【 「スマゥートゥ・パゥースナルゥ・オブジェクトゥ・テクナラゥジー」又はそれに関連する用語の意味 】
出典: Smart Personal Objects Technology 『フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 最終更新 17 January 2018, at 16:51 UTC、URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/
The Smart Personal Objects Technology (SPOT) is a discontinued initiative by Microsoft to create intelligent and personal home appliances, consumer electronics, and other objects through new hardware capabilities and software features.Development of SPOT began as an incubation project initiated by the Microsoft Research division. SPOT was first announced by Bill Gates at the COMDEX computer exposition event in 2002, and additional details were revealed by Microsoft at the 2003 Consumer Electronics Show where Gates demonstrated a set of prototype smart watches—the first type of device that would support the technology... |
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Smart Personal Objects Technology (Wikipedia)
【 スマゥートゥ・パゥースナルゥ・オブジェクトゥ・テクナラゥジー の同義語と関連語 】
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同義語・類義語 |
関連語・その他 |
Smart Personal Object Technology |
スマート・パーソナル・オブジェクト・テクノロジー |
スマゥートゥ・パゥースナルゥ・オブジェクトゥ・テクナラゥジー |
このページは書きかけのページです |
更新日:2020年 1月 3日 |