出典: QuickDraw GX 『フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 最終更新 2 May 2018, at 09:32 UTC、URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuickDraw_GX QuickDraw GX was a replacement for the QuickDraw (QD) 2D graphics engine and Printing Manager inside the classic Mac OS. Its underlying drawing platform was a resolution-independent object oriented retained mode system, making it much easier for programmers to perform common tasks (compared to the original QuickDraw). Additionally, GX added various curve-drawing commands that had been lacking from QD, as well as introducing TrueType as its basic font system... |
同義語・類義語 | 関連語・その他 |
QuickDraw GX | サポート中止 |
QuickDrawの機能拡張版 | |
クイックドロー ジーエックス | |
クイックドロージーエックス | |
このページは書きかけのページです | 更新日:2020年 1月 3日 |