


 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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M Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard
m Microsoft University
M.2 Microsoft Update
M.2 Type A Microsoft Video1
M.2 Type B Microsoft Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
M.2 Type E Microsoft Visio
M.2 Type M Microsoft Visio 2010
M.2規格 Microsoft Visio 2013
M.2ポート Microsoft Visio Professional 2016
M. P. Vecchi Microsoft Visio Professional 2019
M : Mobile (第4世代までのモバイル) Microsoft Visio Standard 2019
M/B Microsoft Visual Basic
M/H Microsoft Visual Basic,Applications Edition
M/M Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
m(__)m Microsoft Visual Basic Encoded Script File
M-5Y10 Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System Applications Edition
M-5Y10a Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition
M-5Y10c Microsoft Visual C++
M-5Y31 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
M-5Y51 Microsoft Visual Studio
M-5Y70 Microsoft Visual Studioファミリー
M-5Y71 Microsoft Wallet
M-dot-Two Microsoft Windows
m-HPSK拡散変調方式 Microsoft Windows 10
M-JPEG Microsoft Windows 10 IoT
m-Learning Microsoft Windows 2000
M-series recommendations Microsoft Windows 7
m-Stick MS-NH1 Microsoft Windows 95
M-TRON Microsoft Windows 95 Operating System
M-XD1GM Microsoft Windows 98
M-XD2GMP Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
M&A Microsoft Windows Bitmap
Microsoft Windows DNSサーバー
M1 Microsoft Windows Embedded CE
M17N Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009
M2 Microsoft Windows Home Server
M212 Microsoft Windows Installer
M2M Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
M2Mサービス Microsoft Windows Powered NAS
M2Mサービス専用番号 Microsoft Windows Server 2003
M2Mシステム Microsoft Windows Vista
M2M等専用番号 Microsoft Windows プレインストール環境
m2t Microsoft Word
m2ts Microsoft Word 2013
M2TSフォーマット Microsoft Word 5.0
m3-6Y30 Microsoft Word 97
m3-7Y30 Microsoft Word 97 with Bookshelf Basic
M3201 Microsoft Works
M3202 Microsoft Works 2.0
M3205 Microsoft WScript
M32R Microsoft Xbox 360
M4A Microsoft Xenix
m4a Microsoft Xenix 1.00
M4A形式 Microsoft XPS Document Writer
m4a形式 Microsoft Zero Administration kit
M4Aファイル Microsoft Zero Administration kit for Windows NT Workstation 4.0 日本語版
m4aファイル Microsoftアカウント
M4Aフォーマット Microsoft 管理コンソール
M4IF Microsoft公認販売店
m4v Microsoft サポート ライフサイクル ポリシー
m5-6Y54 Microsoft サポート・ライフサイクル・ポリシー
m5-6Y57 Microsoft社
M68000ファミリ Microsoft社指定販売代理店バージョン
m7-6Y75 Microsoft社のデーターベース管理ソフトウェア
M8577J/A Microsoftストア
MA Microsoft ナレーター
MAB Microsoftネットワーク
Ma Bell Microsoftの電子メール・ソフト
MAC Microsoft翻訳
Mac,Apache,MySQL,PHP Microsoft ライフサイクル ポリシー
Mac13インチ Microsoft ライフサイクル・ポリシー
Mac15インチ MicroStar International
Mac16インチ micro Subscriber Identity Module card
Mac21インチ Microsystem Technology
Mac9インチ Micro to Mainframe Links
MAC address micro to mainframe links
MAC address authentication micro tower
MAC address based authentication MICプラグ
MAC address filtering MICレセプタクル
Macallan MID
Mac App Store mid
MacBinary MID-E
macbinary Midbar Tech

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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MacBinary File Middle Side
MacBinary II Middle Sideステレオ
MacBinary III Middleware
MacBinary形式 middleware
MacBinaryファイル MIDI
Mac Blu-ray Player MIDI Karaoke file
MacBook MIDI Manufacturers Association
MacBook Air MIDI Sample Dump Standard
MacBook Early 2006 MIDI sequencer
MacBook Early 2008 MIDI standard
MacBook Early 2009 MIDI Time Code
MacBook Early 2015 MIDI音源
MacBook Early 2016 MIDI規格
MacBook Late 2006 MIDI規格委員会
MacBook Late 2007 MIDI規格表示会
MacBook Late 2008 MIDI形式
MacBook Late 2009 MIDIシーケンサー
MacBook Mid 2007 MIDIソフト
MacBook Mid 2009 MIDIタイムコード
MacBook Mid 2010 MIDI端子
MacBook Mid 2017 MIDIデータ
MacCafe MIDlet
MAC frame Midline SAS
Macgo Windows Blu-ray Player MIDP
Mach-O Carbon MIDPlug
Mach 4.0 Midrange Electronics Bay
Machine-to-Machine Midsize Business
Machine-to-Management MID形式
machine dependent characters MIDファイル
machine language MIDフォーマット
Machine Learning MIF
machine learning MIFARE
Machinery MIG
Machine to Machine MigApp.xml
Machine Type Communication MigDocs.xml
machining center Mignon
Mach micro-kernel migrate
Mach microkernel migration
Mach OS MigUser.xml
Machオペレーティング・システム MII
Machオペレーティングシステム Miiverse
Machカーネル Mijin
Machプロジェクト MIL
Machマイクロカーネル mil.pe
Macintosh MIL-DTL-24308
Macintosh,Apache,MySQL,PHP MIL-SPEC
Macintosh + Apache + MySQL + PHP MIL-STD
Macintosh Application Environment MIL-STD-188-114B
Macintosh compatible machine MILC
Macintosh II mile
Macintosh PowerBook 100 MILICRY
Macintosh PowerBook 145B Milion Whetstone Instructions Per Second
Macintosh PowerBook 150 Military
Macintosh PowerBook 180c Military Specification
Macintosh PowerBook 190 Military Specifications and Standards
Macintosh PowerBook 190cs Mille
Macintosh PowerBook 2400c/180 Millennium
Macintosh PowerBook 2400c/240 Millennium Development Goals
Macintosh PowerBook 520 Miller
Macintosh PowerBook 5300 milli
Macintosh PowerBook 5300cs milli-Ampere-hour
Macintosh PowerBook 540 millimicron
Macintosh PowerBook 550c Million
Macintosh PowerBook Duo 210 Million Floating-Point Operations Per Second
Macintosh PowerBook Duo 230 Million Floating Point Operations Per Second
Macintosh PowerBook Duo 280 Million Instruction Per Second
Macintosh PowerBook Duo 280c Million Instructions Per Second
Macintosh PowerBook G3 million instructions per second
Macintosh互換機 Million Logical Inferences Per Second
Macintosh用OS Million Operations Per Second
MacIP million operations per second
MacIP Protocol Millions of FLOating Point Operations Per Second
Mac mini Millions of Instructions Per Second
Mac mini 2018 Millions of Instructions per Second
Mac mini Early 2005 Millions of Operations Per Second
Mac mini Early 2006 Millions of Operations per Second
Mac mini Early 2009 MilSpecs
Mac mini Late 2005 MIL Standard
Mac mini Late 2006 Milti-Channel Access
Mac mini Late 2009 milti-channel access
Mac mini Late 2012 Milti Channel Access

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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Mac mini Late 2014 Milti Channel Access System
Mac mini Mid 2007 MIL規格
Mac mini Mid 2010 milドメイン
Mac mini Mid 2011 MIM
macOS 10.12.6 Sierra MIME multi-part
macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra MIME Object Security Services
macOS 10.14.6 Mojave MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy
macOS 10.15.3 Catalina MIME TYPE
macOS 10.15 Catalina MIME type
MacOS 6 MIME形式
Mac OS 7.6 MIMEタイプ
Mac OS 8 MIMEマルチパート
Mac OS 8.5 MIM液晶
macOS Catalina MIM型液晶
macOS Catalina 10.15.3 MIM方式
macOS High Sierra MIN
macOS High Sierra 10.13 min
macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 MIND
macOS Mojave Mind
macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Mind Crasher
macOS Sierra mind crasher
macOS Sierra 10.12.6 MindManager Lite 7 日本語版
macOS v10.12.6 MiNDPiECE
macOS v10.13.6 mineo
macOS v10.14.3 mineo Aプラン
macOS v10.14.6 mineo Dプラン
macOS v10.15.4 beta 5 mineo Sプラン
Mac OS X Ming J. Chien
Mac OSX mini
MacOS X Mini-A
Mac OS X 10.0 Mini-ATX
Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah Mini-B
Mac OS X 10.1 Mini-Client Driver
Mac OS X 10.1 Puma Mini-DTX
Mac OS X 10.2 Mini-GBIC
Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar Mini-HDMI
Mac OS X 10.3 Mini-ITX
Mac OS X 10.3 Panther Mini-LPX
Mac OS X 10.4 mini-SATA
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Mini-USB
Mac OS X 10.5 miniature
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Mini ATX
Mac OS X 10.6 MiniCad
Mac OS X 10.6 Leopard Minicad
Mac OS X 10.7 Mini Cartridge
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Mini Client Driver
Mac OS X 10.8 mini DIN 4pin
Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Mini Disc
Mac OS X Cheetah MiniDisc
Mac OS X Jaguar Mini Disc DATA
Mac OS X Leopard Mini Disc Long Play
Mac OS X Lion Mini Display Port
Mac OS X Mountain Lion Mini DisplayPort
Mac OS X Panther miniDV
Mac OS X Public Beta miniDVカセット
Mac OS X Puma Mini Floppy Disk
Mac OS X Server mini floppy disk
Mac OS X Server 1.0 Mini HDMI
Mac OS X Siam Minimal Video Extension to X
Mac OS X Snow Leopard minimize all open windows
Mac OS X Tiger Minimum Assured Power 12W
Mac OS X v10.0 Minimum Assured Power 20W
Mac OS X v10.1 Minimum Audible Field
Mac OS X v10.2 minimum pit length
Mac OS X v10.3 Minimum Shift Keying
Mac OS X v10.4 minimum shift keying
Mac OS X v10.5 mining
Mac OS X v10.6 Mini PCI
Mac OS X v10.7 Mini PCI Express
Mac OS X v10.8 Mini PCI Type I
Mac OS X 用API Mini PCI TypeIB
Mac OS 拡張フォーマット Mini PCI Type II
Mac OS互換機 Mini PCI TypeIIA
MacOS互換機 Mini PCI TypeIIB
macOS バージョン 10.12.6 Mini PCI Type III
macOS バージョン 10.13.6 Mini PCI TypeIIIA
macOS バージョン 10.14.6 Mini PCI TypeIIIB
macOS バージョン 10.15.3 Mini SATA

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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Mac OS 標準フォーマット miniSD
MacPaint miniSDHC memory card
Mac Pro miniSDHCメモリーカード
MacRAR miniSD memory card
Macro miniSDメモリーカード
macro miniSIM
Macroarray miniSIMカード
Macro Assembler Ministere des Postes et Telecommunications et de la Telediffusion
macro cell ministere des postes et telecommunications et de la telediffusion
macro infection type virus Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
macro language Ministry
Macromedia Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Macromedia Authorware Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,Science and Technology
Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 日本語版 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Macromedia ColdFusion Server 5 日本語版 Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Macromedia Dreamweaver Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism,
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Miniture Card
Macromedia Dreamweaver CS2.3 miniUICC
Macromedia Fireworks mini Universal Integrated Circuit Card
Macromedia Fireworks 1.0 MINIX
Macromedia Fireworks 2.0 minor
Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 minor metal
Macromedia Fireworks 4.0 minor version up
Macromedia Fireworks 8 minus sign
Macromedia Fireworks MX minute
Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 Minutes of Use
Macromedia Flash MIPMAP
Macromedia Flash Movie MIP Mapping
Macromedia Flash Professional 8 MIPS
Macromedia FreeHand MIPS IV
Macromedia Studio 8 MIPSコンピュータシステムズ
Macromedia社 MIPS社
macro photography Mirabilis社
Macro TRON Miracast
Macro Virus Miracast接続
macro virus Miracle
Macrovision mIRC
macrovision MIRCOP
Macrovision, Inc. mirroring
Macrovision社 Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera
MacRuby mirror port
MACsec Mirror Site
MAC security mirror site
MacServer MIS
MacSketch MIS-D
MacWORLD Expo Mis-Origination
MACアドレス Misc
MACアドレス・スプーフィング misc.
MACアドレス認証 miscellaneous
MACアドレスフィルタリング Misc Files
Mac互換機 MISD
Macバイナリ Misdirected
MAC副層 Misdirected Request
MACベース認証 misic software
Mad Catz Interactive MISMATCHED_HAL エラー
Madison MISTY-2
MadWare MISTY1
madware MISTY2
Magaport MITB攻撃
Mageia MITF
Magenta mITF
Magic Cap MITI
MagicDisc MITM
MagicGate Mitnick
Magic Link Mitola radio
MagicMirror MIT PGP 2.6.2
magic number MITRON
magic packet Mitsubishi Electric
Magic Ransomeware Mitsubishi Improved Security Technology
MagLev MIT X Consortium
Magnesium MIT X Consotium
Magnet-Optical disk Mixed-Mode CD
magnet-optical disk mixed content documents

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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Magnetic- electronic Automatic Reservation System 1 Mixed Environment
Magnetically Induced Super Resolution Mixed Raster Content
Magnetically induced Super Resolution mixed recurring decimal
magnetically induced super resolution mixi
Magnetic Blow-out Circuit Breaker mixiアカウント
magnetic disk mixiアプリ
Magnetic Field Modulation mixi同級生
Magnetic ink character reader mixiプレミアム
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition mixiモバイル
Magnetic ink character recognition mix mode CD
Magnetic Lasso Tool Mixture Model
magnetic lasso tool MI型
Magnetic Optical disk MIセンサ
Magnetic RAM MIセンサー
Magnetic Random Access Memory MJP
Magnetic Resonance Imaging MJPEG
Magnetic Stripe MKA
magnetic stripe card mka
Magnetic Tape MKB
magnetic tape MKD
Magneto mkfifo
Magneto-Optical disk mkfifo()
Magneto-optics MKK
Magneto Impedance Sensor mknod()
Magnet Optical MKV
Magnet Optical disk mkv
Magneto Registive MKV形式
Magnetoregistive MKVファイル
magnetoregistive MKVフォーマット
Magneto Resistance Sensor ML
Magneto Resistive Head ML-100
Magnetoresistive RAM MLA
Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory MLAG
Magneto Resistiveヘッド mLAN
magnifying glass MLC
Magnitude MLC-2
Magstripe MLC-3
magstripe MLC2
Maid MLC Spatial prefetcher
Mail MLC TS512GESD400K
mail MLCストリーマ
Mail Address MLCチップ
mail address MLD
Mail and Newsgroups MLDv1
Mail API MLDv2
Mail Application Programming Interface MLID
Mailbird MLINK
Mail Delivery System MLIPS
mailer MLIT
Mail eXchange record MLP
Mail eXchange Resource Record MLPPP
mail filtering policy MLS
Mail for Android Wear & Gmail MLSD
Mailing List MLST
mailing list MLS方式
mail magazine MM
mail spoofing MMA
mailto MMAC
mailto: MMC
Mail Transaction Failed MMC-1
Mail Transfer Agent MMC-2
Mail Transfer Protocol MMC 4.0
Mail Translate Agent MMCA
Mail User Agent MMCD
main()の引数 MMCmicro
main()メソッド MMCmobile
main-memory database MMCplus
Main Board MMCマイクロ
main board MMCモバイル
main contractor MMD
Main database MMDB
Main Distributing Frame MME
mainframe MME Super
Main Level MMF
Mainline mmf
Main Memory MMF形式
main memory MMI
Main Profile MMIO
Main Profile@Main Level MMJ
Main Profile at Low Level MMK

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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Main Profile at Main Level MML
Mainstream MMOFPS
maintainability MMORPG
Maintenance MMPM/2
maintenance MMR
Maintenance, Repair and Operation MMR方式
maintenance contract MMS
main関数に渡す引数 MMU
main 関数の引数 MMVF
Main販売管理 MMX
major MMX Pentium
Major appliance MMX Pentium ODP
major household appliance MMX Pentiumプロセッサ
majority MMX対応Pentium
Major Trading Area MMXテクノロジPentiumプロセッサ
major trading area MMX命令
major version up mmバンド
make MN
make a remote directory Mn
Makefile MNCRS
make it possible with canon mnemonic
Make Money Fast mnemonic code
mal Mnesia
Male MNG
male mng
male connector MNI
Malex MNLS
Mali 450 MP4 MNO
malicious MNOとMVNOの間に入りサービスや技術をMVNOに提供する事業者
malicious + software MNP
malicious advertising MNP 1
malicious code MNP 10
malicious software MNP 2
Mali T720 MP2 MNP 3
mall MNP 4
malloc MNP 5
Maltine Records MNP 6
malvertisement MNP 7
malvertising MNP 8
malware MNP 9
malware + advertisement MNP Class 1
malware + advertising MNP Class 10
Malware Crusher MNP Class 2
Malware Protector MNP Class 3
MAM MNP Class 4
MAMP MNP Class 6
mamp.info MNP Class 7
MAMR MNP Class 9
MAMRドライブ MNP クラス 10
MAMR方式 MNP クラス 2
MAN MNP クラス 3
man MNP クラス 4
man-day MNP クラス 6
man-hour MNP クラス 7
Man-In-The-Browser MNP クラス 8
Man-In-The-Browser Attack MNP クラス 9
Man-in-the-Email Scam MNP転出
Man-In-The-Middle Attack MNP転入
man-in-the-middle attack MNP予約番号
man-machine interface MO
man-month Mo
manaca MO-300
Managed Cloud Service MO300
managed code MO7
Managed JScript Mobage
managed service Mobile
Managed Service Provider mobile
managed service provider Mobile-ITX
managed VPN mobile adware
Managed VPN light V2 Mobile Application Management
ManageEngine OpManager Mobile Assisted Hand Over
Management Mobile Athlon 4
Management Buy Out Mobile Athlon 4 1500+
Management By Objectives Mobile Athlon 4 1600+
Management capabilities of transport networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy Mobile audio/modem Daughter Card
Management Information Base mobile audio/modem daughter card
Management Information Format mobile audio player
management information format mobile banking
Management Information System Mobile Battery

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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management information system mobile broadband
Management Of Technology mobile centrex service
management port Mobile Communication
Management Services Provider mobile communication
Manager mobile computing
Manchester Mobile daughter card
Mandatory Mobile Device Management
Mandatory Access Control Mobile Digital-Thin Film Diode
man day Mobile Document Format
Mandriva Linux Mobile Gear
Mangan Mobile High-Definition Link
Manganese Mobile High-definition Link
manganese dry battery Mobile Information Device Profile
Manganum Mobile InTernet access Forum
Manga Studio 5.0 Mobile Internet Access Forum
MangerFlitter Mobile Internet Device
Manhattan Mobile IP
Manila Mobile IP-Members
Man in the Browser Mobile IPv4
Man in the Browser Attack MobileIron AppConnect/AppTunnel
Man in the Middle Attack Mobile IT Forum
Man in the Middle Attacks MobileMe
manipulate Mobile Module Connector
manipulation mobile music player
Manipulators Mobile Network Computer Reference Specification
Man Machine Mobile Network Operator
Man Machine Interface Mobile Node
Mantis mobile note
mantissa mobile note PC
Mantle Mobile Number Portability
Mantle 1.0 Mobile on DeskTop
ManTrap Mobile on Desktop Technology
Manual Mobile PC
manual mobile PC
Manual Focusing Mobile PCI-Express Module
Manual White Balance Mobile PCI-eXpress Module
manufacturer mobile phone
Manufacturing Mobile radio telephone
Manufacturing Automation Protocol Mobile Safari
Manufacturing Execution System Mobile Satellite Communications Services
manufacturing process Mobile Security
many Mobile Security & Antivirus
Many-core CPU Mobile Security Manager
Many core Mobile Sempron
many core processor Mobile Triton
Many Integrated Core Mobile Virtual Network Enabler
MAOIX Mobile Virtual Network Operator
MAP Mobile VNO
map Mobile Voltage Positioning
Map Engine Optimization Mobile WiMAX
MapFan Mobile Wireless Access
MapFan.net Mobile World Congress
MAPI Mobility Radeon
Maple Mobi形式
Mapper mock
mapping Mock-Up
MapReduce mock-up
MapReduceシステム mockup
maps app MOD
maps application mod_perl
MAPS RBL mod_php
map処理 modal dialog
MAR MOD chip
Marc Andreesen MODE
Marcel Lemke Mode-1 CD-ROM
march Model
marchFIRST社 model/vrml
Margin Model-View-Controller
margin model 5160
MariaDB modeless dialog
MariaDB ColumnStore modeling machine
MARIMO Model Number
mark Model Specific Register
Markdown Model View Controller
Markdown syntax MODEM
Markdown記法 modem
Markdown文書 Modern
market-place modernization
Market Basket Analysis modernize
market basket analysis modern project management

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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market challenger strategy Modern UI
market follower strategy MODification
Marketing modification
marketing Modification Chip
Marketing Automation Modified
Marketing Research Online Community Modified,Exclusive,Shared,Invalid
market leader strategy Modified,Own,Exclusive,Shared,Invalid
market nicher strategy modified,own,exclusive,shared,invalid
MarketOne Modified,Owned,Exclusive,Shared,Invalid
Market Place modified,owned,exclusive,shared,invalid
Marketplace modified-HPSK拡散変調方式
marketplace Modified DCT
market share Modified Discrete Cosine Transform
marking up modified discrete cosine transform
Markov chain Modified Exclusive Shared and Invalid
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods modified exclusive shared and invalid
Mark Spencer Modified FM
mark up Modified Frequency Modulated
markup Modified Frequency Modulation
Markup Language Modified Huffman/Modified READ
markup language Modified Huffman coding
Mark Zuckerberg Modified Huffman data compression method
Marquee Style Modified Modified Read System
MARS-1 Modified READ
MARS-101 Modified UTF-7
MARS-105 modifier key
Marshmallow modify
Martin E.Hellman MO drive
Martin Fowler MODSR-ARQ
Martin Odersky MoDT
Martin Prikryl MODULA
Martin Renold Modula
Martin Richards MODULA-2
Maruo editor Modula-2
Marvell Modula-3
MAS modular
Mashup modular architecture
mash up modular jack
mashup Modular Windows
Mask Modulation
mask modulator/demodulator
maskable interrupt Module
masked ROM module
Masking Pattern Adapted Universal Subband Integrated Coding And Multiplexing module coupling
Mask ROM module strength
MASM Modulo Operation using Data field Selective Repeat-Automatic Repeat reQuest
Massachusettes Institute of Technology Modulo Operation using Data field SR-ARQ
Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System MODチップ
Massachusetts general hospital Utility Multi-Programming System MOESI
Massage Store Mogel-Dellinger-Effekt
mass communication moggy
MassiGra MOHAYA リーダー
Massive MOHO Debut
Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooting Mojibake
Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game mol
Massively Parallel Processor MOLAP
Massive MIMO Molded Case Circuit Breaker
Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
Massive Open Online Course Molybdenum
Massive Open Online Courses MOM
Massive Parallel Processing moment
Massive Parallel Processor Moment Diary
mass media momentum
mass storage momentum scrolling
Mast Monacoin
Master MonetDB
master monetize
master-slave Money通帳
Master's ONE MongoDB
Master'sONE monitor
Master Boot Record monitoring
MasterCard Monkey's Audio
master data monkey test
Master Data Management Monky Typing
Master File Table Mono
Master PC Cleaner Mono and color binary screen image
master slave connection monochrome
match Monochrome Display Adapter
matching MonoDevelop
Match Move monopoly
MATE monospaced font
Matei Zaharia Monotone

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
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Material MonsterX3A
material Montage
Materialized View Montara
materialized view Monte Carlo method
material recycling Monte Carlo simulation
Material Requirements Planning Montecito
material requirements planning Monterix Software LLC
Math Monthly
Mathcad Monthly Active Users
Mathcad PLUS 6.0 monthly build
Mathematica monthly patch
Mathematical Markup Language Montvale
MathML Monty Program Ab社
Matrix MOOC Revolution
matrix MOOCs
matrix authentication MOOCs革命
matrix organization MOOC革命
MATRIX Powerwatch MOOD
Matroska Moonlight
Matroska Audio Moonshine
Matroska Video Moore's Law
Matroska Video File Moore's law
Matroska形式 Moorefield
Matt Mackall Moorestown
Matt Mullenweg MooTools
mature Moozone
mature system mopera位置情報サービス
Maturity Moplus
Matz' Ruby Implementation MORE
Mauchly morningly build
Maurice Karnaugh Morph
MAU数 Morphological
MAU率 Morphological Analysis
Maven morphological analysis
maven MOS
Mavericks MOSAIC
Max-Min公平性 Mosaic
Max Driver Updater Mosaic Communications Corporation
MAXELL Mosaic Netscape
maxell Moscovium
Maxi Code MOS FET
Maximum Assured Power 28W MOSFET
Maximum Assured Power 35W MOSFETスケーリング
maximum demand power mosquito noise
Maximum Demand Wattmeter MOSS
Maximum Segment Size most Fax programs
Maximum Transmission Unit Mostly
Maximum Turbo Power 55W Most Recently Used
Maximum Turbo Power 64W most recently used
MAXI SINGLE Most Significant Bit
maxi single most significant bit
MAXLINK Most Significant Byte
MAXLINK for Windows Most Valuable Professional
Maxplus MOT
Maxtor MOT/Phone
Maxtor Corporation Mother Board
Maxtor Power Max Motherboard
Maxtor社 mother board
Max Utilities Pro motherboard
MaxUtilitiesPro Motif
Maxwell Motion-JPEG
Maxwellアーキテクチャ Motion-JPEG 2000
mazec Motion Adaptive Color Plus
mazec3 motion adaptive color plus
MA過程 MotionBuilder
MAモデル Motion Compensation
MB Motion Designer
Mb Motion Estimation
MB/s Motion Jerkiness
MBB Motion JPEG 2000
mbed Motion JPEGコーデック
Mbit Motion JPEGデコーダ
MBO Motion Pictures Experts Group
MBOA Motion Sickness
Mbps Motion Vector

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MBRルートキット Moto 360
MBytes Motor-generator
MB単価 Motor Generator
MC Motor generator
Mc Motorola
MC/s Motorola 68000 series
MC-CDMA Motorola MC68000 series
MC-K1 Motorola社
MC-MK11 mount
MC-MK12 Mountain Lion
MC-P1 Mounting Interface Standard-D
MC12015 MOUS
MC12016 Mouse
MC12017 mouse
MC12026ADG MouseComputer Co.,Ltd.
MC12026ADR2G mouse cursor
MC68000 mouse driver
MCA Mouse gesture
MCAD mouse gesture
McAfee mouse hover
McAfee, Inc mouse mat
McAfee, LLC mouse over
McAfee Application Control mouse pad
McAfee Application Control 8.2.0 mousepad
McAfee Associates mouse pointer
McAfee Deep Defender mouse potato
McAfee Deep Defender v1.6 mouse potatoes
McAfee DeepSAFE mouse sensitivity
McAfee Deep Safe Technology MOV
McAfee DeepSAFE技術 mov
McAfee OnlineBackup mova
MCAアプリケーション Movable Type
MCAセキュリティ Movavi Video Editor
MCAデータベース Movavi Video Editor Plus
MCAプラットフォーム Moved Permanently
MCA方式 Moved Temporarily
MCAマスター MOV format
MCA無線 Movie Edit Pro
MCB Movie Edit Pro Plus
MCB-17 Movie Edit Pro Plus
MCB-18 Movie Pro MX3
MCC Movie Studio
MCCB MovieStudio
MCD Movie Studio 17
mcd moving-coil
MCDBA Moving Average
MCDST moving coil
MCE Moving Node
MCF Moving Picture Experts Group 1 Audio
MCFC Moving Picture Experts Group phase 1
MCGA Moving Picture Experts Group phase 2
MCH Moving Picture Response Time
MCI Moving Pictures Experts Group
MCI Device MOV形式
MCI Mail Mozilla
MCIS Mozilla.org
MCIS 2.5 Mozilla 0.7ベース
MCIデバイス Mozilla 0.9.x
McKendric Mozilla Application Suite
McKinley Mozilla Classic
MCM Mozilla Firefox
MCMC Mozilla Firefox 1.0.5
MCM実装 Mozilla Firefox 2.0
MCM方式 Mozilla Foundation
MCN Mozilla Milestone 18
MCP Mozilla SeaMonkey
MCSA Mozilla Thunderbird
MCSD Mozilla Ver.1.0
MCSE mozouhin
MCT MozTorrent
MCU Mozy
MCX MOドライブ
MCリテールエナジー株式会社 MP
Md MP+
md MP-1000J
MD-2000 MP-MLQ

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 11 >
MD1 mp1
MD4 mp2
MD5チェックサム mp3
MDA MP3 player
MDB MP3 ダウンロード
mdb MP3ファイル
MDB file MP3フォーマット
MDBファイル MP3プレーヤー
MDCT mp4
MDF MP4 Video file
MDF connection MP4形式
MDF接続 MP4対応iモーション
MDGs MP4ビデオ・ファイル
MDI MP4フォーマット
MDI-X MP4プレーヤー
MDI Crossover MPA
MDIM Mpact
MDK ボットネット Mpactmedia processor
M dot 2 MPC Cleaner
M dot Two MPCIe
MDTM MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer-3
MDW MPEG-1 Audio
MD形式 MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3
MDデータ MPEG-1 Audio レイヤーI
MDバスマスタ方式 MPEG-1 Audio レイヤーII
MDフォーマット MPEG-1 Audio レイヤーIII
ME MPEG-1オーディオ
Mean MPEG-1レイヤーI
Mean line MPEG-1レイヤーII
Mean Time Before Failures MPEG-1レイヤーIII
Mean Time Between Failure MPEG-2
Mean Time Between Failures MPEG-2.5 Audio Layer-3
mean time between stops MPEG-21
Mean Time To Failure MPEG-2 AAC
Mean Time To Failures MPEG-2 Audio AAC
Mean Time To Repair MPEG-2 Program Stream
mean time to repair MPEG-2 PS
measured MPEG-2 Systems
measured rate MPEG-2 Transport Stream
mebi byte MPEG-2オーディオ
mebibyte MPEG-2動画
MeCab MPEG-2トランスポートストリーム
mechanical mouse MPEG-2ビデオ
Medfild MPEG-2プログラムストリーム
Media MPEG-4
media MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding
media-independent interface MPEG-4 Audio Book for Adobe Flash Player
Media Access Control MPEG-4 Audio for Adobe Flash Player
Media Access Control address MPEG-4 AVC
Media Access Unit MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
Media and Communications Processor MPEG-4 Hight-Efficiency AAC
Media Attachment Unit MPEG-4 Industry Forum
Media Bus MPEG-4 Part 10:AVC
Media Center eXtender MPEG-4 Part 10 Advanced Video Coding
Media Composer First MPEG-4 Part 14
media content MPEG-4オーディオ
Media Control Interface MPEG-4形式
Media Encoder CS6 MPEG-7
Media EXchange Service MPEG1 Audio Layer 3
Media Forward Link Only MPEG2 Program Stream
Media Go MPEG2 PS
Media Independent Interface MPEG2 TS
Media Interface Connector MPEG4
Media Key Block MPEG4 file format
media literacy MPEG4業界団体
MediaMonkey MPEG Audio Layer-3
Media Player Classic MPEG Glossary

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 12 >
Media Player Classic - Home Cinema MPEGオーディオ
MediaProcessor MPEGビデオ電子透かし技術
Mediator mPGA478
Mediator Pattern mPGA478A
Mediator パターン mPGA478B
Media Transfer Protocol mPGA478C
media transfer protocol mPGA479M
Media Transport Protocol mPGAパッケージ
media transport protocol MPI
Medical MPIIX
Medium MPlayer OS X
Medium-dependent interface MPLS
Medium Dependent Interface MPLS対応ルータ
Medium Dependent Interface Crossover MPLSラベル
Medium Earth Orbit Satelite MPmark
medium earth orbit satelite MPN
Medium Frequency MP Navigator EX
Medium Scale Integrated Circuit MPOA
medium scale integrated circuit MPP
Medium Scale Integration MPP方式
Medium Wave MPR
Mediumwave MPRT
Meeting MPSC
mega MPUコア
mega-binary byte MPV
megabit MP接続
Megabit per second MQ
megabit per second MQA Deblur Filtering Broadcast
Mega bits MQAデブラー放送
Mega Byte MR
Megabyte Mr.コンセント
megabyte MR-CT
megabyte per second MR-IOV
Mega Bytes MRAM
Megabytes MR BIOS
MegaFlops MRCI
megaherts MRDB
MegaHertz MREAL
Megarify Software MRH
Mega tera Floating point number Operations Per Second MRH-R
Megpoid V3 MRH-S
Meitnerium MRI
Melamine Formaldehyde Resin MRI検査
Melamine Resin MRO
melco MROC
Melissa mruby
Mell-1-0.12B Mrコンセント
membase MRセンサー
member MR符号
member function MRヘッド
member variable MR方式
Memcachedb MS
memcheck MS-1022
Memento MS-1032
Memento Pattern MS-1058
Memento パターン MS-Blaster
MemoQ MS-C
Memory MS-CBCP
memory MS-CBCP方式
Memory Acceleration Mode MS-Chart
Memory Address MS-DOS
Memory Address Buffer MS-DOS/V
memory address buffer MS-DOS 1.25
Memory Address register MS-DOS 2.0
memory allocation MS-DOS 3.0
Memory Based Reasoning MS-DOS 5
memory board MS-DOS 5.0
memory bus width MS-DOS 6.0
memory card adapter MS-DOS 6.2
memory card reader MS-DOS 7.0
memory card reader writer MS-DOS 7.1
Memory Compaction MS-DOS 8.0
Memory Control Block MS-DOS Kermit
Memory controller MS-DOS ROMバージョン3.22

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 13 >
Memory Controller Hub MS-DOS Ver.5.0
Memory Data Buffer MS-DOS Ver 5.0/V
memory data buffer MS-DOS Ver 6.2/V
memory dump MS-DOS Version 5
Memory Expansion Technology MS-DOSエミュレータ
Memory eXpansion Technology MS-DOS拡張プログラム
memory expansion technology MS-DOS互換OS
memory interleaving MS-DOS互換環境
memory management MS-DOSの環境変数
Memory Management Unit MS-DOSのシステム・ファイル
memory management unit MS-DOSプロンプト
memory map MS-Excel
Memory Mapped I/O MS-Exchange
memory mapped I/O MS-IME
Memory Module MS-Multiplan
memory module MS-PEAP
memory overlay MS-SSTP
Memory Repeater Hub MS-WINDOWS
Memory Repeater Hub for RDRAM MS-Windows
Memory Repeater Hub for SDRAM MS-Word
Memory Stick Micro MS-WORKS
memory swap MS-Works
memory swapping MS01-033
memory switch MS03-001
Memory Technology Driver MS03-007
Memory Translator Hub MS03-026
memory wait MS08-067
Memphis MS08-067 Server サービス
MEMS MS10-015
Memsource MS17-010
Mendelevium MSAA
Mendocino mSATA
Meng Wong MSAU
Menlow MS Audio
menu msb
MENUED msblast.exe
MenuetOS MSByte
Menu key MSC
MEO MSC.Nastran
Merced MSCDEX.EXE /D:CD001 /L:M
Merchandise MSCF
Merchant Center MSConfig
Mercurial msconfig
mercurial msconfig.exe
Mercury MSCS
merge MSD
merged-transistor logic MSDE
Merger MSDN
Merger & Acquisition MSDN Online
merger & acquisition MSDOS.SYS
Mergers and Acquisitions MSDOS.SYSのバックアップ・ファイル
merge sorting MSDT
Meridian Audio, Ltd. M series recommendations
Meridian Lossless Packing MS Exchange Server
Merlin MSFC
Merom MSG
Merom-1M MSI
Merom-2M msi
Merrifield MSIE
MES MSIL/Filecoder.AR
Mesa LLVMpipe MSI形式
Mesa Softpipe MSIファイル
Mesa swrast MSIフォーマット
MES FET MSIマザーボード省電力機能
Mesh MSK
mesh.ad.jp MSKernel32.vbs
Message msn
message MSN デスクトップサーチ
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems MS Office
Message Access Profile MS Office2003
message application programming interface MS Office2007
Message Area MS Outlook Bar Shortcuts
message area MSP
Message Authentication Code msp

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 14 >
Message coupling MS Publisher
message digest MS Publisher Document
Message Digest 5 MSR
Message Digest algorithm 5 MSS
Message from RNP0026738E40D2 MSSC
Message handling services: Electronic Data Interchange messaging service MSU
Message Handling System MS Works
Message Handling System and Service Overview MS Works Communications File
Message Oriented Middleware MS Works Dababase File
message oriented middleware MSX
MessagePad MSX-BASIC
Message Passing Interface MSX2
message queueing MSX2+
Message Security Protocol MSXML
message security protocol MSX turbo R
Message Transfer Agent MSXturboR
message transfer agent MSアカウント
Message User Agent MSオフィス
Messaging API MSオフィス2003
Messaging Application Programming Interface MSオフィス2007
Messe MS漢字コード
Messenger MSステレオ
Meta MSチャート
meta MSドス
meta.xml MSブラスター
meta-inf/manifest.xml MSブラスト
MetaArc MS明朝
meta description MSワークス
meta descriptionタグ MT
Metafile Mt
MetaFrame MT-3000
MetaFrame Presentation Server MTA
MetaFrameサーバ MTBF
Metakit MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR)
metal MTBS
Metal-Oxide Semiconductor MTC
Metal Gate MTC40001
Metal In Gap MTD
metal in gap MTF
Metal In Metal liquid crystal MTH
Metal Insulator Metal MTI
Metal Insulator Metal Diode Liquid Crystal MTJ
Metal Insulator Metal Liquid Crystal MTJ素子
Metal Insulator Metal液晶 MTL
Metal Oxide Semiconductor MTMCDAI.SYS
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor M to M
metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor MTP
Metal Oxide Varister MTR
Metal Semiconductor FET M TRON
metal semiconductor FET MTRON
Meta Platforms, Inc. MTS
metasyntactic variable mts
Metaverse MTS形式
metaタグ MTTF
Meteorological MTTR
meter MTU
metering Mturk
Method MTUサイズ
method MU-MIMO
method and system for anticipatory package shipping MU-PA500B/IT
Method Not Allowed MU-PS1T0B/IT
method of divided differences MU-PT500B/IT
methodology MUA
Methodology for Object Oriented Desigh MUGI
METI Multi
metric coarse screw threads multi
metric fine screw threads multi-account
metric screw threads Multi-Agent
metric threads Multi-Agent System
Metro Multi-Band OFDM Alliance
Metropolitan Area Network multi-boot
metropolitan area network multi-branch tree
Metro UI multi-browser
MEX multi-byte character
MEXT multi-career
MF Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access
MFC Multi-Channel Access
MFC4.0 Multi-channel network
mFCPGA Multi-chassis Link Aggregation
MFD Multi-Chip Module
MFLOPS multi-chip module
MFM Multi-Chip Module方式

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 15 >
MFP Multi-Color Graphics Array
MFT multi-core optical fiber
MFT.EXE multi-core processor
MFT領域 multi-device
MG Multi-dimensional On-line Analytical Processing
Mg Multi-dimensional Online Analytical Processing
MGCP multi-dimensional online analytical processing
MGメモリースティック multi-display
MH Multi-domain Vertical Alignment
MH/MR Multi-domain Vertical Alinment
mH0+nB+D multi-drive
MHEG multi-homing
MHEG-5 - Support for base-level interactive applications Multi-image Network Graphics
MHL Multi-Input Multi-Output
MHL 1.0 multi-layer switch
MHL 2.0 Multi-Level Cell
MHL 3.0 multi-licensing
MHL Alternative Mode Multi-Line Addressing
MHL接続 Multi-Link Interface Driver
MHN multi-link protocol
mho Multi-Media Extensions
MHS multi-media Messaging Service
MHz multi-modal biometrics
MH符号 multi-mode optical fiber
MI multi-monitor
MI7 Japan Multi-National Language Supplement
MIA multi-part
MIB Multi-Pass Encoding
MiB Multi-pass encoding
MIB-II Multi-Payment Network
MIB1 multi-platform
MIB2 Multi-Port Memories
MIBデータベース multi-port memory
MIB番号 Multi-Proccessor Specification
MIC multi-process
Mic Multi-Profile Specification
Michael A. Jackson multi-programming
Michael Dell Multi-Programming Monitor
Michael Monty Widenius multi-programming monitor
miChecker Multi-Protocol Over ATM
MIC plug Multi-protocol Serial Controllers
MICR Multi-root IOV
MIC receptacle Multi-Root デバイス共有規格
Micro multi-scan display
micro multi-sourcing
Micro-A Multi-Status
Micro-architecture Multi-step index型
micro-architecture multi-tap
Micro-ATX multi-tenant
micro-ATX multi-thread
Micro-B Multi-Threaded I/O Link
Micro-BTX multi-touch
Micro-Control Unit multi-touch display
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems multi-touch Interface
Micro-FCBGA multi-touch panel
Micro-HDMI multi-touch screen
micro-influencer multi-touch trackpad
micro-kernel multi-user
Micro-Processing Unit multi-user MIMO
micro-SIM multi-user system
Micro-Star International multi-vender
Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. Multi-Vender Integration Protocol
微星科技股份有限公司 multi-vender integration protocol
micro-to-mainframe link multi-vendor
micro-to-mainframe links Multi-Vendor Support
Micro-USB multi-window
Micro-USB 2.0 multi-zone metering
Micro-USB 3.0 MULTI2
Micro Architecture MULTI2暗号
Microarchitecture multi account
microarchitecture multiaccount
Microarray multi angle
MicroATX Multiband-OFDM
microATX MultiBand OFDM Alliance
MicroATX規格 Multibank DRAM
MicroATX仕様 multi boot
Micro ATXタワー Multibyte Character Set
Micro ATXタワーPCケース MultiCarrier
micro au ICカード multicarrier
micro Balanced Technology Extended multicast
MicroBook Power Multicast Address
MicroBTX multicast address
microBTX Multicast Listener Discovery

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 16 >
MICRO CADAM multichannel call center
Micro CADAM multichannel contact center
microcell Multi Cloud
Micro Channel multicloud
Micro Channel Architecture Multi Cloud service
Microchemistry Multi Color Graphics Array
micro chemistry multicopter
microchip Multi Core
Microchip Technology Inc. Multi Core CPU
Micro Code Multics
MicroCode Multi Device
micro code multidevice
microcode multidimensional array
Microcom multi display
microcommerce Multi Document Interface
Microcom Networking Protocol multi domain
Microcom Network Protocol multifont
microcomputer MultiFunctional Printer
Microcomputer Application Systems Design Engineer Examination MultiFunction Peripheral
microcontents MultiFunction Printer
Microcontroller multihome
microcontroller multihoming
Microcontroller Unit multi host
microcontroller unit multilayer printed circuit board
Micro Conversions multi layer switch
micro conversions Multi Level Cell
MicroDIMM MultiLevel Cell
Micro DOSヘッド multi level cell
Microdrive Multilevel Incremental Backup
Micro Dry Process multilicense
Micro ECチップ Multi Line Addressing
Micro Electro Mechanical System Multi Line Selection
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems multilingual domain name
microelectromechanics multilink
Micro Energy Controller Multilink Point to Point Protocol
Micro Floppy Disk Multilink PPP
Micro Focus社 multilink PPP
microformats Multilink Protocol
Microformats Wiki multilink protocol
Micro Four Thirds multimedia
Micro Four Thirds System Multimedia and Hypermedia Expert Group
micro funding multimedia and hypermedia expert group
Micrografx Designer 6.0 Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Experts Group
Micrografx PicturePublisher 6.0 multimedia authoring tool
Micro Hard Drive Multi Media Card
Micro HDMI MultiMedia Card
Micro HDMIコネクタ MultiMediaCard
Microid Reserch MultiMediaCard Association
Micro Industrial TRON Multi Media Card micro
micro ITRON Multimedia CD
microJAVA Multimedia Commands
microkernel multimedia commands
micromachine MultiMedia Compact Disc
Micro machine technology Multimedia Content Description Interface
micromachining Multimedia Control Interface
Micromechatronics Multi Media Extension
micromechatronics Multi Media eXtension
Micron MultiMedia eXtension
Micron Memory Japan, G.K. multi media extension
Micron Memory Japan, Inc. MultiMedia eXtensions
Micron Technology Multimedia Extensions
Micron Technology, Inc. Multimedia Handling Node
Micro OPeration Multimedia Kiosk
micro patron Multimedia Messaging Service
micropayment Multimedia Mobile Access Communication Systems
MICrophone Multimedia PC
Microphone Multimedia PC Level 2
Micropolis Multimedia PC Level 3
Micropolis社 Multimedia PC Marketing Council
Micro Processing Unit Multimedia PC Marketing Council社
microprocessor Multimedia PC Specification
Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline-Stages Multimedia Personal Computer
Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages multimedia player for unix systems
micro ribbon connector Multimedia Presentation Manager/2
Micro SATA multimedia presentation manager/2
microSD Multi Media Processor
microSDHC MultiMedia Video File
microSDHCメモリーカード multimodal
microSD memory card multimodal biometric authentification
microSDXC multimodal biometrics
microSDXCメモリーカード multimodal biometrics authentication
microSDカード Multimodal Interface
microSDメモリーカード multimodal interface

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 17 >
microsecond Multi Mode Fiber
microsegmentation Multi Mode Optical Fiber
MicroSIM Multi mode optical fiber
micro SIM multi monitor
microSIM Multi National Language Support
MicroSIMカード multi national language support
microSIMカード multi pass encoding
Microsoft multipath
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll multipath propagation
Microsoft .NET Multi Payment Network
Microsoft .NET Alerts Multiplan
Microsoft .NET Framework Multiple-image Network Graphics
Microsoft .NET環境 multiple-input and multiple-output
Microsoft.NET関連用語集 Multiple-Instruction Single Data
Microsoft's WinHEC multiple-link interface driver
Microsoft Access Multiple Access
Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime Multiple Analogue Component
Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime multiple analogue component
Microsoft Access 2016 Runtime Multiple Application Observer for Install eXecution
Microsoft Access for Windows95 Multiple Asynchronously Communicating Hosts
Microsoft Accessデータベース・ファイル Multiple Byte Character Set
Microsoft Active Directory Multiple Choices
Microsoft Active Server Pages multiple cloud
Microsoft ActiveSync multiple condition coverage
Microsoft Advanced Data Connector Multiple core
Microsoft AntiSpyware Multiple core CPU
Microsoft Arc Keyboard multiple desktop
Microsoft Arc Keyboard Black multiple devices
Microsoft Arc Keyboard White Multiple Document Interface
Microsoft Authenticode multiple hosts
Microsoft Azure multiple inheritance
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Multiple Input Multiple Output
Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server multiple input multiple output
Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server Version 4.0 Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data
Microsoft Backup File Multiple Instruction stream, Single Data stream
Microsoft BASIC Multiple Instruction Stream Multiple Data Stream
Microsoft BizTalk Server Multiple Instruction stream Multiple Data stream
Microsoft C multiple instruction stream multiple data stream
Microsoft C Compiler Multiple Level Cell
Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions Multiple Link Interface Driver
Microsoft Certified Application Developer multiple platform
Microsoft Certified Assistant multiple port
Microsoft Certified Database Administrator multiple posting
Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician Multiple Program Multiple Data
Microsoft Certified Professional multiple scan display
Microsoft Certified Professional Solution Developer Multiple Scanning
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator multiple session
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer multiple SSID
Microsoft Certified Trainer Multiple Sub-Nyquist-Sampling Encoding system
Microsoft CHART Multiple Sub-Nyquist Sample Encoding
Microsoft Chart Multiple Sub-Nyquist Sampling Encoding
MicroSoft Cluster Server Multiple Top-level Interface
Microsoft Cluster Server multiple user
Microsoft Cluster Servic Multiple Virtual DOS Machine
Microsoft Cluster Service Multiple Virtual Storage
Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard 3000 3TJ-00030 Multiple Virtual Storage Enterprise Systems Architecture
Microsoft Commercial Internet System Multiple VLAN
Microsoft Commercial Internet System version 1.0 multiple VLAN
Microsoft Commercial Internet System バージョン 2.0 multiplexer
Microsoft Commercial Internet System バージョン 2.5 Multiplexing
MicroSoft Compact Disc EXtensions multiplexing
Microsoft Compact Disc Extensions Multiplier
MicroSoft corporation multiplier
Microsoft corporation Multiply
Microsoft CScript multiply
Microsoft C ver 5.0 multiply-accumulate
Microsoft C ver 6.0 multiply-add
Microsoft Data Access Components Multiply and Accumulation
Microsoft Database Access Components Multipoint Connection Unit
MicroSoft Data Engine multipoint connection unit
Microsoft Data Engine MultiPointer64
Microsoft Defender multiport DRAM
Microsoft Developer Network multiport memory
MicroSoft Developers Network Multi Port RAM
Microsoft Developers Network MultiProccessor Specification
Microsoft Diagnostics multiproccessor specification
Microsoft DirectCompute MultiProcessing
Microsoft Directory Service Manager for NetWare multi processing
MicroSoft Disk Operating System Multi Processor
Microsoft DNS Server MultiProcessor
Microsoft DoubleSpace System multi processor
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online multiprocessor

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 18 >
Microsoft Dynamics XRM Multiprocessor Interrrupt Controller
Microsoft Edge multiprocessor interrrupt controller
Microsoft EFS multiprocessor system
Microsoft Entourage Multi Profile Specification
Microsoft Entra ID Multiprotocol Label Switching
Microsoft Entra ID Free multiprotocol over ATM
Microsoft Entra ID P1 MultiProtocol Router
Microsoft Entra ID P2 multi protocol router
MicroSoft eX Multi Protocol Routing
Microsoft eX multiprotocol serial communication controller
Microsoft Excel Multi Protocol Serial Controller
Microsoft Excel 2003 Multi Pulse - Maximum Likelihood Quantizer
Microsoft Excel 95 Multi Pulse Excitation with Long-Term Predictor
Microsoft Exchange multi pulse excitation with long-term predictor
Microsoft Exchange Online Multi Pulse Maximum Likelifood Quantization excitation
Microsoft Exchange Server multi pulse maximum likelifood quantization excitation
Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Multipurpose Internet Massage Extension
Microsoft Exchange Server Version 5.5 MultiSampling Anti-Aliasing
Microsoft Exploitability Index multiscan display
Microsoft Expression Web multiscan monitor
Microsoft Failover Cluster multiscanning display
Microsoft Foundation Class multi session
Microsoft Foundation Class Library multisession
Microsoft FrontPage Multi Size Dot Technology
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Multisourcing
Microsoft FrontPage 2002 MultiSSID
Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Multistation Access Unit
Microsoft FrontPage 97 MultiSync
Microsoft Gadgets Multi System Control Facility
Microsoft HoloLens multi system control facility
Microsoft Hyper-V Server Multi Task
Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 multitask
Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 multitasking
Microsoft Hyperlapse Pro multitenancy
Microsoft ICM multithread
Microsoft IME multi threading
Microsoft IME2 multithreading
Microsoft IME 2000 multitier
Microsoft IME 2002 Multi Track Recorder
Microsoft IME 2003 multitrack recorder
Microsoft IME 2012 multiuser
Microsoft IME 95 multivender
Microsoft IME 97 Multivendor
Microsoft IME 98 multivendor
Microsoft IME Version 10.0 Multivendor Integrated Architecture
Microsoft IME Version 10.0.22621.608 Multivendor Integration Architecture
Microsoft IME Version 10.1 multivendor system
Microsoft IME Version 12.0 Multiview Video Coding
Microsoft IME Version 14.0 Multi Virtual DOS Machine
Microsoft IME Version 15.0 Multi Window
Microsoft IME Version 4.0 multi window
Microsoft IME Version 5.0 Multi Zone Error Rate
Microsoft IME Version 6.0 multizone metering
Microsoft IME Version 7.0.0 Multum In Parvo MAP
Microsoft IME Version 8.1 Multum In Parvo MAPing
Microsoft IME Version 9.0 MUMPS
Microsoft Input Method Editor MUNIN
Microsoft installation archive Munin
Microsoft IntelliMouse munin
Microsoft Intermediate Language Munin 2.0.34
Microsoft Internet Explorer Munin 2.99.3
Microsoft Internet Information Server MuRadiko
Microsoft Internet Mail MUSASINO-1
Microsoft Internet Security Framework MUSASINO-1B
Microsoft Intune MUSE
Microsoft JScript Muse
Microsoft KittyHawk MUSE方式
Microsoft LightSwitch Musical
Microsoft Live Messenger data file Musical Instrument Digital Interface
Microsoft Macro Assembler MUSICAM
Microsoft Management Console MusicBrainz
Microsoft Money Plus Sunset Deluxe Music Center
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Music center For PC
Microsoft Multimedia Extensions music Local Area Network
Microsoft Multiplan music local area network
Microsoft MVP Music Macro Language
Microsoft MVP アワード MusicPhoto/Video
Microsoft Narrator MusicPhotoVideo
Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 B2M-00028 music sequencer
Microsoft NetBEUI mutable
Microsoft NetMeeting mutable array

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 19 >
Microsoft Network Mutation
Microsoft Office Mutation Virus
Microsoft Office 2000 mutation virus
Microsoft Office 2003 MuTIOL
Microsoft Office 2007 MuTIOL 1G
Microsoft Office 2010 mutual authentication
Microsoft Office 2013 MUX
Microsoft Office 2016 mux
Microsoft Office 365 muxing
Microsoft Office 365 Solo MV
Microsoft Office 95 MV-40
Microsoft Office 97 MVA
Microsoft Office97 MVA方式
Microsoft Office97 Professional Edition for Windows MVC
Microsoft Office Access MVDISC
Microsoft Office InfoPath MVDM
Microsoft Office Live MVEX
Microsoft Office Live Communications Server MVIP
Microsoft Office Mobile MVNE
Microsoft Office Mobile for Windows10 MVNO
Microsoft Office OneNote MVNO型データ通信サービス
Microsoft Office Outlook MVNOに支援サービスを提供する事業者
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MVNOの支援事業者
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 MVP
Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 MVP Award
Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2007 MVS
Microsoft Office Project MVS/Enterprise Systems Architecture
Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server Edition MVS/ESA
Microsoft Office Project Professional Edition MVS/eXtended Architecture
Microsoft Office Project Server Edition MVS/XA
Microsoft Office Project Standard Edition MVT
Microsoft Office Project WebAccess Edition MW
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server MW632ST
Microsoft Office Specialist MW826ST
Microsoft Office User Specialist MWA
Microsoft Office Version 2002 MWave
Microsoft Office Visio MWB
Microsoft Office XP MWC
Microsoft Office形式 mwcollect
Microsoft Office互換 MWIPS
Microsoft Officeバインダー97 MXM
Microsoft Official Dealer MXMI
Microsoft OneDrive MXMII
Microsoft OneDrive for Business MXMIII
Microsoft OneNote MXML
Microsoft Online Services MXMカード
Microsoft Operations Manager MXO
Microsoft Outlook MX RR
Microsoft outlook MXT
Microsoft Outlook97 MXレコード
Microsoft Outlook98 My Apache - MySQL - PHP
Microsoft Outlook Express My Box
Microsoft Outlook for Mac My Computer
Microsoft Paint クローンソフト my computer
Microsoft Passport My Desktop
Microsoft Passport Network My Documents
Microsoft Peer Web Services MyDoom
Microsoft Personal Web Server My History
Microsoft PhotoEditor 3.0 My Image Garden
Microsoft PixelSense MyISBN
Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 my mixi
Microsoft PowerPint My Music
Microsoft PowerPoint MyNETS
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 MyNETS 1.2.0
Microsoft Product Activation MyNETS 2.0
Microsoft Product Activation for Windows MyPaint
Microsoft Professional Developers Conference MyPaint 2.0.1
Microsoft Project MyPC Backup
Microsoft Project Server 2002 My PC Mechanic
MicrosoftProjectServer 2002 My PC Repair 2018
Microsoft Publisher My Pictures
Microsoft Real-time Compression Interface mypop
Microsoft Remote Data Service Myron Krueger
Microsoft RLE MySpace
Microsoft Robotics Studio MySpace社
Microsoft ScanDisk MySQL
Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop AES L5V-00030 MySQL 3.23
Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard MySQL 4.0
Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard for Business USB Port 5KV-00006 MySQL 5.0
Microsoft Security Essentials MySQL 5.1
Microsoft Services for NDS MySQL 5.5
Microsoft Services Provider License Agreement MySQL 5.6
Microsoft SharePoint MySQL 5.7

 ICT用語一覧 【 M 】 
< 20 >
Microsoft SharePoint Designer MySQL 5.7.14
Microsoft SharePoint Online MySQL 5.7.32
Microsoft SharePoint Team Services MySQL 8.0
Microsoft Silverlight MySQL 8.0.22
Microsoft SkyDrive MySQL 8.0.26
Microsoft Small Business Server Version 4.0 MySQL AB社
Microsoft Speech Platform MySQL互換リレーショナルデータベース管理システム
Microsoft Speech Platform 11 My Structured Query Language
Microsoft SQL Azure My Sys Mechanic
Microsoft SQL Server My System Mechanic
Microsoft SQLserver MyTurboPC
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine MyTurboPC LLC
Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine My Yahoo!
Microsoft SSTP My日記
Microsoft SSTP VPN MZ-8000
Microsoft Store MZ-80K
Microsoft Surface MZK-DP150N
Microsoft Surface Laptop MZK-RP150N
Microsoft Surface Pro MZK-UE450AC
Microsoft Surface Pro3 M言語
Microsoft System Center Mシリーズ勧告
Microsoft System Configuration Utillity Mトロン
Microsoft Tape Format Mの幅
Microsoft TCP/IP Mバイト
Microsoft Team Foundation Server Mビット
Microsoft Transaction Server mラーニング
Microsoft TV IPTV Edition