




 ICT用語一覧 【 R 】 
< 1 >
R Redundant RFC 4271
r redundant RFC 4272
R.O.G. Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks RFC 4273
R.S.V.P. Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 0 RFC 4274
R.Wood Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 01 RFC 4275
R:BASE Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 1 RFC 4276
R:BASE5000 Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 10 RFC 4278
R:BASE LiTE Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 2 RFC 4288
R:BASE lite Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 3 RFC 4289
R:BASE PRO/2 Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 4 RFC4291
R:BASE SYSTEM V Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 5 RFC 4301
r/min Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 6 RFC 4303
R/O Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks RFC 4306
R/W Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 0 RFC 4314
R-18 Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 01 RFC 4408
R-18指定 Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 1 RFC 4431
R-3D Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 10 RFC 4443
R-DAT Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 2 RFC 4466
R-series recommendations Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 3 RFC 4470
R-UIM Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 4 RFC 4502
R-UIMカード Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 5 RFC 4509
R-Y Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 6 RFC 4549
R-Y信号 redundant configuration RFC 4604
R&D reduplication RFC 4632
r00 Redwood LE RFC4798
R00形式 Redwood PRO RFC 4861
R00ファイル Redwood XT RFC4861
r01 Reed-Solomon RFC 4862
R01ファイル Reed-Solomon code RFC 4868
R03 Reed-Solomon Coding RFC 4871
R1 Reed-Solomon Product Code RFC 4880
R100 Reedum RFC 4954
R14 reentrant RFC 5074
R14C REF RFC 5162
R14P ref RFC 5227
R14PU refer RFC 5258
R14S REference RFC 5321
R20 Reference RFC 5322
R200 reference RFC 5494
R20C reference board RFC 5581
R20P reference database RFC 5652
R20PU reference design RFC 5702
R20S Reference Diode RFC 5734
R300 Reference Error RFC 5958
R3000 Reference Manual RFC 6585
R4000 reference software RFC 6598
R420 reference type RFC 6890
R4200 Referential RFC 697
R423 referential RFC697
R430 referential constraint RFC 7230
R4400 Referential Integrity RFC 7231
R480 referential integrity constraint RFC 7233
R580 referer RFC 7235
R580+ referrer RFC 7292
R5900 Refined Printing Command Stream RFC 7465
R6 Refined Printing Command Stream Driver RFC 7468
R600PRO Reflection RFC 7540
R600XT Reflective RFC 768
R61 Refollow RFC 772
R680 Reform RFC 791
R6C Refresh RFC 792
R6P Refresh Rate RFC 793
R6PU refresh rate RFC 8017
R700 REFS RFC 8018
R700世代 ReFS RFC 816
R8000-100JPS ReFS v2 RFC 8200
RA ReFS v3 RFC 826
Ra Refurbish RFC 8314
RaaS Refurbished RFC 8470
RAB Refurbished(Reuse) & Recycle Information Technology Equipment Association RFC 855
Rabbit Ticker Refurbished & Recycle Information Technology Equipment Association RFC 862
RAC RegClean Pro RFC 865
RACE RegCross RFC 867
rack RegCure Pro RFC 882
racking RegEdit RFC 883
rack mount regedit.exe RFC 894
RAD regedt32 RFC 903
rad regex RFC 919
RADAR RegExp RFC 922
RADEON RegHunter RFC 950
Radeon region RFC 951

 ICT用語一覧 【 R 】 
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Radeon HD6250 Regional RFC 959
Radeon HD6310 Regional Bell Operating Companies RFC 974
Radeon HD 6410D Regional Code RFI
Radeon HD 6530D Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership RFICタグ
Radeon HD 6550D Regional Economy and Society Analyzing System RFID
Radeon HD 7000シリーズ Regional Economy Society Analyzing System RFID tag
Radeon HD7480D Regional Internet Registry RFIDタグ
Radeon HD7540D Regional IP Network RFP
Radeon HD 7660D regional IP network RFQ
Radeon HD 7900 Regional Playback Control RFS
Radeon HD 7900シリーズ region code RF Shield
Radeon HD8370D Region Playback Control RF shielding
Radeon HD8570D Regions RFT
Radeon HD 8670D Register RFT:DCA
Radeon Pro WX Vega M GL graphics register RFT-DCA
Radeon Pro WX Vega M GL グラフィックス Registered RFシールド
Radeon Pro WX Vega M GL グラフィックス搭載 インテル Core i5-8305G プロセッサー registered buffer RF遮蔽
Radeon Pro WX Vega M GL グラフィックス搭載 インテル Core i7-8706G プロセッサー Registered DIMM RF端子
Radeon R3 Registered Jack RFモジュレーター
Radeon R5 Registered jack Rg
Radeon R7 registered jack RGA
Radeon R700 Registered Jack-11 RGB
Radeon RX Vega M GH グラフィックス Registered jack-45 RGBA
Radeon RX Vega M GH グラフィックス搭載 インテル Core i7-8709G プロセッサー Registered Jack 11 RGBAカラーモデル
Radeon RX Vega M GH グラフィックス搭載 インテル Core i7-8809G プロセッサー Registered jack 45 RGB color model
Radeon RX Vega M GL graphics Registered jack RJ45 RGB color space
Radeon RX Vega M GL グラフィックス Registered Memory RGB色空間
Radeon RX Vega M GL グラフィックス搭載 インテル Core i5-8305G プロセッサー registered trademark RGBカラー・スペース
Radeon RX Vega M GL グラフィックス搭載 インテル Core i7-8705G プロセッサー Registration RGBカラー・モデル
Radeon RX Vega M GL グラフィックス搭載 インテル Core i7-8706G プロセッサー Registration,Evaluation,Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals RGB原色系フィルター
Radeon Vega 3 Graphics内蔵APU Registration,Evaluation,Authorization and Restriction of CHemicals RGB信号
Radeon Vega 3グラフィックス Registration authorities RGB端子
Radeon Xpress 1100 for Intel Registration of JPEG Profiles, SPIFF Profiles, SPIFF Tags, SPIFF colour Spaces, APPn Markers, SPIFF Compression types and Registration authorities RH
Radeon Xpress 1250 Registry Rh
Radeon Xpress 3200 for Intel registry Rhapsody
rader chart RegistryBooster RHEL
Radiation Registry Cleaner Kit RHELクローン
radiation RegistryCleanerKit RHEL互換
Radika Registry Dr. RHEL互換Linux
radiko RegistryDr. RHELベースLinuxディストリビューション
radiko.jp Registry Editor Rhenium
radiko.jp ガジェット Registry Helper RHL
Radikool Registry Mechanic Rhodium
RadikoPlayer RegistryNuke RI
radikoプレイヤー Registry Optimizer RIA
Radio Aomori Broadcasting Registry Reviver RIB
Radio Broadcast Data System Registry Winner Rich
Radio Bulletin Board System Regor Richard Helm
radio button regression Richard Rashid
Radio Corporation of America regression line Richard Stallman
Radio Data System regression test Rich Internet Application
radio disturbance Reg Tuneup Rich Internet Applications
Radio Frequency RegTweaker Richland
Radio Frequency Identification Regular Expression Richmond
Radio Frequency IDentifier regular expression Rich Site Summary
Radio Frequency Interference regularization Rich Text File Format
Radio Frequency Shield Regular Pulse Excitation with Linear Predictive Coder Rich Text Format
Radio Network Controller regular pulse excitation with linear predictive coder Rich Text Format Japanese
Radion Vega 3 Graphics Regular Pulse Excitation with Long-Term Prediction RICOH IMAGING COMPANY, LTD.
Radio on Fiber Regular Pulse Excitation with Long-Term Predictive Cording Ricoh Page Description Language
Radio over Fiber Regular Pulse Excitation with Long-Term Predictor Ricoh Page Description Language Driver
Radio Over Internet Protocol Regular Pulse Excited Long Term Prediction RID
Radio over IP Regulation ride
Radiosity Regulator ride + sharing
radiosity regulator ride-sharing
RadioSure regulatory compliance ridesharing
Radio Telephone Mobile System RegUse ridesourcing
Radio Teletype RegUtility RIDマスタ
radio teletypewriter RegUtility 4 RIFF
RadiSys RegUtility Inc RIFF WAVE file
Radium Reimage, Inc. RIFF waveform Audio Format
RADIUS Reimage Express RIFF形式
Radius Reimage Limited RIFILE
radius Reimage PC Repair Online Right
RADIUS AVP Reimage Repair right
RADIUSサーバー reinitialize the connection right-size
RADIUS認証 reinventing the wheel right-sizing
radix rel-directory Right-to-Left Override
radix conversion rel-enclosure RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET
Radon rel-home right angle bracket
RADSL rel-license Right Audio Channel File

 ICT用語一覧 【 R 】 
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RAD Studio rel-nofollow Right Backup
RADツール rel-tag right black lenticular bracket
RAID Relational right channel of an audio track
RAID-01 Relational DataBase right corner bracket
RAID-1 Relational Database Management System right curly brace
RAID-2 relational model RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
RAID-3 Relational OLAP right curly bracket
RAID-4 Relational On-line Analytical right double quotation
RAID-5 Relational Online Analytical Processing right flick
RAID-6 Relational operation right of access
RAID 0 relational operator RIGHT OUTER JOIN
RAID0 Relationship right parenthesis
RAID 0+1 relationship right pointing angle bracket
RAID0+1 Relationship between Computers and Society Rights
RAID 0+5 relationships rights
RAID 01 Relative rightsizing
RAID01 relative cell reference rights managed
RAID 1 Relative Element Address Designate RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
RAID1 Relative Expression Based Object Language right square bracket
RAID 1+0 Relative Humidity right to be forgotten
RAID 1+5 relative path right to erase
RAID 2 Release right tortoise shell bracket
RAID2 release rightの複数形
RAID 3 Release Candidate Rijndael
RAID3 Release Candidate Version RIKEN
RAID 4 Release Candidate版 rikigaku
RAID4 Release To Manufacturing RIM
RAID 5 Release to Manufacturing Version Rime Mailer
RAID5 Reliability Rime Mailer Address File
RAID 5+0 reliability RIMM
RAID 5+1 Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Integrity, Security RIMMモジュール
RAID 6 Reliability,Availability and Serviceability RIM社
RAID6 Reliability Availability Serviceability Ring
RAID Advisory Board Reliability Availability Serviceability Integrity Security ring
RAID advisory board Reliability Center for Electronic Components of Japan ring buffer
RAID controller reliable Ring Indicator
RaidenHTTPD Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol ring network
RAID five reliable multicast transport protocol ring topology
RAID four relocatable RIOS Systems
RAID one relocatable IP address RIP
RAID six REM rip
RAID striping Hard Didk REMarks RIPE
RAID three Remember The Milk RIPE-NCC
RAID two reminder RIPE NCC
RAID Z Remote RIP for Internet Protocol
RAID zero one REMOTE_HOST Ripping
RAIDコントローラ remote access ripping software
RAIDコントローラー Remote Access Service Ripping Tool
RAIDコントローラ・カード Remote Access Service server ripping tool
Rails Remote Access Tool ripple filter
Rainbows Remote Administration Tool RIR
Rainmader Software Group LLC remote authentication dial-in user service RIS
Raised floor Remote Authentication Dial In User Service RISC
Raiser Card remote backup RISC型CPUアーキテクチャ
raiser card remote boot RISCチップ
Raj Chandra Bose Remote Database Access RISCプロセッサ
Rakuten, Inc. remote database access RISCプロセッサアーキテクチャ
Rakuten 24 Remote Data Services RISCマイクロコンピュータ
Rakuten Bank, Ltd. Remote Defect Indication RISCマイクロプロセッサ
Rakuten Group, Inc. remote desktop RISCマイコン
RakutenMA Remote Desktop Protocol rise
Rakuten Music Remote Desktop Service Riser
Rakuten On-Memory Architecture Remote Drive riser board
RakutenPasha remote drive riser card
Rakuten Super English remote echo Risk
RALEKA ワーム Remote File Sharing Risk Assessment
Raleka ワーム remote host Risk Based Maintenance
Ralph Johnson Remote Installation Service Risk Management
RAM Remote Installation Services risk management
ram remote invocation RITEA
RAMAC remote LAN access Ritlweb質問,回答検索
Rambler Mail remote lock ritty
Rambus remote login Rivest's Cipher 2
Rambus DRAM remote logon Rivest's Cipher 4
Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory remote maintenance RJ
Rambus In-Line Memory Module Remote Method Invocation RJ-11
Rambus Incorporated remote method invocation RJ-14
Rambus Inline Memory Module Remote MONitoring RJ-25

 ICT用語一覧 【 R 】 
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Rambus社 remote monitoring RJ-45
Rambus仕様 remote mount RJ-45ジャック
RAMDAC Remote Network Monitoring RJ-48
RAM Digital-Analog Converter Remote network MONitoring RJ-61
RAM disk remote printer RJ-9
RAM drive Remote Procedure Call RJ11
Ramtron remote procedure call RJ45
Ramtron社 remote storage RLE
RAMアクセス・タイミング Remote Terminal RLE圧縮
RAMスクレーパー remote wipe RLL
RAMディスク Removable RLL方式
RAMディスク装置 Removable Disk Exchange System RLO
RAMディスクボード Removable Disk EXchenge system RM
RAMドライブ Removable Mass Storage rm
RAMファイル Removable UIM RMA
RAMモジュール Removable User Identity Module RMBS
Rancher OS remove a remote directory RMD
RancherOS rename from RMDIR
Random Access rename to Rmdir
random access Render Back-End rmdir
Random Access Memory Rendering rmdirコマンド
random access memory rendering RMI
Random Access Memory Digital to Analog Converter Rendering Operation Processor RMM
random access memory digital to analog converter Rendering Output Pipeline RMON
Random Access Method of Accounting and Control Rendezvous RMON1
Random Defect RendezVous Protocol RMON2
random dithering Rendition RMON MIB
random error Rene Thom RMS
Randomization Rene Vishney rms
random number Renren RMT
random value Renren.com RMTP
Rangeley Renren Network rmvb
Range Not Satisfiable rental server RMW
Ransom rental system Rn
Ransom.DMALocker REP RNC
Ransom.Petya repeat-until loop RNFR
Ransom.TeslaCrypt repeat-while loop RNIF
Ransom:MSIL/Memekap.A repeater RO
Ransom:MSIL/Samas.A repeater hub ROA
Ransom:Win32/Exxroute repeating decimal Road map
Ransom:Win32/LockScreen.AO replace-as-you-type Roadmap
Ransom:Win32/Petya.A Replaceable road map
Ransom:Win32/Reveton.Y Replacement roadmap
Ransom:Win32/Teerac REPlace mode roam
Ransom:Win32/Tescrypt.A Replay Attack roaming
RANSOM_CRYPCHIM.A replay attack roaming service
Ransom_CRYPCHIM.A replication ROAS
RANSOM_CRYPSAM.B Repondez s'il vous Plait Robert Bosch社
RANSOM_CRYPSAM.C Report Program Generator Robert McCool
RANSOM_JIGSAW.A Representation Robotic
RANSOM_MADLOCKER.B REpresentational State Transfer Robotic Process Automation
RANSOM_MAKTUB.A Republic robotics
RANSOM_MEMEKAP.A Republic of Albania Robot PnP
RANSOM_PETYA.A Republic of Angola robots
RANSOM_PETYA.D Republic of Armenia robots.txt
RANSOM_PRINCESSLOCKER.B Republic of Austria robots.txt file
Ransom_r.DD Republic of Azerbaijan robots.txt プロトコル
RANSOM_SHUJIN.A Republic of Belarus robots-exclusion
RANSOM_STAMPADO.A Republic of Benin Robots Exclusion Protocol
RANSOM_WALTRIX.C Republic of Botswana Robots Exclusion Standard
RANSOM_WANA.A Republic of Bulgaria robot type search engine
RANSOM_WCRY.I Republic of Burkina rob Peter to pay Paul
Ransom + Evil Republic of Burundi Robust
Ransom + Software Republic of Côte d'Ivoire Rocker gestures
Ransomware Republic of Cabo Verde Rocket
ransomware Republic of Cameroon Rocket Lake
Ransomware as a Service Republic of Chile Rocket Lake-S
Rapid Republic of Colombia Rocket Lakeマイクロアーキテクチャ
rapid Republic of Costa Rica RocketPC
Rapid Application Development Republic of Cuba Rockit 88
Rapid Deployment Pack Republic of Cyprus Rock Ridge
rapid PHY selection Republic of El Salvador Rock Ridge Extension
Rapid Resume Republic of Gamers Rock Ridge規格
rapid resume Republic of Guatemala Rockwell Semiconductor Systems社
RapidShare Republic of Peru Rockwell社
RapidSite Republic of South Africa Rod
Rapid Start Technology Republic of the Congo rod
Rapid Virtualization Indexing repudiation Rod Grimes
Raptor Cove マイクロアーキテクチャー(Pコア) Request Rod Johnson
Raptor Cove マイクロアーキテクチャー(高性能コア) Request-URI Too Long ROE

 ICT用語一覧 【 R 】 
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Raptor Lake Requested Range Not Satisfiable Roentgenium
RAR Request Entity Too Large RoF
rar Request For Comments ROFF
RAR5 Request for Comments Roff
RAR Archive File Request for Comments: 1518 roff
rare gas Request For Comments 1144 rogue
RARP Request For Information rogue cloud
RAR形式 request for proposal Rohit Bhargava
RARファイル Request For Quotation RoHS
RAS request for quotation RoHS1
RAS ACcess time Request For Technology RoHS2
RASIS request for tender RoHS Directive
Rasmus Lerdorf Request Header Fields Too Large RoHS指令
Raspberry Pi Request Timeout ROI
Raspberry Pi Foundation Request To Send RoIP
Raspberry Pi OS Request to Send Roland
Raspbian Required ROLAP
Raster requirement role
raster font Requirements role-playing
raster graphics Requirements Definition Role-playing game
Raster graphics editor requirements definition role playing
raster image Requirements Engineering Role Playing Game
Raster Image Processor Requirements for an Internet Standard Point-to-Point Protocol roll back
rasterization Requirements for Point to Point Protocol rollback
rasterize ReRAM rollback segment
rasterizer rerun roll forward
Raster Operation Processor RES rolling update
raster representation resale rolling upgrade
RAS to CAS Delay time RESAS roll out
RAS to CASディレイ Rescue rollout
RASサーバ Research rollover
RAS信号 Research & Development rollover cable
RAT Research & Development Center for Radio System Rollup
Rate Research and Development ROM
rate research and development in advanced communications technologies in Europe ROM-DOS
Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line Research In Motion ROMA
rate adaptive digital subscriber line Research In Motion Limited roman font
rate of revolution Research In Motion社 Roman type
rate of rotation Research Institute for Advanced Information Technology roman type
rate of turnover ResEdit Romeo
Ratfor file Reservation ROMI
Ratfor Source Code File RESET ROMイメージファイル
Rating reset ROMライタ
rating Reset Content Ron's Code 4
Ratio reset packet Ron's Code 5
ratio Reshaping the Data Center Ronald Mace
ratio-delay analysis resident program Ronald Rivest
Rational ClearQuest Residual Ron Rivest
RATOC Systems, Inc. residual current root
RATT Residual Current Circuit Breaker root-directory
Raven Ridge Residual Current Device root-kit
RAVPower 10400mAh Resilient root CA
RAW Resilient File System Root Certificate Authority
Raw resist root directory
raw Resistance root folder
RAW Address resistance RootFTP
RAW Address Strobe time Resistance RAM root kit
raw data resistant rootkit
Raw Graphic File Resistive Rootkit.Win32.TDSS
Raw image format Resistive RAM Root Mean Square
raw material Resistive Random Access Memory root mean square
RAW Precharge time Resistor Root Mean Squared
Raw Read Error Rate resizable Root Mean Square value
RAW画像 resizable array root node
RAW画像ファイル Resolution root user
RAW記録ファイル resolution rootアカウント
RAW形式 resolve rootユーザ
RAW現像 Resolver ROP
raw現像 resolver RoR
raw現像ソフト resolving RosettaNet
RAWデータ resolving power RosettaNet Implementation Framework
Rawデータ Resonance Rosette形態素解析システム
RAWファイル Resource Rosseta
RAXレジスタ resource Ross Technology社
Ray Resource.frk rotational frequency
ray Resource Certificate rotational speed
rays Resource Coordinator rotation frequency
ray tracing Resource Description Framework rotation number
Razer Orbweaver Chroma Resource Description Framework Site Summary Rotations
Razer Tartarus V2 resource fork Rotations Per Minute
Razorfish社 Resource Interchange File Format rotations per minute
Rb Resource Manager ROTデータ
RBBS Resource Public Key Infrastructure round-off error

 ICT用語一覧 【 R 】 
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RBDS resource record Round-Robin
RBFネットワーク Resource Reservation Protocol round-robin algorithm
RBL Resource Reservation Setup Protocol Round-Trip delay Time
RBM REsponse Round-Trip Time
RBOC response rounding error
RBS Response File round robin
RC response time round robin algorithm
RC-5223A Responsibility roundrobin algorithm
RC0 responsibility round trip
RC0/1 Responsibility-driven design round trip latency
RC1 Responsibility Driven Design Route
RC2 Responsive route
RC21 responsive design routed
RC3 Responsive Web Design route flapping
RC4 responsive web design Route Origin Authorization
RC4アルゴリズム REST Route poisoning
RC5 restart Router
RC5-56 RESTful API router
RCA restoration Router Advertisement
RCA connector restore Router Advertisement Message
RCA jack RESTORO Router Alert Option
RCA TERMINAL restraint Router Cold Standby
RCA terminal restraints Router Discovery
RCAケーブル Restriction Router flag
RCAジャック Restriction of Hazardous Substances Router Hot Standby
RCA端子 Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive Router Lifetime
RCCB Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment router mode
RCD REstructured eXtended eXecutor Router Solicitation
RCEP Restructured Extended Executor Router Solicitation Message
RCJ restructured extended executor router type
RCP restructuring routes
RCR resume routes chart diagram
RCS resume on Twitter routes chart method
RCVR RET Route Server
RC版 retail routeの現在分詞
RD Retain routine
rd reticle Routing
rd /s retina routing
RDA Retina Display routing convergence
RDB Retina display Routing Header
RDBMS retinal imaging display Routing Information Base
RDD Retinaディスプレイ Routing Information Protocol
RDF Retouch routing loop
RDF Site Summary RETR routing protocol
RDF Site Summary 1.0 Retrieval routing table
RDI retrieve a remote file Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
RDIMM Retry Rovi Corporation
RDP Return row
RDP 10.0 Return-to-One row address
RDP 4.0 Return-to-Zero Row Address Strobe
RDP 5.0 return authorization Row Address Strobe signal
RDP 5.1 return goods authorization Roxio Creator
RDP 5.2 return help on using the server Royal Philips
RDP 6.0 Return Key royalty
RDP 6.1 Return Merchandise Authorization royalty-free
RDP 7.0 Return Of Equity royalty free
RDP 7.1 Return On Ad Spend Roy Fielding
RDP 8.0 Return On Advertising Spend RP
RDP 8.1 Return On Assets RP-WD009
RDRAM Return On Investment RPA
RDS Return On Marketing Investment RPC
RDSL Return on marketing investment RPC-1
RDVDC return server status RPC-2
RDX return system type RPCS
RD木 return the modification time of a file RPCS Basicドライバー
RE return the size of a file RPCS言語
Re Return to Zero RPCSドライバー
REACH return value RPDL
Reach DSL Returnキー RPDLドライバー
ReachDSL return値 RPE-LPC
reaction retweet RPG
READ reusable RPGA611
read Reuse rPGA946B
Read/Write rev. rPGA988B
Read-Only Revenue RPG IV
read-only Reverse RPKI
Read-Only Memory reverse_iterator RPKI ROAパブリックキャッシュ
Read–modify–write Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RPKIシステム
Read After Write reverse address resolution protocol RPM
Read Channel Margin Reverse ARP rpm
Read Disturb reverse assemble RPMA

 ICT用語一覧 【 R 】 
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reader reverse cable RPMPT
Read Error Rate reversed cable RPM系ディストリビューション
README Reverse Incremental Backup rpmコマンド
Readme Reverse Iterators RPMパッケージ
README.1ST reverse lookup RPN
README.DOC Reverse Polish Notation RPO
README.md reverse solidus RPS
README.TXT reversible encryption mechanism employed by Shiva remote access servers RPT
Read Modify Write REVETON rpt
Read Mostly Memory Reveton RPT形式
Read Only Review RPTファイル
read only review RPTフォーマット
Read Only Member REvil RPX
Read Only Memory Revisable rpx
Read Only Memory-Disk Operating System Revisable-Form Text RPX形式
Read Timing Revisable Form Text:Document Content Architecture RPXファイル
ReadyBoost Revise RPXフォーマット
Ready To Manufacture Revised Appendix IV - Provisional planning values for the wideband equipment impairment factor and the wideband packet loss robustness factor RR
Ready To Manufacturing Revision RRAM
Read Zero After Trim Revision Control System RRT
READ符号化方式 revision marking RS
Real-Time ReviverSoft RS/6000SP
real-time revolution RS/CSフロー制御
Real-Time Bidding Revolution Per Minute RS(204,188)
Real-time Blackhole List revolution rate RS-170 (A)
Real-Time Clock Revolutions RS-232
Real-Time Messaging Protocol revolutions RS-232C
Real-Time Operating System Revolutions Per Minute RS-232C port
Real-time operating system revolutions per minute RS-232Cクロスケーブル
real-time operating system REW RS-232C準拠
Real-Time Operation REWind RS-232Cポート
real-time operation Rewind RS-232D
real-time OS rework RS-232E
real-time processing rex RS-232F
Real-Time Streaming Protocol REXAS RS-422
Real-Time Transfer Protocol REX OS RS-485
Real-Time Transport Control Protocol REXX RS-MMC
Real-time Transport Protocol RF RS-PC
real address Rf RS232C
RealAudio RF-ID RS485
RealAudio Player Plus RFC RS6
REALbasic RFC # 697 RSA
Real Imaging Processor RFC 1001 RSA-OAEP
Realistic RFC 1002 RSA-PSS
Realistic Display miXer RFC 1034 RSA-PSS方式
Realistic Sound eXperience RFC 1035 RSA4096
Reality RFC 1042 RSAC
Reallocated RFC 1055 RSACi
Reallocated sector count RFC 1058 RSAC on the internet
Reallocated Sectors Count RFC 1064 RSA Data Security社
reallocation RFC 1075 RSASSA
Reallocation Count RFC 1094 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
Reallocation Event Count RFC 1112 RSA暗号
Really Simple RFC 1122 RSA暗号標準
Really Simple Syndication RFC1122 RSA公開キー
Really Simple Syndication 2.0 RFC 1123 RSA方式
RealMediaファイル RFC 1144 RS Code
real memory RFC 1156 R series recommendations
Real Mode RFC 1157 RSoD
Real Money RFC 1176 RSQ
Real Money Trade RFC 1179 RSS
Real Money Trading RFC 1188 RSS/Atom形式
Real Networks RFC 1191 RSS 1.0
Real Networks社 RFC1191 RSS 2.0
RealNetworks社 RFC 1201 RSS advertising
real number type RFC 1213 RSS aggregator
RealPlayer RFC 1231 RSS Bandit
Realplayer RFC 1321 RssChecker
RealPlayer Classic RFC 1331 RSS feed
RealPlayer Cloud RFC 1332 RSSI
RealPlayer for Windows 7,8,10 RFC 1334 RSSOwl
RealPlayer M RFC 1350 RSS reader
RealPlayer Plus RFC 1421 RSSアグリゲーター
RealPlayer Premium RFC 1422 RSSクライアント
RealPlayer バージョン RFC 1423 RSS広告
RealSystem RFC 1424 RSS自動生成サービス
Realtek ALC1150 RFC 1434 RSS情報
Realtek ALC892 RFC 1452 RSS対応ブラウザ
Realtek ALC898 RFC 1459 RSS配信
Realtek Semiconductor ALC1150 RFC 1460 RSSフィード
Realtek Semiconductor ALC662 RFC1492 RSSリーダー
Realtek Semiconductor ALC662s-VD RFC 1497 RSSリーダー・アド オン
Realtek Semiconductor ALC887 RFC 1510 RSSリーダー用アド オン

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Realtek Semiconductor ALC887-VD RFC 1518 RST
Realtek Semiconductor ALC887-VD2 RFC 1519 RST packet
Realtek Semiconductor ALC892 RFC 1521 RSTパケット
Realtek Semiconductor ALC898 RFC 1522 RSTフィールド
Real Time RFC 1532 RSVP
Real Time Bidding RFC 1533 RSX
Real Time Clock RFC 1534 RSX-11
Realtime executive + Linux RFC 1541 rsync
Real Time Linux RFC 1542 RS符号
Real Time Messaging Protocol RFC 1547 RT
Real Time Operating System RFC 1548 RT-11
Real Time Operation RFC 1549 RT-Linux
RealTimes RFC 1550 RT-Thread
realtimes RFC 1552 RT @ユーザ名 当該発言
RealTimes Basic RFC 1553 RTA55i
Real Time Strategy RFC 1557 RTB
Real Time Streaming Protocol RFC 1570 RTC
RealTimesアプリ RFC 1577 RT Control Protocol
Realtime Transport Protocol RFC 1579 RTCP
realtime transport protocol RFC 1630 RTEMS
RealVideo RFC 1631 RTF
Rear Aperture Detection RFC 1639 RTF-J
Rearrange RFC 1661 RTF 1.0
Reason Core Security RFC 1725 RTF 1.7
Reasons RFC 1730 RTF 1.8
REBOL RFC 1731 RTF 1.91
REBOL programming language RFC 1733 RTFJ
REBOL Script RFC 1737 RTF形式
REBOL Technologies RFC 1738 RTFファイル
REBOOT RFC 1752 RTFフォーマット
reboot RFC 1772 RTKT_BLACKEN.C
rec. RFC 1785 RTKT64_BLACKEN.C
Recalibration Retries RFC 1825 RTLinux
Receive Data RFC 1829 RTMP
Received Signal Strength Indication RFC 1847 RTMPE
Received Signal Strength Indicator RFC 1848 RTMP over SSL/TLS
Receiver RFC 1855 RTMPS
Receive Timing RFC 1883 RTMPT
Receive Window RFC 1889 RTMP Tunneling
Receive WINdow size RFC 1897 RTMS
Recent Box RFC 1908 RTM版
Recently RFC 1910 RTM版ビルド
receptacle RFC 1918 RTO
receptacle outlet RFC 1922 RTOS
rechargeable battery RFC 1928 RTP
recharger RFC 1930 RTS
Recieved eXchange Data RFC 1945 RTSP
Reciprocal RFC 1951 RTT
reciprocal RFC 1952 RTTI
reciprocal of impedance RFC 1962 RTTY
Reciprocate RFC 1990 RTV700
Recital RFC 1994 RTX
Recognition RFC 2012 RTモード
recognition RFC 2015 Ru
Recognition,Mining and Synthesis RFC 2045 ru-ra- tansaku
recognize RFC 2046 rubber-band scrolling
recognized RFC 2047 rubber-keyed keyboard
Recommendation RFC 2049 Rubbish
recommendation RFC 2060 Rubidium
Recommendation G.803 RFC 2068 Rubinius
Recommendation G.805 RFC 2086 Ruby
Recommendation G.872 RFC 2087 ruby
Recommendation ITU-T G.803 RFC 2088 Ruby/Rakuten On-Memory Architecture
Recommendation ITU-T G.805 RFC 2125 Ruby's
Recommendation ITU-T G.872 RFC 2131 Ruby License
Recommendations RFC 2132 Ruby on Rails
Recommendation T.124 RFC 2136 Ruby ライセンス
Recommendation V.25bis RFC 2153 Rule
Recommendation Widgets RFC 2159 rule
Recommended RFC 2166 Rule Assessment of Defect-Affected Regions
Recommended Practice RFC 2177 ruled
Recommended Standard RFC 2180 ruled line
Recommended Standard 232C RFC 2193 Rule Management Application
Recommended Standard 232 Version C RFC 2205 ruler
Recommended Standard 422 RFC 2221 rules
recompile RFC 2228 rumble filter
Recon3D RFC 2236 Run
record RFC 2244 run
Recordable RFC 2284 Run-Length Encoding
Recordable DVD Council RFC 2295 Run-Length Limited coding

 ICT用語一覧 【 R 】 
< 9 >
Recorder uniq IDentifier RFC2295 Run-Time Type Information
recording media RFC 2301 run-time version
record level inverted index RFC 2324 Run command
Recoverit RFC 2326 Run command box
Recovery RFC 2332 Run dialog box
recovery RFC 2342 run in
Recovery as a Service RFC 2347 Run Length
Recovery Drive RFC 2348 Run Length Compression
recovery install RFC 2349 Run Length Encoding
Recovery Management Support RFC 2359 Run Length Limited
recovery management support RFC 2364 Run Length Limited encoding
Recovery Point Objective RFC 2373 running
Recovery Time Objective RFC 2389 running cost
Recreational Software Advisory Council RFC 2406 runoff
Recreational Software Advisory Council on the internet RFC 2409 run on
Recruit RFC 2425 runtime
rectangle RFC 2426 runtime error
rectangle pixel CCD RFC 2428 runtime library
Rectifier RFC 2460 runtime version
RectZoom RFC2460 Rupo ACE
Recurrent Neural Network RFC 2471 rush test
recurring decimal RFC 2510 Ruthenium
recurse RFC 2516 Rutherfordium
recursion RFC 2518 RV100
recursive RFC 2535 RV200
recursive algorithm RFC 2554 RV250
recursive call RFC 2560 RV280
recursive program RFC 2565 RV350
Recuva RFC 2566 RV351LX
Recycle RFC 2567 RV360
recycle bin RFC 2568 RV370
Red RFC 2569 RV410
Red,Green,Blue RFC 2595 RV505pro
red, green, blue signal RFC 2616 RV515
Red-Black Tree RFC 2640 RV516
Red-eye effect RFC 2661 RV520
red-eye effect RFC2711 RV530
red-eye reduction RFC 2796 RV535
Red-Green-Blue color model RFC 2817 RV560
Red Book RFC 2819 RV570
Red Brick RFC 2828 RV610
red eye RFC 2910 RV620LE
red eye reduction flash RFC 2911 RV620PRO
Red Green Blue RFC 2918 RV630
Red Green Blue Alpha RFC 2946 RV635PRO
Red Green Blue Alpha color model RFC 2971 RV670PRO
Red Hat RFC 2985 RV670XT
Red Hat Enterprise Linux RFC 2986 RV710PRO
Red hat Enterprise Linux RFC 3065 RV710XT
RedHat Enterprise Linux互換Linux RFC 3110 RV730PRO
Red Hat Linux RFC 3161 RV730XT
Red hat Linux系Linuxディストリビューション RFC 3164 RV740XT
RedHat Package Manager RFC 3229 RV770CE
Red Hat Software社 RFC3330 RV770LE
Red Hat社 RFC 3348 RV770XT
RedHawk Linux RFC 3376 RV790GT
redirect RFC 3392 RV790XT
Redirection RFC 3418 RVI
Redis RFC 3501 RVP
Redmine RFC 3516 RWD
red noise RFC 3533 RWhois
REDOログバッファ RFC 3548 RWIN
redress RFC 3550 RWPPI
Red Screen of Death RFC3588 RW Products Promotion Initiative
RedShift RFC 3659 RWプロダクツ・プロモーション・イニシャアチブ
Reduce RFC 3720 RX
Reduce,Reuse,Recycle RFC 3721 Rx
Reduced RFC 3810 RX 460
Reduced Color RFC 3875 RX 470
Reduced Instruction-Set Computer RFC 3927 RX 480
Reduced Size Multi Media Card RFC3927 RXD
Reduced Size Multimedia Card RFC4007 RZ
reduce処理 RFC 4033 RZAT
Reduction RFC 4034 RZ方式
reduction RFC 4035 Rイーブル
Reduction reaction RFC 4122 R木
Redundancy RFC 4180 R指定作品
redundancy RFC 4214 Rシリーズ勧告
redundancy check RFC 4217 Rファイル

記号 数字 A B C



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