DataKonsultAB社 Thunderbird 31.0 True Color
TCXO Thunderbird 38.0 true color
TC協会 Thunderbird 78 TrueCrypt
TD-LTE Thunderbird 78.0 TrueCrypter
TD-SCDMA Thunderbird v38.2.0 TrueNorth
TDB電子認証サービスTypeA Thunderbolt TruePic
TDD Thunderbolt 2 True Type
TDEA Thunderbolt 3 TrueType
TDI Thunderbolt controller True Type Fonts
TDI規格 Thunderboltコントローラー TrueTypeフォント
TDK Thunk truncation error
TDK Corporation Thusnelda Trunk
TDK株式会社 Thyristor Surge Suppressor trunk group
TDL THz trunk link
TDL-1 TI trunk port
TDL-3 TIA Trusted
TDL-4 TIA/EIA-568-B trusted
TDL3 TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1 trusted boot
TDM TIA/EIA-568-B.2-2001 Trusted Computing Group
TDMA TIA/EIA-854 Trusted Computing Platform Alliance
TDMA方式 TIA-422 Trusted Execution Engine
TDMS TIA-422 Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Differential Interface Circuits Trusted Execution Technology
TDnet TIA-568-B.2-10 Trusted Mobile Platform
TDP TIA-568-B.2-1規格 Trusted Platform Module
TDP 100W TiB Trusted Structure of Security Lock
TDP 104W Tibco Software Trusted Third Party
TDP 10W Tibco Software社 trusted third party
TDP 11.25W TIBCO Spotfire trustee
TDP 11.5W Tick-Tock model TRUSTe Watch Dog System
TDP 11.7W Tick-Tockモデル TRUSTeプライバシー・シール
TDP 110W tick box TRUSTeマーク
TDP 112W ticker Truth
TDP 11W ticket-driven development truth table
TDP 125W TiDD truth value
TDP 12W Tidserv TRW社
TDP 13.1W TidyFTP TS
TDP 130W tie-up advertising Ts
TDP 13W tier ts
TDP 14.0W Tier 1 TS-E
TDP 140W Tier1 TS-Eレンズ
TDP 14W Tier 1 supplier TS9030
TDP 150W Tier1キャリア TSAPI
TDP 15W Tier1ネットワーク TSA証明書
TDP 165W Tier 1 プロバイダ TSB-95
TDP 16W Tier1プロバイダ TSE
TDP 17 W tier 2 provider T series recommendations
TDP 17W tier tow provider TSM
TDP 20W tif TSMC Japan Limited
TDP 21W tiff TSOP
TDP 35W Tiger Lake-H35 TSR
TDP35W Tiger Lake-UP3 TSS
TDP 35W(F2) Tiger Lake-UP4 TSSLテクノロジー
TDP 37W Tiger Lake H TSSOP
TDP 4.5W Tiger Lake H35 TSST
TDP 43W Tiger Lake UP3 TSST-K
TDP 45W Tiger Lake UP4 TSUM TSUM
TDP 47W Tiger Lakeマイクロアーキテクチャ Tsum Tsum
TDP 51W Tigerton TSUTAYA Airbook
TDP 54W Tigerton-DC TSUTAYA Airbookサービス
TDP 59W TikTok Pro TSUTAYAエアブック
TDP 5W til TSUTAYAデジタルサービス
TDP 60W tilde TSV
TDP 62W Tile-Based Deferred Rendering TSVインターポーザー
TDP 65W tiling TSV形式
TDP 65W(F2,F3) tiling style screen format TSパケット
TDP 65W(F3) Tiling window manager TSファイル
TDP 67W tilt TSレンズ
TDP 69W tilt-shift lens TT
TDP 6W tilt wheel TTA

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
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TDP 77W Tim Berners-Lee ttc
TDP 7W timbre TTC形式
TDP 82W Time_Exceeded TTF
TDP 84W Time-Based Corrector ttf
TDP 87W Time-lag Relay TTF形式
TDP 88W time-out TTFファイル
TDP 89W time-shared data management system TTFフォーマット
TDP 89W(F2) time-shifted viewing TTIP
TDP 8W Time-Stamp Protocol TTL
TDP 9.5W Time-To-Live TTL値
TDP 91W Time Base Corrector TTNet
TDP 95W time base corrector TTP
TDP 98W(F2) time complexity TTRT
TDP 9W Time Compression Modulation TTS
TDR time compression modulation TTSneo
TDSS Time Compression Multiplexing TTY
TDSServ time compression multiplexing TTY手順
Te Time Devision Multiplexer TTZ
TEA time devision multiplexer ttz
teacher customer Time Devision Multiplexing TTZファイル
teacher customers Time Division-Synchronous CDMA ttzファイル
Teamcenter Lifecycle Visualization Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access TTフォント
Team Foundation Server Time Division Duplex TU-KA
Team Foundation Server 2010 Time Division Duplexing TU-T Rec. G.805
Team Foundation Server 2018 time division duplexing Tualatin
Team Group Time Division duplex Long Term Evolution Tualatin-256K
teaming Time Division Long Term Evolution Tualatin Pentium III
TeamViewer Time Division Multiple Access Tube
tear-off menu time division multiple access TUBE FIRE
tear off menu Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access tubular
tease Time Domain Reflectometer tubular lamp
teaser time domain reflectometer TUC
Teaser Ads time lag Tudou
Teaser Advertising timeline TUF
teaser site Timelord Protocol TUG
teaser trailer Time Machine TUGZip
tebi byte time out Tukwila
Tech Ad hoc Group time quontum Tulsa
Tech Giants timer Tumblr
Technetium Time Series Analysis tune
Technical Ad-hoc Group time series analysis TuneUp Corporation
technical conferences Time Server Tuneup Pro
Technical Preview Time Sharing System TuneUp Utilities
technical writer time sharing system Tungsten
Technischer Ueberwachuags Verein time shifted play tuning
techno-anxious time slice tunnel
Technologies time slicing Tunnel Creak
Technology time stamp Tunnel Creek
technology time stamping service tunnel diode
Technology Exchange Agreement Time To Live Tunneling
technology exchange agreement TIMEVALUE Tunneling Magneto Resistance
Technology Readiness Level Time Warner Tunnel Magneto Resistance
technology readiness level Time Warner社 tuple
technology roadmap Timeサーバ turbine
Technology Terminal Script neo Timeサーバー turbo
Technology Trigger Tim Hudson Turbo-C
Technology Without An Interesting Name timing attack Turbo Boost
Technology Without Any Interested Name Timing characteristics of primary reference clocks Turbo Boost 2.0
technostress ophthalmopathy Tim O'reilly Turbo C
Tech Optimizer Tin Turbo C++
TEC消費電力量 TINA-C Turbo C Database
TEC値 TinCan turbocharger
Teewee TinyCC Turbo CORE
TEG TinySegmenter Turbo Core
Tegaki TinyTP Turbo CORE 3.0 Technology
Tegra TinyURL Turbo C Version 1.0
Tegra 2 Tip Turbo C Version 1.5
tegra 2 Tip-Ring-Sleeve Turbo C Version 2.0
Tegra 230 Tip Ring Sleeve turbo frequency
Tegra 250 TIPS Turbolinux
Tegra 3 Tips Turbo M.2
Tegra3 TIR Turbo Mode
Tegra 4 TIS Turbo Tech
Tegra 4i TITAN TurboV Processing Unit
Tegra 600 Titanium Turing
Tegra APX 2500 title bar Turing-complete
Tegra APX 2600 Tivoli Turing Machine
Tegra K1 Tivoli Software Turing test
Tegra X1 Tivoli Systems Turion 64
Tehama Tivoli Systems社 Turion64

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
< 8 >
TEL Tiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Turk
Telco Tizen Turks
Tele Tizen Association turn around
tele-education Tizen Project turnkey
Tele-TYpewriter TI社 Turn Off Computer
Tele-Typewriter Tk turnover
TELEC TK-80 turnover rate
Telecom TK-80BS turnover ratio
telecom TKCタイムスタンプ TUT-Code
TELecom Engineering Center TKIP tutorial
Telecom Engineering Center TkNamazu TUTコード
Telecomm.Industry Association TL TUV
telecommunication TL-WR802N TUXEDO
telecommunication circuit TL-WR902AC TV
Telecommunication Information Networking Architecture Consortium TLA Tv
Telecommunications TLAP TV-Asahi Data and Multimedia Service
telecommunications carrier TLB TV-Asahi Data and Multimedia Service-Electronic Program Guide
Telecommunications Council TLC TV-PCコンバーター
Telecommunications Industry Association TLC NAND TV commerce
Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture-Consortium TLC SSD tv conversation targeting
Telecommunications Management Network TLCチップ TVD-Secure Virtual Disk
Telecommunication Technology Committee TLD TVI
Telecommuting TLI TVoIP
telecommuting TLP TVPaint Animation
telecomputing service TLR TVRO
teleconverter TLS TVS
Teledesic TLS 1.0 TV tuner card
Telegram TLS 1.1 TV会議
telegram TLS 1.2 TV会議システム
telegraph distortion measurement set TLS 1.3 TVキャプチャー
telegraphic message TM TVキャプチャーユニット
telekom Tm TVコマース
Telelphony Application Programming Interface TM1 TVチューナー
Telemetering TM2 TVチューナーカード
telemetering TM5400 TV放送を利用した電子商取引
telemetry TM5600 TVホワイトスペース
telepathology TM5800 TWAIN
Telephone Banking TM8000 TweakBit Driver Updater
telephone banking TM8600 TweakBit PCRepairKit
telephone company TM8800 TweakBit PCSuite
Telephony TM8820 TweakBit Pty Ltd
telephony TMDS tweep
Telephony API TMDS方式 tweeple
Telephony Application Program Interface TMDSリンク tweeples
Telephony Application Programming Interface TMF tweeps
telephony application programming interface TMN tweet
Telephony Service Application Programming Interface TMP tweet + people
telephony service application programming interface tmp Tweet Button
TelePresence SX20 Quick Set TMP905-4K TweetDeck
TelePresence SX80 Codec TMPGEnc TweetDeck, Inc
teleradiology TMPGEnc Authoring Works 5 Tweeter
Tele Scouter TMPGEnc DVD Author tweeter
Telescript TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in AVC for EDIUS Pro 8 tweets
Teletel TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in Commercial Candidates Detector for TVMW6 Tweet search
Teletype network TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in MPEG-2 for EDIUS Pro 8 Tweets Per Second
TeleTYpe procedure TMPGEnc MPEG Editor Tweetstorm
TeleTYpewriter TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 5 Tweetサーチ
Teletypewriter TMPGEnc PGMX CREATOR Tweetボタン
teletypewriter TMPGEnc PGMX PLAYER for Android Tweitter
TeleTYpewriter procedure TMPGEnc PGMX PLAYER for iOS twelveth Generation Core i3 Processors
Television TMPGEnc PGMX PLAYER Windows 版 twelveth Generation Core i5 Processors
Television interference TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works twelveth Generation Core i7 Processors
television over IP TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 6 Twentieth
Television Receive Only TMPGEnc Xpress Twentieth of an Inch Point
television receive only TMPGEnc その場でスライドショー TWentieth of a Point
Telework tmpファイル Twin-Eye Laser
teleworking TMR TWIN NAS リモートバックアップサービス
Tellurium TMR効果 TwinVQ
Telnet TMTA twiRobo
telnet TN twisted
telnet:// TNC Twisted Nematic
telnetd TNCサービス twisted nematic liquid crystal
Telnet Protocol TNCサービス型 Twisted NemaTic liquid crystal display
Telnetクライアント TNCサービス型ライドシェア Twisted Pair
telnetクライアント TNR-O Twisted Pair-PMD
Telnetサーバ TNR-W Twisted pair cable
Telstar TNS Twister
Telstar 1 TNT Twist Pair Cable
TELポート TNT型液晶ディスプレイ TwitCasting
Temash TN液晶 twitcasting.tv
TEMP TN型 Twitch

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
< 9 >
Temperature TN型液晶 Twitpic
Temperature-compensated crystal oscillator TN方式 twittbot
Temperature Celsius TN方式液晶 Twitter
Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator To: twitter + peep
temperature compensated crystal oscillator To-Be Twitter Analytics
Temperature Compensated X'tal Oscillator To-Do Bar Twitterer
TEMPEST Toami Twittererユーザー
Template TOB Twitter followバッジ
template Tobago Twitter Karma
Template Method To Be Determined Twitter resume
Template Method Pattern Tobias Waldvogel Twitter storm
Template Method パターン TOC Twitter Web Analytics
tempo coordinato universale TODAY Twitter Webアナリティクス
Temporal Today is Twitterアカウント
temporal Todo PCTrans Free Professional Twitterアナリティクス
Temporal coupling ToDo管理 Twitterクライアント
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol ToDoバー Twitter広告
temporal locality TOE Twitter疲れ
temporal noise reduction TOF Twitter定期ポスト
Temporal Noise Shaping To field Twitterなりすましアカウント
Temporal Reprojection togetter Twitterフォローバッジ
temporal score Toggle DDR Twitterユーザー
Temporarily Toggle DDR 1.0 Twitterルール
TEMPorary Toggle DDR 2.0 twittizen
Temporary TOiNX電子入札対応認証サービス two-bin system
temporary TOkai Ic CArd Two-Dimension
temporary directory TOKAIコミュニケーションズ Two-dimensional array
Temporary File token Two-Dimensional Computer Graphics
temporary file token-ring two-dimensional computer graphics
temporary files token passing two-dimensional positioning
temporary folder Token Ring Two-Phase Commit
Temporary Redirect TokenTalk Link-Access Protocol Two-phase commit protocol
Temps Universel Coordonne TokenTalk Link Access Protocol two-way authentication
TenAsys社 Tokikaze two's complement
Tenbase database tokyo two axis method diagram
Tencent Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Inc. Twofish
Tencent, Inc. Tokyo domain twofish
Tencent QQ Tokyo domains two in one laptop
Tencent Weibo TOKYO FM two pass encode
Tender Offer Tokyo Game Show two pass encoding
tender offer or public tender offer Tokyo Telecommunication Network Co., Inc. two spindle
Tengxun Tokyoドメイン two touch input
ten key Toledo Two Unit
ten keyboard Tolerance Two Units
Tennessine Tolerant TWSNMP Manager
ten nines tolerant TWSNMPマネージャ
Tenorflow Processing Unit Toliman TX
TensorFlow toll-free number TXAA
Tensorflow Processing Unit Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor TxBENCH
Tensor Processing Unit Tom's verlustfreier Audio Compressor TXD
Tensor processing unit Tomcat TXE
tenth Generation Core i3 Processors TOMCAT Media Port Ex TXT
tenth Generation Core i5 Processors Tom Leighton txt
tenth Generation Core i7 Processors tone Txt2tags
Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch tone color Txt2tags Text Document
TEPCOひかり toner TXT file
TEPS Tonga Pro TXTファイル
Tera Too Early TXインターフェース
tera tool TY-RAP
tera-binary byte tool-less maintenance TYMNET
Tera-Byte Toolbar TYMPAS
tera-byte tool bar TYPE
terabits per second toolbar type
TeraByte toolbar button Type-A
Terabyte Bandwidth Initiative Toolbox API Type-B
terabyte per second Tool Command Language Type-C
Tera Bytes Written Tool Interface Standards Type-C plug
tera byte written tool interface standards Type-Cプラグ
TeraData Toolkit Without Any Important Name Type1 font
Teradici社 tooltip Type1フォント
TeraDisc Tool Without An Interesting Name TYPE A
Tera Floating-Point Operations Per Second Too Many Requests Type Allocation Number
tera floating-point operations per second Toon Boom Harmony Type Approval Code
Tera Floating point number Operations Per Second Toon Rendering TYPE B
terahertz Toon Shade type cast
terahertz radiation Toon Shader type casting
terahertz waves Toon shading type conversion
TeraPad Top-Down Design TYPE Cコネクタ
TeraPad Ver 0.09 top-down design type I carrier
TeraPad Ver 1.09 top-down programming type II carrier
Tera Station Top-Level Aggregation type in

 ICT用語一覧 【 T 】 
< 10 >
teraTEPS Top-Of-File Typekit
Tera Term TOP500 Supercomputer Sites Type Of Service
Teraterm Topaz type of service
Tera Term Pro Top Down Design TYPE QUICK
TeraTerm Project top down programming TYPEQUICK
Tera Traversed Edges Per Second top down test TYPEQUICK J6
Terbium TOPE typesetter roff
TEREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER Top emiddion Adaptive Current drive Typhoon
term topology Typical Electricity Consumption
Term Frequency Topower typing error
term frequency-inverse do cument frequency Top PC Tools Software LLP typo
Terminal TOPPERS typo-squatting
terminal TOPS typographical error
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System TOPS DOS 2.1 typos
terminal access controller access system Topsy TZ
Terminal Adapter top Trending Topics Tカード
Terminal Adapter for PIAFS Top Twin Card Tコマース
Terminal Board Tor Tサイト
Terminal characteristics for Group 4 facsimile apparatus Tor Broeser Tシリーズ勧告
terminal emulator TorLocker Tポイント
Terminal Node Controller TorrentLocker Tマネー
terminal node controller TORTOISE

記号 数字 A B C



     P A S T E M

トイザらス・ベビーザらス オンラインストア